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05-May 3, 2011
City of Auburn Planning Board
Tuesday, May 3, 2011, 6:30 pm, Memorial City Hall

Present: Frank Reginelli, Crystal Cosentino, Anne McCarthy, Sam Giangreco, Christopher DeProspero   

Absent: Anthony Bartolotta

Staff: Stephen Selvek, Planning and Community Development Program Manager; Andy Fusco, Corporation Counsel; Greg Gilfus, APD; Brian Hicks, Code Enforcement

Agenda Items: 201 North St., 174 York St.

The Chair calls the meeting to order. The Pledge of allegiance is recited.

Agenda Item 1: Minutes of April 5, 2011

There is not a quorum for the minutes. No vote taken. Item removed until the next meeting.

Agenda Item 2: 201 North Street . Application for Major Site Plan Review for the rehabilitation of an existing structure, to create seven residential apartments, and associated site improvements. Applicant: North Brook Farms, Inc.

Chair invites applicant or agent to speak.  

Grant Kyle – all changes requested have been made as requested by the City.

Chair – invites public to speak. None. Closes the public hearing and asks the Board for comments. None. Asks staff for comments.

Steve Selvek – project re-presented last month for final approval. Further information was needed and has been forthcoming since then. There are some contingencies per request of the Engineering department. Staff recommends approval of the site plan with the contingencies.

Chair asks for a motion to approve the site plan. So moved by Crystal Cosentino, seconded by Anne McCarthy. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 3: 174 York Street . Application for Major Site Plan Review for the construction of a 16,000 SF commercial facility, to house offices and a truck maintenance garage, and associated site improvements. Applicant: PBMM Enterprise, LLC.

Jason Kantak, TDK Engineering representing PBMM – discussed project with engineer of record for York St. and coordinated work with them. No conflicts with either plans. Also worked out storm water management/pollution prevention plan. Landscaping plan also presented. Distributes new plan. Site configuration consistent with surrounding properties. A recently discovered item is that the property to the west, Wolf radio tower, has underground radial antennae that extend onto the subject property in the area of the storm water management. We are working with Wolf radio to resolve this as there is apparently an easement concerning these antennae.       

Chair – asks public for comments.

Unknown – concerned about radio antennae and possible building over same

John Breanick – has followed project. Ideal use for this area. Recommends Board approve of project.

Chair – closes public hearing and asks Board for comments.

Anne McCarthy –

Andy Fusco – didn’t quite understand Mr.    presentation.  We don’t appear to have the full plan before us.  Plan needs to be amended to show how the applicant will work with the pre-existing use on the site. There is also a letter from a Mrs. Leja expressing her concerns for the site. Compatibility between uses must be maintained.

Steve Selvek – concurs with Andy. DRC expressed concerns if there were any easements for the site. The surveyor’s original plan did not show any and we were ready to move forward with the project. Now there is possible conflict and more information needed. Would like to know from the applicant what their time table is for development.

Ben Vitale – timing is crucial. We are also just learning of this issue after an extensive review. We’ve not been able to find any evidence of easements.

Norm Chirco – there is an easement on file but the specifics are not clear. Not sure the easement doesn’t prohibit the building up of land. The easement allows the radio station to maintain the antennae. Situation is muddy at best.

Ben Vitale – Again, timing is crucial. We will work with the radio station however we can but we need to get the project up and running.

Steve Selvek – suggest a special meeting in two weeks.

Chris DeProspero makes a motion to table for two weeks, seconded by Frank Reginelli. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Frank Reginelli – questions letter from Mrs. Leja

Steve Selvek – the concerns expressed in this letter has been addressed in this site plan.  Lighting plan meets our requirements and also the wall-paks are dark sky compliant with down lighting only.  The building is oriented to the west.

Frank Reginelli – questions if fencing should be installed

Anne McCarthy – they are only asking for increased trees

Steve Selvek – the landscaping is adequate for the site. Fencing would need to be 6 – 8 feet high along York St. and that height is prohibited by Code.

Ben Vitale – AIDA meeting tomorrow reflective on this meeting in regards to SEQR. Would like that finalized.

Steve Selvek – we can move forward with that with the note that there are issues with the easements.  NYS DEC does not object with the Board being lead agency. No comments from AIDA were forthcoming.  Reviews short form EAF.  Staff recommends negative declaration.

Chair asks for a motion for a negative declaration on SEQR.

Anne McCarthy – questions implications of approval

Jenny Haines – AIDA is considering providing incentives in form of tax abatement and IDA uses SEQR for this.

Steve Selvek – this allows IDA to move forward with their consideration of the project, it does not allow moving forward of the project at this time.

Motion made by Crystal Cosentino, seconded by Anne McCarthy. All members except Chris DeProspero vote approval. Motion carried.

Special meeting will be held May 16, 2011 at 6:30 p.m.

Next regular meeting will be June 7, 2011 at 6:30 p.m.

Motion to adjourn made by Frank Reginelli, seconded by Anne McCarthy. All members vote approval. Meeting adjourned.