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10 - September 2, 2008
City of Auburn Planning Board
Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 6:30 PM, MEMORIAL City Hall

Present: Anthony Bartolotta, Brian Halladay, Allen Zentner, Sam Giangreco, Christopher DeProspero

Absent: John Breanick, Mark DiVietro

Staff:  Stephen Selvek, Planner; Brian Hicks, Sr. Code Enforcement Officer

Absent: Tom Week, APD; Andy Fusco, Corporation Counsel

The Chair called the meeting to order.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  

Agenda Items:

1.      12 Pearce Ave - SEQR Action: Request to approve City of Auburn ZBA decision to act as Lead Agency
for the environmental review of a proposed addition to a storage facility.
2.      304-318 Genesee Street (Rite Aid) - Extension of Planning Board Approval: Request to extend the time
in which an Approved Minor Subdivision plat for  may be filed with the Cayuga County Clerk.
3.      Comprehensive Plan update.

Items Approved: 12 Pearce Ave; 304-318 Genesee St.

Agenda Item 1:  Minutes of August 5, 2008
Chair asks if there are any changes, corrections to be made then asks for a motion to approve the minutes. Motion made by Christopher DeProspero, seconded by Allen Zentner. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 2: 12 Pearce Ave - SEQR Action: Request to approve City of Auburn ZBA decision to act as Lead Agency for the environmental review of a proposed addition to a storage facility.

Chair asks for any staff comments.

Stephen Selvek – Jim Salva made application to the Zoning Board for a use variance on the property. As they reviewed it they realized it was an unlisted action requiring  SEQR review and are requesting to be Lead Agency for the review. Staff recommends approval of this proposal.

Motion for approval made by Allen Zentner, seconded by Christopher DeProspero. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 3: 304-318 Genesee Street (Rite Aid) - Extension of Planning Board Approval: Request to extend the time in which an Approved Minor Subdivision plat for  may be filed with the Cayuga County Clerk.

Chair asks for any staff comments.

Stephen Selvek – this site was approved by the Board at an earlier meeting this year.  The applicant has had difficulty getting everything accomplished in a timely manner concerning the subdivision plus the County Clerk requested the map be titled differently. We would like to extend their filing date another 90 days from today. Staff recommends approval.

Chair asks for a motion to for approval. So moved by Brian Halladay, seconded by Anthony Bartolotta. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 4: Comprehensive Plan update.

Stephen Selvek – the comprehensive plan update is underway. The first advisory committee meeting has been held. I will update what is going on at each meeting to keep the Board apprised as this will be coming to the Board for their recommendation to Council.  The next advisory board meeting will be in October and I will update this Board at the November meeting.

Other Matters:

Next meeting is October 7, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. Chair asks for a motion to adjourn. So moved by Christopher DeProspero, seconded by Brian Halladay. All members vote approval. Meeting adjourned.

Recorded by Alicia McKeen