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02-February 1, 2011
City of Auburn Planning Board
Tuesday, February 1, 2011, 6:30 pm, Memorial City Hall

Present: Crystal Cosentino, Anthony Bartolotta , Anne McCarthy, Sam Giangreco  

Absent: Christopher DeProspero, Frank Reginelli, Allen Zentner

Staff: Stephen Selvek, Planning and Community Development Program Manager; Greg Gilfus, APD; Andy Fusco, Corporation Counsel

Chair - asks for a moment of silence in sympathy for Allen Zentner and family; extends well wishes for Jennifer Haines’ continued recovery; thank you to John Breanick for many years of service on the Board; welcome to Crystal Cosentino

Agenda Items: 72 & 76 State Street and 25 – 27 & 41 – 45 Water Street.; 297 Grant Avenue; 256-274 State Street

The Chair calls the meeting to order. The Pledge of allegiance is recited.

Agenda Item 1: No quorum for minutes of January 4, 2011 and item moved to next month’s meeting.

Agenda Item 2: Major Site Plan Review for the construction of a 71,000 SF hotel and conference center, including 92 guest rooms, restaurant, 270 seat conference center, parking, and site improvements located at 72 & 76 State Street and 25 – 27 & 41 – 45 Water Street. Applicant: Auburn Community Hotel, L.P.

Chair invites owner or agent to speak.

David Norcross, Pioneer Co. representing Auburn Community Hotel, Kirk Hackwelder, Carl Yahn & Associates

David Norcross – item reviewed last month and received preliminary approval. Some items have been reviewed for detail. Current plans reflect those changes.

Kirk Hackwelder –
  • Footings & porte cochere – lying over main sewer line. Adjusted size and layout of canopy.  Footings are now 10’ away. The drive aisle is now one-way.
  • Planting buffer at State St. – added planting to meet requirements in the R-O-W
  • Site lighting – there was a concern for spillage. Changed photometrics to have shielding and prevent spillage from the back. Lights are dark sky compliant.
  • Crosswalk – curb cuts added across the street.
David Norcross – the last change is adjustment to the sign package. The original was for 825 SF of signs and that has been reduced to below the allowable 680 SF. One building sign has been eliminated, the size of the monument sign has been reduced. Believes these changes are in compliance with all requirements.

The Chair asks the Board for comments. None
The Chair asks Staff for comments.

Stephen Selvek – the public hearing was held open until the last meeting. All issues have been addressed along with Board and DRC concerns. The applicant is aware that he is required to submit for a SPDS permit.  Notes from Engineering were to adjust the location of a catch basin on the north side of the driveway. The City intends to abandon an existing storm sewer at Water St. A Negative Declaration for SEQR has already been issued. Staff recommends approval of the current site plan as presented.

Chair asks for a motion approving the site plan. So moved by Anne McCarthy, seconded by Crystal Cosentino.  All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 3: Major Site Plan Review and Minor Subdivision Review for the construction of a 2800 SF AmeriCu credit union including drive-thru teller lanes, drive-thru ATM, and associated site improvements at 297 Grant Avenue. Applicant: Dix Properties Inc.

Chair invites owner or agent to speak.  

Devon DelPas, Dick’s Properties – first there is a subdivision of 1.36 acres from the 18+ acres owned by Wal-Mart with the parcel being located at the front of the property along Grant Ave for the purpose of building a Credit Union, one-story building. There will be no additional accesses from Grant Ave or Lowe’s

Ed Kepplinger – Will be using the Wal-Mart/Lowe’s entrance from Grant Ave then the entrance down into Wal-Mart. There will be 2 drive-thru lanes, 1 ATM and 1 bypass lane. 5 employee parking spaces. 18 parking spaces for customers. Sheet drainage into swales, infiltration basin connects to Wal-Mart storm sewers. Basic utilities.

Jim Hagan, J.S. Hagan Architects – describes building materials

Stephen Selvek – asks Chair to open public hearing for the subdivision and publice to be heard for the site plan at the same time.

Chair asks the public for any comments. None. Closes the public hearing/public to be heard and asks the Board for comments.

Anthony Bartolotta – questions signage.

Devon DelPas – only one sign on the building and some directional signs. Access to staff parking will be limited to staff and a card will be required for access.

Anne McCarthy – questions distance from proposed access back to Lowe’s/Wal-Mart intersection.

Ed Kepplinger – 100’

Sam Giangreco – questions lighting

Ed Kepplinger – we will be submitting a plan

Crystal Cosentino – questions traffic concerns

Devon DelPas – traffic will be at a low speed at this point. There are no concerns with stacking.

Jim Hagan – AmeriCU is already in the community and felt a need to expand.

Chair asks for staff comments.

Stephen Selvek – a lighting plan has just been received and will be included for review next month. Thanks the landscape architect for a well-developed plan.  Other issues included vehicular access especially for emergency vehicles. Revised plans have addressed this. Storm water management area has been revised. Entire development is included on the proposed parcel.  Re: traffic – this site had received prior approval for a gas station. This proposed use will be less traffic turnover and less access as previously approved.  APD has no issues.  This is a Type II action under SEQR but tied to a Subdivision, an unlisted action. DEC is also an involved agency so there is a resolution to declare this Board as lead agency.

Chair asks for a motion to declare Auburn Planning Board as lead agency in SEQR. So moved by Anthony Bartolotta, seconded by Crystal Cosentino. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Chair asks for a motion to table Application until SEQR review is completed. So moved by Anne McCarthy, seconded by Anthony Bartolotta. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 4: Minor Subdivision Review of an existing parcel located at 256-274 State Street to create a 1-acre development lot. New to front on to Chase Street Ext. Applicant: David Steigerwald.

Sam Giacona, attorney – the plan is to subdivide once acre from the parcel fronting on State St. and Chase St. Ext and develop into a commercial use for equipment storage of a masonry business.

Chair asks for comments from the public. None. Chair closed the public hearing and asks for comments from the Board.

Anne McCarthy – questions is access is from Chase St. Ext.

Sam Giacona – yes, none from State St.

Chair asks for staff comments.

Stephen Selvek – there had been a previous concern with a sewer lateral that has been addressed and resolved. This in an unlisted action under SEQR.  Recommendation is for a negative declaration on SEQR and approval of the subdivision as presented.

Chair asks for a motion for a negative declaration on SEQR. So moved by Anne McCarthy, seconded by Crystal Cosentino. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Chair asks for a  motion to approve the subdivision. So moved by Anthony Bartolotta. Seconded by Anne McCarthy. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Other Matters

Acceptance of the City Council’s intent to act as Lead Agency, under SEQRA, for the environmental review of the CCC: Center for Performing Arts and Education Project, 1 – 7 State St.

Stephen Selvek – the project is being taken on by the County as well as the college. The city is taking on the demolition. City Council intends to be lead agency for SEQR. This is a 3-part project including demo of the Kalet’s building, transfer of the property to the County and building of the theatre by CCC. The project will come before the Board for site plan review at some point. Staff recommends allowing Council as lead agency.  Any comments will be relayed to Council.

Andy Fusco – this Board’s involvement will be in the construction of any new building only, not with the demolition of the current one.

Chair asks for a motion giving lead agency status to City Council. So moved by Anthony Bartolotta, seconded by Crystal Cosentino. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Next meeting is March 1, 2011  at 6:30 pm.

Motion to adjourn made by Crystal Cosentino, seconded by Anne McCarthy. Meeting adjourned.