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01 - January 2, 2007
City of Auburn Planning Board
Tuesday, January 2, 2007 6:30 PM, MEMORIAL City Hall

Present: Mark DiVietro, Jill Fudo, Laurie Michelman, Sam Giangreco, John Breanick. Absent: Anthony Bartolotta

Staff:  Stephen Selvek, Planner; Tom Weed, APD; Andy Fusco, Corporation Counsel; Bryan Hicks, Sr. Code Enforcement Officer

The Chair called the meeting to order.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and roll was called.  

Agenda Item 1:  Approval of minutes.

Minutes not available.

Agenda Item 2: Public Hearing for Minor Subdivision at 150 Grant Ave of existing real property to create two commercial lots.

Chair invites owner or agent to speak.

Courtney Hills of Primo, Primo and Kirwin, Syracuse representing HDL Properties – Owner John Smith has leased the property to HDL.  Desire is to subdivide into two separate lots. Current Walgreen’s is on lot 1A. There is nothing on 1B at this time.  Purpose is for Walgreen’s to have a separate lease parcel and tax parcel.  

Chair invites the public to speak.  There being none closes the public hearing and asks the Board for comments.  

John Breanick – asks is a change in traffic flow will be caused.

Courtney Hills – is not aware of any.

John Breanick – asks if there will be any additional barriers on the subdivision.

Courtney Hills – not on lot B at this time.   There will probably be future developments.

Chair asks for Staff comments.

Steve Selvek – re: the easements – 2 parcels have been before the Board and have received site plan approval.  Reviewed as common use of storm water retention and traffic patterns.  This subdivision allows traffic to continue to move across both sites and for Walgreens to use of the retention pond located on the adjacent site.  This subdivision does not include any new infrastructure. Subdivision should not alter previous site plan approvals. Staff recommends approval.

Chair asks for a motion for negative declaration on SEQR. So move by John Breanick, seconded by Mark DiVietro. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Chair asks for a motion to approve the subdivision. So moved by Sam Giangreco, seconded by Mark DiVietro. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 3: Site Plan for 10 Quarry Rd. Construction of a 16,800 SF building.

Chair invites the owner or agent to speak.

Bob Marinella, president of Corrosion Control – the engineering firm has addressed most of the concerns from the last meeting.  The new building is for storage and fabrication of reinforcing rods.

Chair asks for comments from the public.  There being none, closes the public hearing and asks for comments from the Board.  There being none asks for staff comments.

Steve Selvek – the applicant was here last month.  It will be a 70X240 SF building behind the existing building. The plan as shown shows all drainage and buffers.  Most of the site has mature, wooded growth around with a cliff behind.  Bill Lupien spoke with TDK engineering who did the plans.  The building will not add any impervious surfaces to the site and Bill approves the water drainage plan.  No anticipated impacts with regards to SEQR.  This is a previously disturbed site and complies with the zoning use.  A variance has been issued for the rear lot line.  It’s a stand-alone project without cumulative impacts.

John Breanick – questions the use.

Steve Selvek – expansion of the existing business and addition of coating process.

Bob Marinella – epoxy coated rebar that we send out now to be cut and bent we will now do here for quality and cost control.

John Breanick – questions storage.

Bob Marinella – we have 3 tons done and 25 tons unfinished

John Breanick – is there an anticipated increase? Is this adequate?

Bob Marinella – none anticipated at this time.  We may try to obtain land from the county for outdoor storage.

Chair asks for a motion for a negative declaration on SEQR. So moved by Mark DiVietro, seconded by Jill Fudo.  All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Chair asks for a motion for approval of the site plan.  So moved by John Breanick, seconded by Sam Giangreco. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 4: Site Plan Review for 27-35 Clark St. Parking lot construction for St. Mary’s Church

Chair invites owner or agent to speak.

Agenda Item 5: Site Plan Review for 121 North St. – demolition of existing garage and construction of 8-car asphalt parking lot.

Chair invites owner or agent to speak.

Midge Fricano, Cayuga – proposing to demolish the masonry garage and install and enlarge the parking area for off-street parking. Plan is to relocate real estate business to the premises.  

Chair asks for comments from the public. There being none closes the public hearing and asks for comments from the Board.

John Breanick – questions any historical significance to the buildings.

Midge Fricano – there are none.

Andy Fusco – questions the acreage involved.

Midge Fricano – 0.244 acres per the survey map.  49 x 215 SF.

Laurie Michelman – questions number of employees.

Midge Fricano – the agents are independent contractors, 10-12 agents and 3 employees.

Laurie Michelman – are the parking spaces adequate?

Midge Fricano – on-street parking is also available so yes.

Jill Fudo – questions required landscaping and current use.

Steve Selvek – current use is a small business. Screening is along the cottage, at the rear and there is a fence along the property line.  Board does have discretion on what it will require.

Jill Fudo – questions lighting.

Steve Selvek – we have not received anything specific yet.  Per Code, lighting shall not spill over onto neighboring properties. Any lighting would have to meet required parameters. The Board can give direction to be part of the resolution.

Jill Fudo – at the bank they had low lights around the parking.

Steve Selvek – concerns were soffit lighting along the building and limiting the height.

Midge Fricano – the property to the north is a multi-family with parking behind. Any lighting would shine onto a parking area.  We are considering using motion detectors and low landscaping lights.

John Breanick – questions tenancy.

Midge Fricano – none, business offices only.

Steve Selvek – asks is the Board is ok with motion detector lighting.

Jill Fudo – lights would be unnecessary at night when the business is closed.

Midge Fricano – desires the safety.

Laurie Michelman – asks for the Code.

Brian Hicks – it is not address with lumes in the Code, only spillage.

Laurie Michelman – we are comfortable with staff working with the lighting.

John Breanick – have you contacted the neighbor?

Midge Fricano – we spoke with him when first looking at the property.

Steve Selvek – the neighbors receive notices of the hearings as per protocol.  Landscaping is appropriate. Necessary setbacks are included.  Using current curb cuts. Bill Lupien has approved the storm water drainage plan.  DRC has reviewed and recommends a negative declaration on SEQR and approval of the site plan.

Chair asks for a motion for a negative declaration on SEQR. So moved by Sam Giangreco, seconded by Jill Fudo. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Chair asks for a motion to approve the site plan with contingency for the lighting plan. So moved by Mark DiVietro, seconded by Jill Fudo. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 6: Public Hearing and sketch plan review for 281-301 Genesee St. proposed construction of 14,400 SF Walgreen’s

Chair invites the owner or agent to speak.

Greg Sgromo, Dunn & Sgromo – believes concerns from the last meeting have been addressed.
·       24’ driveways were asked for – proposing 30’ for easier truck passage.  Minimum for safety.
·       Reduced parking stalls to 18’ and 24’ aisles for more buffer area
·       Snow storage – the detention area will be used. Excess will be hauled off site if needed.
·       Lighting plan has been submitted. Levels are not high – geared toward safety and comfort levels.  Streetscape lighting not shown.
·       Dumpster screening the same as the store on Grant Ave

Chair asks the public for comments. There being none closes the public hearing and asks the Board for comments.  

John Breanick – the color diagram show the storm water area but not the other copy

Greg Sgromo – the black & white if for the minimum information needed for the truck pattern.

John Breanick – questions distance between property line and where trucks need to fit.

Greg Sgromo – the radius is adequate for a good driver to use.  The green line represents the rear wheels, the red line center and blue lines the front.

John Breanick – questions if there is a building at the east adjacent property.

Greg Sgromo – no.  The building does not go as far back as the drive-thru.  There is a culvert in the area and we’ve left enough room there not to disturb it.

John Breanick – asks APD is the room is adequate.

Tom Weed – affirms

Greg Sgromo – Walgreen’s has there own truck – none of the drivers should have any problems.

John Breanick – asks if there will be a problem with the underlying sewer system

Greg Sgromo – no, there’s already traffic going over it.
John Breanick – questions the loading dock.

Greg Sgromo – will pull past then back up to it.

                - lighting proposed. Walgreen’s on building, standard pylon with LED reader board.  Building signage being proposed is 63’ per side and 21’ high.  

Laurie Michelman – variance required for the LED reader board

John Breanick – like the one on Grant?

Steve Selvek – yes, as a reminder tonight is for preliminary review only.  The applicant still needs to present to the ZBA in January before receiving any approvals from this Board. We need plans for grading, landscaping, photometrics, etc.  Project engineer includes comments from DRC and the last meeting.  Drainage summary has been submitted to Bill Lupien for review.  No SEQR at this time, preliminary approval only.

Sam Giangreco – business will not be open 24 hours?

Greg Sgromo – correct.

John Breanick – tree on the north boundary impede vision of trucks. Would like to see a few removed.

Steve Selvek – they are far enough back (30’ from the road edge) to give ample room.

Jill Fudo – the existing Walgreen’s has poor maintenance of vegetation.  There will be site line issues here if it’s not done.

Steve Selvek – concerning the maintenance, it is a requirement of Code that the areas be maintained, correct?

Brian Hicks – there is a maintenance code, the new site may have die-off. It will be addressed in the spring if needed.

Laurie Michelman – asks APD if there are any concerns (none).

Chair asks for a motion appointing City of Auburn Planning Board as lead agency for SEQR review.  So moved by Mark DiVietro, seconded by John Breanick. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Chair asks for a motion to approve the preliminary site plan. So moved by Sam Giangreco, seconded by Mark DiVietro. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Other Matters

John Breanick – asks for status of the Agway structure.

Steve Selvek – they are looking at other alternative site plans due to financial constraints. Will follow up with owner.

John Breanick – asks for status of the connector road.

Steve Selvek – not aware of any decisions at this time.

John Breanick – asks if there are any plans to hook into any side streets.

Steve Selvek – the City doesn’t want to at this time.  This is being done with State assisted funds there tractor trailers would have to be allowed on the road so, no.

John Breanick – questions the low-income housing property.

Steve Selvek – we haven’t heard back from them. They had met with Planning staff. We are trying to push the development of single-family dwellings in being mindful of the neighborhood it will be going into.  SEQR does address impact on the neighborhood.

Jill Fudo – as an architectural community we are lacking in multi-family/townhouses for those over 55.  What they are offering does not meet the need.

John Breanick – agrees, it doesn’t add to the community.

Steve Selvek – shares concerns but the position to take is what’s legally allowed.  The office encourages a more comprehensive look at the site.  Look at the future and current connections that can be made.  Rochester St. could not handle any additional traffic.  Not opposed to duplexes but a neighborhood of duplexes is not desirable.

John Breanick – ask input of all members.

Steve Selvek – would be glad to relay comments.  Reminds that it has to be what’s legally allowable not by opinion. If a positive SEQR is determined then a full EAF is required.  Remember it isn’t in the nature of public housing but for a higher income/working class family – not Section 8.

Mark DiVietro – is it rent to own? If it’s not marketable then low income will move in.

Steve Selvek – we have a housing market study that is nearing its close. It shows that there is a need for this demographic in the City.  Preference to buy at this income level.

Laurie Michelman – be careful not be get caught up in NIMBY arguments.  We need to have an objective view and follow the rules, regulations and Code.  Consider SEQR character of the neighborhood for impact.  Be careful how this subject is approached.

Steve Selvek – the developer is concerned with its bottom line.  Cost breakout if over 700 thousand dollars for development.  The feasibility is in question.

Jill Fudo – is there an advocate for the subdivision before it’s developed?

Steve Selvek – discusses with the developer.  First it isn’t what they do. Second if pushed away from Dayton the marketability across from the duplexes is in question.  It’s a Catch-22.

Jill Fudo – in the HRRB meetings there is a concern over local churches being closed.  Planning Board needs to look at potential uses for the buildings and be proactive before they become a blight.

Steve Selvek – it’s a concern that staff is aware of as well.  We’re trying to figure it out and will entertain any ideas.  It can/has been addressed through variances so far.  Looking at the uniqueness of the structures and the inability to sell as religious institutions. Buyers interested in changing the use need to go to ZBA.

John Breanick – the Catholic Charities place is up for sale as commercial property? It’s in an R1 zone.

Steve Selvek – will look into it.

Brian Hicks – they have a use variance for counseling services only that runs with the land.

Chair – next meeting is February 6, 2007 at 6:30 p.m.  Asks for a motion to adjourn. Motion made by Mark DiVietro, seconded by Jill Fudo. All members vote approval. Motion carried.