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11 - October 7, 2008

Minutes not yet approved.

City of Auburn Planning Board
Tuesday, October 7, 2008, 6:30 PM, MEMORIAL City Hall

Present: Anthony Bartolotta, John Breanick, Brian Halladay, Allen Zentner, Mark DiVietro

Staff:  Stephen Selvek, Planner; Andy Fusco, Corporation Counsel; Brian Hicks, Sr. Code Enforcement Officer; Tom Week, APD

Absent: Sam Giangreco, Christopher DeProspero

The Chair called the meeting to order.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  

Agenda Items: 12 Pearce Ave, 150 Wall St.

Items Tabled: 12 Pearce Ave, 150 Wall St.

Agenda Item 1:  Minutes of September 2, 2008.
Chair asks if there are any changes to be made then asks for a motion to approve the minutes. Motion made by Allen Zentner, seconded by Brian Halladay. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 2: Application for Minor Site Plan Review for preliminary approval for the purpose of constructing a 60’ x 50’ addition to the rear of an existing storage facility located at 12 Pearce Avenue.

Chair invites the owner or agent to speak.

Jim Salva – wishes to erect a 60’ x 50’ addition to the rear of an existing storage facility. ZBA approved for a non-conforming use at its last meeting.  The building will be used for storage of vans and supplies only, no traffic involved.

Chair invites the public to comment. None.

Chair asks the Board for comments. None.

Chair asks staff for comments.

Stephen Selvek – The site plan needs some additional changes prior to final approval. Landscaping and the doors on the side near the driveway access need to be shown.  Also, a proper drainage plan is required.  SEQR has been done on the project.  There is a draft resolution done for preliminary approval to proceed and return with an updated plan in November.  

Chair asks for a motion to approve the preliminary site plan as presented. So moved by Anthony Bartolotta, seconded by Mark DiVietro . All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 3: Application for Special Permit for Home Occupation to operate a urine collection and breath testing facility in the existing garage on the premises.

Chair invites the owner or agent to speak.

Regina Pollock – The purpose is to proved companies with pre-employment and random testing.  

Chair invites the public to comment.

Robert Seeley, Wall St. – there is a playground there with children in the area. Also Neighborhood House located there. There is no need for this in a residential area.

Chair asks the Board for comments.

Mark DiVietro – doing this elsewhere. She goes to companies now. People will stop by for testing. Private sanitation she will go to them. Cannot guarantee truckers will not stop by.

Regina Pollock – now it is random all over. Number of clients per day varies. Used to do this for another company at the Carr Bldg.

Anthony Bartolotta – asks how the samples are shipped out, hours of operation and about off-site testing.

Regina Pollock – DHL, 7 a.m. to 5 or 6 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Brian Hicks – questions medical waste.

Regina Pollock – there is a plastic cup, 2 vials and a plastic bag. Excess will be flushed.

Brian Hicks – it’s ok with the Health Department if the supplies used are just thrown away?

Regina Pollock – yes.  There is a form from the company that is sealed with the bag.  The client will park on the street or use public transportation.

Impact on neighborhood. Environmental review. Hours of operation? Minimize impact to neighborhood. Can open at 9 a.m.  Access to another driveway can accommodate three cars. Zoned commercial, medical use is not an approved use.

Mark DiVietro - Asks if this can be pulled until those absent are available. Do an appointment based business.  Valid for 18 or 24 months with a sunset clause.

Tom Weed – this is not a truck route and has a 10 ton limit so large trucks are not allowed.  It is for local delivery only.  

Motion to table until November made by Allen Zentner, seconded by Brian Halladay. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Other Matters:

Application for Major Subdivision for the development of 30 semi-detached homes and a community building located at 252R North Street (access via N. Fulton and Dayton Streets).

Wendy March of Hancock and Estabrook, representative for the Pearce Tract Development – the process – major subdivision, 21 acre subdivision to 2 parcels. Final site plan details. Storm water prevention plan. Revised traffic plan. Schedule public hearing and intent to be lead agency.

John Breanick – we are exempt from the 239 law.

Barbara Lanphere – we have secure 2.2 million dollars from the Housing Tract Fund.  The only change is that we are unable to include garages.  Resources are better used to create a ‘green building’.  We asked for a waiver but were denied.  Garage can be added and still be compliant.  Storm water pollution prevention plan has gone to DEC and is completed. Also, traffic study has been elaborated.  Various rooflines and facades. Two means of access from Rochester St. and N. Fulton St.

Stephen Selvek – this is a 2 fold project.  Presentation here tonight then a public hearing next month.

Brian Halladay – L-1 by access road shows a right-of-way to a paper street that goes through Mr. Crawford’s driveway. What is the intent here?

Stephen Selvek – move the driveway to the other side of the house.

Mark DiVietro – is the driveway part of the r-o-w?

Traffic Study of Dayton St. from
Clearly more additional delays as more traffic. Level of B to C is a couple seconds longer and to get through the stop sign increases it to 3 or 4 seconds.

Stephen Selvek – The date is nationally accepted. How does this compare to the neighborhood in Auburn?  Intersection of B to C varies all over the place depending on location and circumstance.  The buffer between Dayton and the proposed development – grading stops short of the existing vegetation .

Robert Vollmer, architect – a 10’ buffer is required and we’ve provided 25’.

Stephen Selvek – keep the existing vegetation. Over all layout – compliance with Code. The cul-de-sac length in the subdivision is 500 feet or as directed by the City engineer as long as the entrance to N. Fulton St.  Lots that front on N. Fulton requirements prohibit double fronting. Lots on Rochester and N. Fulton – pitfalls with havoc for approval. Neighborhood character – look for neighborhood type of materials used and do they blen in with the exiting structures.  

Robert Vollmer – there are 16 buildings with 6 different styles that fit into the neighborhood. Built on slab, no basements.

Joe – fill will be brought in.

Stephen Selvek – do you have any other projects like this?

Sue Kimal, 2 + 4 construction – we can provide some other projects. We do not have this type neighborhood someplace else.

Stephen Selvek – to be compatible with existing neighborhood.  What is planned for the entire site?

Sue Kimal -  standard development is owned and managed a minimum of 15 years by 2 + 4. Different corporation, same individuals. 15 years under the requirements of the IRS. Annually inspected by the State of NY. 2 + 4 maintains the grounds and upkeep.  Driveways will be tenants responsibility.

John Rossi – Does meet the letter of the law.  No obligation that they are owner occupied.

John Breanick – questions the moratorium.

John Rossi – it has not been enacted yet.

Stephen Selvek – it is the desire of the developers to keep the neighbors happy and be an asset to the City.

DHCR – there is a need for this type of low to moderate housing.  Where are the people coming from to live in these homes?

Barb Langford – local people will be living there.  

Stephen Selvek – this will be brought forth for a public hearing at the next meeting.

John Breanick – questions progress of the connector road.

Stephen Selvek – still under review.  As an FYI, a car port is being added to the front of a building at 28 York St.  This does not require review by this Board.

Next meeting is Wednesday, November 5, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. Chair asks for a motion to adjourn. So moved by Anthony Bartolotta, seconded by Mark DiVietro. All members vote approval. Meeting adjourned.

Recorded by Alicia McKeen