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03 - February 20, 2007
City of Auburn Planning Board
Tuesday, February 20, 2007 6:30 PM, MEMORIAL City Hall

Present: Sam Giangreco, John Breanick, Anthony Bartolotta, Jill Fudo, Mark DiVietro, Laurie Michelman

Staff:  Stephen Selvek, Planner; Andy Fusco, Corporation Counsel; Bryan Hicks, Sr. Code Enforcement Officer

The Chair called the meeting to order.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and roll was called.  

Agenda Item 1:  355-357 Clark Street. Construction of a sixty-bed adult care facility and the associated site improvements and storm water management.

Chair invites owner or agent to speak.

Gregory Lane, Pittsford, NY – attorney/consultant representing developers DePaul along with Gary Smith of Parrone Engineering; Bob McCormick of SWDR Architectural Firm and Lori Didio, Executive Director.

Gary Smith, E. Rochester – some modifications have been made based on the info received from the residents and the Board:  
·       The entrance has been moved to a more central location and 55’ from original.  
·       Eliminated parking on both side and put more in the front.  
·       Narrowed the asphalt area and moved back.  
·       Moved the building back 35’.  
·       Retention pond is moved back.  
·       More buffer at the sides.  Added addition trees along the main drive.  Other buffers added per Code.

We met with local residents prior to this meeting.  We have received a use variance from the ZBA

Chair asks for comments from the public.

Stan Bryant, Van Anden St. – This is along the pathway to the mall.  Asks that the project not be refused.  Thinks it is an asset, more tax base that is needed and cleans up Clark St. a bit.  Seems to be a beautiful project and hopefully will put other businesses in the area to shame and induce improvements in the area.

Dillon Adams, Clark St. – Still has concerns with traffic, noise and lighting although developers seem to be working in good faith to address.

Tom Gregory, Mullin Dr. – concerns with lighting.  Own property borders the parking area. Questions size of the parking lot.

Art Carnicelli, Mullin Dr. – own property is near the pond. Concerned about own property being flooded, if pond is big enough to hold excess water and how much water it will retain.

Chair closes the Public Hearing and asks for Board comments.

John Breanick – asks how the developer has addressed the issues just raised and the structures that are on the border of the property.

Greg Lane – we noticed some structure issues along the boundaries. We are amenable about the owners purchasing portions of this site for more buffers, this will also increase the value of their land.  We could also put into place an easement agreement for the owners to enjoy the property but hold harmless DePaul.  We are continuing dialogue with the neighbors at this time.

John Breanick – questions buffering toward Clark St.

Gary Smith – we will follow the direction of the Board as to the species planted.

John Breanick – questions lighting and water

Gary Smith – we are following the dark light initiative with shoebox down lighting that will not shine onto neighboring properties.  No spill over is the intent.

John Breanick – questions if the ponds are adequate.

Gary Smith – DEC phase II requires quantity and quality.  Looking into alleviation.  We have not progressed that far yet.  Anything done will meet City standard.

Laurie Michelman – questions truck traffic and deliveries.

Lori Didio – at the current facility in Weedsport there are 2 tractor-trailer deliveries per week for refuse removal about 8:30 a.m.  There are some UPS size trucks about 3 times a week for laundry, coffee and bread.

Sam Giangreco – questions the depth of the ponds

Gary Smith – 6 – 8 feet.  Light areas are planted. 3- 5 feet to prevent weed growth.

Sam Giangreco – questions the need for fencing.

Brian Hicks – not required.

Steve Selvek – DEC does not require or recommend fencing for storm water management.   They are not meant for swimming.  These will have a slow, shallow taper to the deeper areas to prevent anyone falling in.

Chair asks for staff comments.

Steve Selvek – the developer has provided full/long EAF pre request of last meeting.  More details later for SEQR consideration.  Tonight is preliminary approval only so SEQR is not yet required.  This is a 40,948 SF building on Clark St. DRC has reviewed the original plans and any comments made have been reflected in the new plans as well as resident’s comments.  Storm water drainage will be addressed in more detail for later review.  Calculations are required to show less run off after development than before.  APD has requested a traffic study.  Parking lot size has been scaled back from what was previously proposed. An adult care facility requires 4 spaces for every 15 beds, the minimum here would be 16 spaces.  If not already following the dark skies initiative would have been recommended.    DRC recommends preliminary approval of the plans as submitted.

Jill Fudo – for future reference the emergency generator seems very close to the property line.  They can get quite load.

Steve Selvek – it could be located closer to the building then.

Laurie Michelman – this issue can be addressed in the final site plan.

Sam Giangreco – thanks the developer for addressing residents’ concerns. Thinks these new plans are a great improvement.

Steve Selvek – the County Planning Office was contacted for full understanding of who would be involved.  The Town of Aurelius was also notified due to proximity to the site property.

Andy Fusco – Aurelius Town Board member was at the ZBA meeting and voiced no objections

Chair asks for motion to approve the preliminary site plan as presented.  So moved by Sam Giangreco, seconded by John Breanick. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Other Matters

John Breanick – asks about the vacancy on the Board.

Steve Selvek – has spoken with the Mayor but has no direction at this time. With the appointment of the new City Manager some of these issues should be dealt with.

Chair – next meeting is March 6, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. Asks for a motion to adjourn. Motion made by Sam Giangreco seconded by John Breanick.  All members vote approval. Motion carried.