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08 - July 1, 2008
City of Auburn Planning Board
Tuesday, July 1, 2008, 6:30 PM, MEMORIAL City Hall

Present: Anthony Bartolotta, John Breanick, Brian Halladay, Allen Zentner, Mark DiVietro, Sam Giangreco, Christopher DeProspero

Staff:  Stephen Selvek, Planner; Andy Fusco, Corporation Counsel; Brian Hicks, Sr. Code Enforcement Officer

Absent: Tom Week, APD

The Chair called the meeting to order.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  

Agenda Items: 20 Mattie St., 28 York St.

Items Approved: 28 York St.

Items Tabled: 20 Mattie St.

Agenda Item 1:  Minutes of June 3, 2008 and June 11, 2008
Chair asks if there are any changes, corrections to be made then asks for a motion to approve the minutes of June 3, 2008. So moved by Brian Halladay, seconded by Mark DiVietro. All members vote approval. Motion carried.   Chair asks for a motion to approve the minutes of June 11, 2008. So moved by Allen Zentner, seconded by Christopher DeProspero. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 2: Application for Minor Site Plan Review for the purpose of expanding an existing parking lot to accommodate 7 additional vehicles and to meet the minimum parking requirements for the Mattie Street Dairy located at 20 Mattie Street. Applicant: Mark and Amy Locastro.

Chair invites the owner or agent to speak.

Mark Locastro, Auburn – has done extensive work on the property. New problems have developed mainly concerning drainage issues.  Has installed a catch basin but problem persists.  He intends to purchase the land behind the site intending to extend the parking.  Reasoning:

·       To help control water draining from Lake Ave. To catch and channel it properly before it can get to the building’s foundation.
·       It will provide an easier, larger capacity for snow storage.
·       To improve traffic flow and to eliminate parking along the south side at the fence which has been victim to a few ‘crashes’.

Has spoken with neighbor’s and there seems to be no objections.

Chair invites the public to comment.

Bill Kushik, Hamilton Ave – this parking area will be right behind his house. Has no problems with it.  States Mark runs a good business there.

Chair closes the Public Hearing.

Chair asks the Board for comments.  No comments made.

Chair asks staff for comments.

Stephen Selvek – reviews the background of the site. Primary concern is storm water drainage.  This area has experienced larger scale problems.  The City Engineer has requested a storm water drainage report to specifically address the impact on the City’s systems.  We are still waiting on the report itself.  This is presented tonight to familiarize people with the plan and give the public an opportunity to be heard.  DRC has discussed this, APD has no issues and AFD is in favor of the plan, as it will help alleviate street parking and clear the way for emergency vehicles.  The preliminary site plan need additional clarification for layout, snow storage, etc. to be clearly marked.  A final concern is landscaping or fencing and I will leave that to the Board’s discretion.  Choices are to continue the existing fence or screen with plants.  Recommendation is to table this pending the drainage report.

Mark DiVietro – asks how long it will take for the report.

Mark Locastro – met with an engineer over a month ago and haven’t heard back yet.

Stephen Selvek – asks Mark Locastro for the contact info for the engineer.

John Breanick – recommends preliminary approval tonight so the applicant can begin work.

Stephen Selvek – even with preliminary approval no work can be commenced. Preliminary approval only tells the applicant he is headed in the right direction but more planning needs to be done first.  The plans submitted tonight do not have enough detail even to warrant preliminary approval.

Andy Fusco – asks how many of the Board members have actually went to the site. (All but one)

Christopher DeProspero – asks that the project be moved forward as the business is probably at its busiest time now.

Mark Locastro – appreciates the Board’s comments but agrees with Steve on this one. Ambition is to fix the drainage problem correctly and plans are not to begin until September or October anyway.

Andy Fusco – it may help to resolve the problem if Mr. Chapman (drainage engineer) reconfigures the parking layout of the lower section of the lot.  Ultimately how the lot is laid out will be determined how the engineer does his calculations.

Mark Locastro – relays the plans discussed with the engineer.  The layout will be pretty much as it stands now on the plans.

Chair asks for a motion to table this item. So moved by John Breanick, seconded by Christopher DeProspero. All members vote approval.  Motion carried.

Agenda Item 3: Application for Minor Site Plan Review for the purpose of locating a pre-owned car sales lot and office at 28 York Street. Applicant: Alan Giacona

Chair invites the owner or agent to speak.

Alan Giacona – owner of #1 Auto Sales currently located at Eliminator Auto on Market St.  Owns 28 York St., which currently contains a self-storage business.  Intent is to move the used car sales to this location.  The lot has an existing office and parking area.

Chair invites the public to comment. No comments.

Chair closes the Public Hearing.

Chair asks the Board for comments.

John Breanick – asks if this will fall in with the York St. redevelopment.

Stephen Selvek – this is just east of what is being proposed.  If it does become part of the redevelopment we don’t want the applicant to invest in any part of the right-of-way that may be torn up.

John Breanick – has dealt with Mr. Giacona on a professional level in the past.  He runs a good business. Asks Corporation Counsel if this would constitute a conflict.

Andy Fusco – there is no conflict and Mr. Breanick may vote on the issue.

Chair asks staff for comments.

Stephen Selvek – this is a Type II action and does not require further SEQR review.  The site plan has been revised due to:

·       Plan clarification.  The deeded properties here run to the centerline of York St. which in unusual.  The plans were revised to show the approximate street edge.
·       Concerns with the display area at the street edge. This needs to be moved back 25 feet. Shade trees proposed are also requested to be moved back 30 feet from the street edge.  

Staff recommends approval of the revised site plan.

Anthony Bartolotta – asks the number of cars on the lot.

Alan Giacona – about 6 - 8

Chair asks for a motion to approve the revised site plan as presented. So moved by John Breanick, seconded by Christopher DeProspero. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Other Matters:

Stephen Selvek – there has been a request to present the matter of 130 South St.  This is a 12,000 SF single-family dwelling seeking a use variance to be used as an owner occupied, 6 bed Bed & Breakfast business.  Last night the ZBA voted itself as the Lead Agency for SEQR review.  It is unclear if this Board will be involved. It will depend if the applicant expands the existing parking.

Andy Fusco – I spoke earlier today with David Tehan, the attorney, who recommended to the owner to reconfigure or buffer the parking area to meet the concerns expressed by the neighbors at last night’s meeting. This will probably be presented at next month’s meeting.  They also need to present to the Historic Resources Review Board.

Stephen Selvek – there has been discussion around standardizing the meeting times to be the same year round as the time change during July and August has caused some confusion.  I would like to poll the Board for their thoughts, change it or keep the same. What would work for the majority of the Board?

General discussion ensues.  The Board decides to leave the meeting times as they are.

John Breanick – questions the need to use Robert’s Rules of Order to establish an orderly way to run meeting.

Andy Fusco – Board procedures are the function of the State stature.  The City Charter may pre-empt these rules but ours happens to be in conformity with the general City law of the State.  Due to the fact that there are many versions of Robert’s Rules we would run the risk of violating it anyway.  Procedurally, less is better, follow the laws as set down in the Charter and by the State. As far as I know no other jurisdiction uses Robert’s Rules.

John Breanick – asks about progress with the connector road.

Stephen Selvek – unknown at this point. I’ve given up asking, as progress is so slow.

Christopher DeProspero – asks about the comprehensive plan.

Stephen Selvek – we have entered into an agreement with Saratoga Associates to get it started.

Next meeting is August 5, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. Chair asks for a motion to adjourn. So moved by John Breanick  seconded by Christopher DeProspero. All members vote approval. Meeting adjourned.

Recorded by Alicia McKeen