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10-October 6, 2009
City of Auburn Planning Board
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 6:30 PM, Memorial City Hall

Present: Anthony Bartolotta, Frank Reginelli, Allen Zentner, Anne McCarthy, Sam Giangreco

Absent: John Breanick, Christopher DeProspero

Staff:  Stephen Selvek, Sr. Planner; Andy Fusco, Corporation Counsel; Brian Hicks, Code Enforcement

Absent: Tom Weed, APD

Agenda Items: 188 Grant Ave , 84 York St., 13 Arterial East

Items Passed: 188 Grant Ave , 84 York St., 13 Arterial East

The Chair calls the meeting to order.  The Pledge of Allegiance is recited and roll is called.

Agenda Item 1:  Minutes of August 4, 2009
Chair asks for a motion to approve the minutes of August 4, 2009. There is a discussion to clarify fencing and buffers. Motion to approve made by Frank Reginelli, seconded by Anne McCarthy. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Chair asks for a motion to approve the minutes of September 1, 2009. So moved by Allen Zentner, seconded by Frank Reginelli. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 2: Application for Major Site Plan Review for the construction of two new buildings, additions to the existing Fox Toyota building, and associated site improvements at 188 Grant Avenue. Applicant: Raymond Scruton of Zausmer, Frisch, Scruton Architectural.

Chair invites the applicant or agent to speak.

Ray Scruton representing Fox Toyota – explains the project and points out areas on map.  ZBA approval is still needed for setbacks.

Anthony Bartolotta – noticed an increase in shrubbery

Ray Scruton – added per City guidelines

Frank Reginelli – questions Board of Education right-of-way

Ray Scruton – there is no encroachin on their right-of-way

Chair – opens the public hearing. No public to be heard. Chair closes the public hearing and asks the Board for comments. No further comments. Chair asks Staff for comments.

Stephen Selvek – since the ZBA is an involved agency the Planning Board voted themselves lead agency for SEQR with the ZBA concurring. A negative declaration on SEQR has been declared. The school district property issue has been resolved with the right-of-way being maintained for school access. The site has been brought into Code compliance as much as possible concerning this project especially with the buffers/setbacks. It is requested that the Board require some plantings. The resolution is for preliminary approval to give the applicant the go ahead to flesh out the plan as it exists now and receive the required ZBA approvals. Staff recommends approval of the preliminary site plan.

Chair asks for a motion to accept the resolution. Motion made by Frank Reginelli, seconded by Allen Zentner. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 3: Application for Major Site Plan Review for the construction of an approximately 3,024 SF office buildings, the demolition of an existing building, and associated site improvements at 84 York Street. Applicant: Richard Williams, Suburban Propane.

Chair invites the applicant or agent to speak.

Joanne Galliano, EDR representing Richard Williams – have submitted demolition and building plan. Reviews project.

Chair opens the public hearing. No public to be heard. Chair closed the public hearing and asks the Board for comments.

Anthony Bartolotta – questions the design of the building.

Joanne Galliano – hands out sketch representative of what the building may look like.  It will be a steel building with stone block foundation.  The exact look has not been selected but it will be less industrial looking than current.

Anthony Bartolotta – questions signs

Joanne Galliano – signs will remain as they are now

Anthony Bartolotta – questions any conflict with the York St. redevelopment

Stephen Selvek – explains buffering plan and that some work will wait to be done after York St. is finished. Primary change is going from an open access to 2 access points.

Chair asks for Staff comments.

Stephen Selvek – this is less than 4000 SF so SEQR review is not required.  Actual improvement are limited. There will be less impervious surface than before so storm water management plan is not required.  Storm water will be collected on site and drain onto York St. The applicant is aware of the York St. project & vice versa. Staff recommends approval of the site plan as presented.

Chair asks for a motion to accept the resolution. So move by Anthony Bartolotta, seconded by Anne McCarthy. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Agenga Item 4: Application for Minor Site Plan Review for proposed parking lot reconstruction and improvements associated with the completed renovations to an existing building located at 13 Arterial East. Applicant: Joseph Calarco.

Chair invites the applicant or agent to speak.

Joe Calarco – describes project and obstacles run into. The challenge is the limited amount of space and an area for snow storage.

Chair opens the public hearing. No public to be heard. Chair closes the public hearing and asks the Board for comments.  

Frank Reginelli – questions the number of employee parking places.

Joe Calarco – there are 4 in my office and there is an office that is rented out

Frank Reginelli – in total how many employee spaces are needed?

Joe Calarco – 5

Frank Reginelli – is this a hardship for customers?

Joe Calarco – people don’t usually come to the office

Frank Reginelli – one parking space can be used for snow storage. Is the L shaped grass area compelled or by choice?

Joe Calarco – choice to get the required amount of greenery – it is currently black topped. At this time we lose spaces 1, 6 & 7 when it snows and that creates a challenge.

Frank Reginelli – questions the plantings at the Arterial East corner.

Joe Calarco – part of the change with the State is that low growing plants impervious to salt is needed there.  I need guidance from the State & the City.

Stephen Selvek – the State has specific instructions concerning the height of anything in the clear site triangle.

Chair asks for Staff comments.

Stephen Selvek –this is a type 2 action of in kind replacement and SEQR review is not required. The applicant has constraints concerning the size of the site and has worked in an allowable grass area at the northeast corner. The impervious area is being decreased so no drainage plan is required.  The State work permit required will define the size of the shrubbery.  Recommendation is for approval with NYS DOT requirements incorporated in.

Chair asks for a motion to adopt the resolution.  Motion for approval made by Anne McCarthy, seconded by Allen Zentner. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Other Matters

Stephen Selvek – reviews handout (attached) – the last comprehensive plan was done in 1991 and revision is needed. What has come out of the ’91 plan:
  • City Zoning Ordinance revision
  • Continued development of Tech Park Blvd to locate and expand businesses there
  • Creation of the Historical Disctrict
  • Connector road
  • Creation of the downtown management district (BID)
  • Façade program
Looking to set broad framework as to where to go next within the expectations of the community. Information has been compiled by Saratoga and presented to the community for decisions as to what is priority and drafted into a document for presentation.  Reads vision statement (attached). The plan will be presented to this Board for review and recommendation to City Council for approval/adoption. The plan is to post for a public hearing in November and final plan to be presented in December.

Sam Giangreco – asks the status of the connector road.

Stephen Selvek – it is mentioned in the comprehensive plan as an ongoing project and that is whit it is. York St. will be completed in the near future. Until Council supports the purchase of the land needed to complete the connector road project it will not move forward.

Frank Reginelli – asks for an update on 84 Garrow St. tattoo salon.

Stephen Selvek – Corporation Counsel has determined that is constitutes retails sales and is not allowed. A letter has been sent to the applicant outlining her options.

Next meeting will be Wednesday, November 4, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. due to election day on the 3rd.  Motion for adjournment made by Frank Reginelli, seconded by Anthony Bartolotta. All members vote approval.  Meeting adjourned.   

Recorded by Alicia McKeen