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12- December 1, 2009
City of Auburn Planning Board
Tuesday, December 1, 2009 6:30 PM, Memorial City Hall

Present: Anne McCarthy, Allen Zentner, John Breanick, Frank Reginelli, Sam Giangreco  

Absent: Christopher DeProspero, Anthony Bartolotta

Staff:  Stephen Selvek, Sr. Planner; Andy Fusco, Corporation Counsel; Brian Hicks, Code Enforcement

Absent: Tom Weed, APD

The Chair calls the meeting to order.  The Pledge of Allegiance is recited and roll is called.

Agenda Item 1:  Minutes of October 6, 2009 and November 4, 2009
There is not a quorum to vote on the minutes and they are therefore tabled until the next meeting.

Agenda Item 2: Acceptance of the City Council request to act as Lead Agency under SEQRA for the City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan

Stephen Selvek – on October 19, 2009 City Council declared their intent to act as Lead Agency under SEQR for the Comprehensive Plan. The long form EAF has been circulated. Staff requests this Board to concur with the City Council’s request for Lead Agency as they are the body voting on acceptance of the Comprehensive Plan.

Anne McCarthy – questions whether 17 a & b is something to be concerned with or if it’s actually not applicable.

Stephen Selvek – the difficulty with SEQR is that it’s site specific and we are looking at a broader area for this project.  So this item is actually not applicable.

Sam Giangreco – asks for a motion to accept the resolution to make City Council lead agency. So moved by Allen Zentner, seconded by Anne McCarthy. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 3: Recommendation to City of Auburn City Council for approval of the City of Auburn Comprehensive Plan. Stephen Selvek, Senior Planner.

Stephen Selvek – One person spoke at the public hearing last month and was happy to see the focus on downtown. Comments made after the presentation at the end of October were taken into consideration. The advisory committee met again to make a few changes:

1) There are a number of non-substantial changes have been made throughout the plan that do not alter the intent of the plan. These were typically grammatical changes or rewording sentences so that it reads better. In a couple of places, a strategy was moved under another goal where it appeared to be more appropriate.
2) Strategy B5 was replaced. The original strategy “Develop specific plans to make brownfields economically productive land within the city” was replaced with “Identify important vacant and industrial sites around the city and encourage their reintegration into Auburn’s economy.” The new strategy incorporates the intent of the original, but also expands on it by including a detailed list of potential sites.
3) Add strategy: “Support the creation of a Finger Lakes Railway Passenger Station in Auburn.” This idea supports tourism efforts in the City and throughout the County. Additionally, it builds on existing railway infrastructure that connects Auburn to the region.
4) Add strategy: “Strategy B17 – Encourage the protection of historic signs.” This is in response to the community expressing its desire to see signs like the Genesee Beer sign maintained.
5) Add goal: “Goal 4: Encourage arts and culture as an integral part of Auburn’s economy” and strategy: “Strategy B21 – Support existing, as well as future, arts and cultural institutions and events.” This again acknowledges the importance of tourism in our region. Arts and cultural institutions are important to local economic development, particularly in a city that desires tourism to be an important component.
6) Add strategy: “Strategy S8 – Review progress on Comprehensive Plan implementation annually.” The Council, with the assistance of the Planning Board and Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee, should review the plan each year to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of our community.

Asks the Board for any comments and recommendation of approval of the Plan to City Council.

John Breanick – questions if funds are available for brownfield clean up.

Stephen Selvek – not at this time. This plan does address focus on brownfield sites and possibilities to apply for funding.

Anne McCarthy – questions strategy 17 and its specificity towards signs and whether it should be a broader definition to encompass structures also.

Stephen Selvek – section D7 gives recognition of the HRRB and historic structures.

Sam Giangreco – questions if specific buildings could be given help as landmarks/symbols of the City.

Stephen Selvek – we could rework the strategies for historic signs and address architectural symbols people view as landmarks of the City.

John Breanick – questions why the Red Diamond building was demolished.

Brian Hicks – it was structurally unstable.

Stephen Selvek – thanks Gilda Brower and Mike (The Citizen) as members of the advisory committee and present at the meeting tonight.

Sam Giangreco – asks for a motion to approve recommendation of the Plan to Council. So moved by John Breanick, seconded by Allen Zentner. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Other Matters

John Breanick – questions progress of John Walsh Blvd.

Stephen Selvek – it is in a holding pattern until Council recognizes it as a priority and purchase of required land is complete.  Still negotiating with DOT and the railroad concerning the North St. crossing.

Frank Reginelli – questions if OPED maintains contact with the County and School Board.

Stephen Selvek – we are not involved in how they maintain their properties but we do maintain contact with them as needed.

Next meeting will be Tuesday, January 5, 2010 at 6:30 p.m.  Motion for adjournment made by Anne McCarthy, seconded by Allen Zentner.  All members vote approval.  Meeting adjourned.   

Recorded by Alicia McKeen