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Planning Board Minutes 5/3/05
City of Auburn Planning Board
Tuesday, May 3, 2005 6:30 PM, MEMORIAL City Hall

Present:  Sam Giangreco, John Rogalski, Mark DiVietro, John Breanick, Laurie Michelman, Sandra Craner, Nicki Wright  

Staff:  Steve Lynch, OPED Director; Nancy Hussey, Assistant Corporation Counsel; Stephen Selvek, Planner; Tom Weed, APD; Brian Hicks, Sr. Code Enforcement Officer.

The Chair called the meeting to order.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and roll was called.  

Agenda Item 1:  Approval of minutes of April 5, 2005 and April 18, 2005

Chair asks for a motion to approve the minutes of April 5, 2005. Motion made by Sam Giangreco, seconded by John Breanick.  All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Chair asks for a motion to approve the minutes of April 18, 2005. Motion made by Sandra Craner, seconded by Nicki Wright.  All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 2:  Public Hearing for Preliminary Site Plan Review for 297 Grant Ave – Wal-Mart gas station on front parcel.

Chair invites owner or agent to speak.

Peter Giovenco, Bergman Associates – Refers to map showing site plan of Wal-Mart and part of Lowe’s.  Front parcel of Wal-Mart along Grant Ave is green space that was part of original plan for future expansion. This gas station will be owned and operated by Wal-Mart.  There will be 10 fueling stations (pumps) and an enclosed kiosk for a full time attendant.  There will be one access point from the Wal-Mart driveway with a dedicated, striped left-hand turn lane leading in.  Enough pavement area will be left for vehicles and deliveries – there will be ample turn radius at entries and exists to accommodate all vehicles. There will be a canopy over the fueling stations.  Points out areas on map.  Buffering area and detention pond included. Light will be under the canopy.  24-hour operation.  Utilities available for the site.  Restroom in kiosk for attendant only, Wal-Mart has public restrooms.  All requirements from DEC, City, State, etc. will be met.

Chair asks for comments from the public.  There are none. Chair closes this portion of the public hearing and asks the Board for comments.

John Breanick – asks the canopy height.

Peter G. – 18’3”

John Breanick – will the canopies obstruct the views of the stores (Lowe’s & Wal-Mart)?

Tom Fill (also representing Wal-Mart) – they shouldn’t

Peter G. – the stores also have signs along the road.

John Breanick – is it possible to have a single public restroom available?

Tom Fill – no, only place in kiosk is one for the attendant, there is a public restroom in the Wal-Mart store.

John Breanick – are there any similar ventures in the area?

Tom Fill – no, this is a new venture for Wal-Mart.

John Breanick – will all 3 grades of gas be carried?

Tom F. – yes, that is expected.

John Breanick – what is the expected traffic flow?

Peter G. – we will get that info – explains that customers will primarily be those already using the Wal-Mart.

Nicki Wright – questions the buffers – especially those along the entry drive near the gas station entrance and the concern that they may impact sight lines.

Peter G. – deciduous trees will be planted that do not really obscure vision.  We have a planting plan available.

Laurie Michelman – would like to see the trees moved from along the traffic flow area toward Grant Ave for more of a buffer.  Place larger trees out of the traffic flow site.

Peter G. – we will be planting a type of maple with a 6 – 7 foot canopy and 1 ½ - 2-inch caliper (note: plans submitted call for larger 2.5” to 3” caliper trees).

John Rogalski – asks about the left hand turn into the area.

Peter G. – a left turn lane has been provided so through traffic can bypass.

Sandra Craner – questions the exit – there is sometimes a back up at the yield sign (where Lowe’s and Wal-Mart traffic merge).  Asks if anything will be done at this intersection. There are no traffic patterns visible at this time.

Peter G. – it can be re-striped to comply with the original site plans with more permanent markings.

Laurie Michelman – this intersection was also a concern in the previous plan.  We would like to see some of the previously agreed upon terms restored for this area.

Mark DiVietro – asks if Lowe’s has been contacted to solidify (alter/improve) the internal traffic flow.

Peter G. – we tired to improve the area at the time of the Wal-Mart expansion. There is not much left we can do without reconfiguring the entire area.  Hopefully some problems will be alleviated with the connector road.

Mark DiVietro – thinks stripes are o.k. but raised buffers would be better.

Peter G. – we looked at adding more curbing but it had to be scaled back due to large trucks coming in. They would run over the island if it were curbed.

Sam Giangreco – expresses concern about this triangle area and doesn’t see how tankers can make the left turn into the gas station.  Some problems have been alleviated since the expansion and removal of the stop sign on entrance to the site.

Peter G. – One alternative is requiring that the tankers come straight down to and around the back of Wal-Mart and access the new site on exit (making a right turn into the gas station site).

Nicki Wright – how many cars will stack in the turn lane?

Peter G. – it’s 40 ft long so about 4 cars.

John Rogalski – asks APD for any comments.

Tom Weed – does not foresee any problems at this time.

Peter G. – we do not anticipate an increase in traffic. We only anticipate current Lowe’s and Wal-Mart customers using the gas station when out shopping at the stores.

Tom F. – people driving on Grant Avenue who just want to get gas will go to one of the other stations along Grant Ave instead of driving into the Wal-Mart lot to get gas and then going back up to Grant Ave.

John Breanick – will the signal light interval be changed?

Peter G. – we are not anticipating this unless DOT wants it done.

Steve Lynch – The Design Review Committee reviewed the plan and requested a queuing lane at the entrance (has been added) and a trench drain across the entrance (also added).  There was also concern with placement of landscaping as expressed by the Board.  Would like to see increased buffers next to the medical building.  Questions proposal for snow storage.

Peter G. – it can be pushed toward the detention pond.

Steve Lynch – any striping done will comply with the original site plan including stripping required on Lowe’s property, as the traffic patterns must be addressed as a whole

Peter G. – we can put together a striping plan for review, also use of reflective paint if helpful.

Steve Lynch – DRC will review the new plans (before the board this evening).  The Board has expressed concerns over buffer, traffic flow and traffic patterns.  DRC recommends approval of the preliminary design so the applicant can move forward with more detailed, final plans.  The Board has touched on all of the staff concerns already.

Laurie Michelman – it may not just be striping that needs to be looked at.

Nicki Wright – is there a maintenance up-keep plan? Who will be responsible for it?

Peter G. – we can work with Wal-Mart on a maintenance plan.

Laurie Michelman – have maintenance part of the site plan approval.

John Breanick – asks APD how often are busy intersections re-striped in the City.

Tom Weed – it is done yearly with reflective paint.

Sandra Craner – questions the drive between Wal-Mart and proposed site.

Tom F. – actually 3 lanes there now, we will be taking part of one for the queue.

Chair asks for any other comments.

Joanne Dusel, Eastern Pkwy – expresses concerns over the traffic especially with the connector rd coming in.

Chair asks for a motion to approve the preliminary site plan.  Motion made by John Breanick, seconded by John Rogalski.  All members vote approval with Sandra Craner and Sam Giangreco voting no.  Motion carried.

Agenda Item 3:  Public Hearing for Preliminary Site Plan Review 150 and 160 Grant Ave retail development for Walgreen’s Drug Store and other retail outbuildings.

Chair invites owner or agent to speak.

Mike O’Neil, American Group I, Skaneateles – introduces John Smith, owner of parcel; Brian Donovan, attorney of owner; Greg Sgromo, Project Engineer; Dave Colgrove, Project Architect.  The P & C will be demolished to allow the Walgreen’s and three other outbuildings to be constructed.  At this time asking only for review of the Walgreen’s. The building will be set back over 100 feet from the intersection for visibility of the site. It will be 14,700 sq feet with 74 parking spaces; Bldg B (coffee retail) is 1700 sq ft with 16 spaces; Bldg C (a drive-thru bank, behind Bldg B) is 3000 sq ft with 15 spaces; Bldg D (a sit down restaurant, behind Taco Bell) is 6000 sq ft with over 100 spaces.

The primary goal is to establish Walgreen’s and plant grass in the remainder of the site and return to the Board when ready to use for development of buildings B, C and D.  Buffers are planned that will not restrict the view of the site or stores.  We will be closing off one (1) Grant Ave access. There is a snow storage area and storm water management area to the rear of the site.  We will be putting a package together for signage. The pole sign is about 30 ft high and a variance may be needed for the number of signs desired. On the pylon sign it is critical to Walgreen’s philosophy to have a moveable reader board with remote control sign that can be easily changed.  Stick on letters only fall off.  It will be 9’ x 3’ and located below the Walgreen’s sign.  The building type is a prototypical design with brick and cultured limestone front.

Dave Colgrove – (describes building) it will be a high quality building of solid masonry construction faced with high quality materials.  Two primary facades accented with manufactured limestone, and metal roofing.  The building will be used on all four sides with two sides being used for utilities such as stocking, receiving, etc.  

Greg Sgromo – we have met with DOT and a traffic study is being finalized.  DOT happy with one Grant Ave access being removed.  They are holding their opinion of the other access until the traffic study is completed.  It will be a full access driveway basically the same as it is now but neatened in appearance and made to comply with all standards.  The internal traffic flow patterns are for people to be able to move about in the site without having to leave it.  There are two storm water mitigation areas, a pond, and an underground area to treat water leaving the site. The amount of water leaving the site will be greatly reduced post construction than it currently is.  Utilities will be used off of Grant Ave. There are fire hydrants on the site and we will check with AFD concerning these.  We will be using the existing sewer line plus adding an additional line.  We have tried to meet landscape requirements while trying to keep balance and maintain visibility.  Walgreen’s store is as far back on the site as possible without hiding it and over crowding the site. We are not anticipating a high traffic impact.

Chair asks the public for comments.  There are none. Chair closes this portion of the public hearing.

Chair recognizes Councilor Hunter

Chair asks the Board for comments.

Mark DiVietro – during phase I when the area will be turned to grass, would like to see access to Taco Bell from Seward Ave entrance maintained (access across the site from Seward Ave).

Mike O – we can leave an area open for access.

Sandra Craner – in the delivery area, is there enough space between the compactor and bldg C for trucks to drive through?

Greg S. – yes, it’s about 30 ft

John Breanick – concerned with bldg C parking. 15 spots are projected.  Would like to see green space reduced and more spaces added – can’t see where 15 spaces would be adequate.

Greg S. – the proposed parking for this building exceeds the zoning requirements for the proposed use. We have reduced the surrounding green space to allow for a wider travel lane and turning radius in front of bldg. C (as requested by the DRC). Trying not to make this into a sea of asphalt, we want to make it aesthetically pleasing.  Some space at the rear of bldg C is kept as reserved for possible further parking issues as needed.  We have, as proposed now, more spaces than code requires.

Mike O. – Phase I is for the Walgreen’s only, the rest is being shown as future plans to be brought back before the board at the time they are filled. Approval at this time is sought for the Walgreen’s site only.

Nicki Wright – concerned with two-way traffic and people backing in and out.

Greg S. – The drive is not typical, it is 30 ft wide for thru traffic

Mike O. – we will review the internal traffic patterns with staff and DOT. We want to maintain a slow speed of traffic on the site and not a straight shot through it.

Laurie Michelman – concerned that people will just “zoom” thru to go from Seward to Grant. Would like to see something to slow them down when accessing the far side of the development from Seward.

Nicki Wright – will an internal speed be posted?

Greg S. – that would be a good idea, stop signs are also a good idea.  We would also like periodic police patrols to keep cut throughs between Seward and Grant Ave down.

Laurie Michelman – as far as the reader board is concerned, your competitor across the street asked for the same consideration and was denied by the ZBA. Although each proposal is considered on a case-by-case basis, the same factors would apply and I can’t imagine the Board will allow this.

Mike O. – well the competitor has signs in the window which wouldn’t work for us.

Sam Giangreco – questions placement of the sign.

Greg S. – at the corner of the site (N. Seward and Grant)

Mark DiVietro – what is the time projection of the other buildings?

Mike O. – implementation of phases 2 & 3 are unknown at this time, as we have no firm lease options yet.  Once the Walgreen’s is built we should get something more site specific to bring back to the Board for consideration.

Nicki Wright – how many jobs will Walgreen’s create?

Mike O. – there will be at least 2 shifts, so about 100 jobs.  Half of these will be part time.

John Rogalski – questions the elevation of the store.  The current P & C elevation seems too high and there are steep grades in the parking area.

Greg S. – the new building will have a lower elevation than the current one.  Parking grade will be 3% on average with 5% at the driveways.  Sidewalks are typically 2%.

Laurie Michelman – asks is a shopping cart storage area will be in the parking lot.

Greg S. – there shouldn’t be a lot of shopping carts used but we will find out their intentions.

Mike O. – Walgreen’s is very sensitive to policing the lots.

Sandra Craner – is there a maintenance plan for striping, etc.

Greg S. – there is (will/can be) something in place.

Mike O. – it is in the lease that it will be maintained.

Greg S. – it is part of the site plan so it must be maintained.

John Breanick – will this be owned by Walgreen’s?

Mike O. – the property is owned by John Smith and leased to the developer who in turn sub-leases to Walgreen’s.  Any failure of the tenant would be the responsibility of the developer.

Chair asks for staff comments.

Steve Lynch – the plans have been reviewed by the Design Review Committee.  It has recommended changes in the circulation patterns for emergency vehicles. Also requested that Bldg A (Walgreen) be shifted west so the main entrance could be lined up with the edge of the building and the dumpster area would not be extending out into the vehicular circulation lanes. These changes have been made and are shown on the plans that were mailed to the Board and are presented here tonight. We recommend preliminary approval for the full build out. This will also include the phase I plans presented this evening. When the applicant returns to the board, they will present final plans for the Phase I Walgreen Development only, should the other buildings never materialize.  Before SEQR is done DOT must provide their comments.  In the packets is a draft resolution for lead agency on SEQR and one for preliminary approval of the plan.  It is the intent to approve the projected plan presented tonight at a subsequent meeting (likely in June) but not buildings B, C or D. They will be presented at a later date when tenants and final details are confirmed.

John Breanick – last time it was stated that without the three other buildings the project would not be feasible.

Mike O. – the project stands on its own – it is feasible with Walgreen’s only.

Laurie Michelman – the preliminary approval will cover the whole site but plans for the remaining three retail sites will be brought back when more details are available.

John Breanick – feels bldg C needs more parking.

Greg S. – there is room to expand if needed, but again, there is more there now than what Code requires.  We will discuss it further when plans are more solidified as to what will actually be there.

Nicki Wright – in the interim of the other buildings being built what about lighting, safety issues, etc.

Greg S. – anything with vehicular or pedestrian traffic will have the minimal lighting requirements.

Mike O. – Walgreen’s has wall packs on the building so there will be no dark spots there.

John Rogalski – questions maintenance of grass area

Laurie Michelman – this should be part of Walgreen’s maintenance agreement.

Mike O. – landscaping and safety issues will be discussed with the City.

Chair asks for a motion to approve the City of Auburn as Lead Agency in SEQR review. Motion made by John Breanick, seconded by Nicki Wright.   All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Chair asks for a motion to approve the preliminary site plan as submitted. Motion made by John Breanick, seconded by Nicki Wright.   All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Laurie Michelman – there should be more info on the next phases at next month’s meeting.

Other Matters

Chair states she is unable to attend the next meeting on June 7th and asks to be rescheduled to June 14th.  All members agree.

Steve Lynch – passes out a letter from a law firm concerning 158 Ross St. Ext. (home occupation special permit) and their intent for possible Article 78 action against the project there.  Passes out a second letter from the town of Sennett denying the annexation of the proposed Hickory St. extension for the Hunter Brook subdivision and denying the subdivision itself.  Has spoken with Larry Jones and he intends to move forward with the purchase and working with Corporation Counsel to complete the entire subdivision as proposed.

Nancy Hussey – we received a call from the Planning Board in Sennett with a proposal to petition New York State legislature to have our municipal boundary expanded to include the roadway as an alternative to annexation of the road from Sennett to the City of Auburn. The applicant is reliant on the full subdivision development to move forward with this project. There are logistical problems with water, services, trash, emergency responses, etc. without settling the annexation issues. The City is not electing this (NYS legislative) option and is looking at annexation.  The original proposal was to annex the entire project portion that was in Sennett. It was compromised to just annex the proposed road to get the subdivision passed. No further compromises will be made.

John Breanick – questions the process involved.

Nancy Hussey – the applicant will petition for annexation at a public hearing.  Auburn City Council and Sennett will act on this.  If there is disagreement, it will move to a special proceeding before the 4th appellate court.

John Rogalski – according to the news Sennett states they felt rushed.

Nancy Hussey – there were many discussions concerning this subdivision and the Sennett Board chair has been here for the meetings.  That statement is not true.

Steve Lynch – Concerning the K & S car wash on Seymour St., work has begun there.  In the site plan the forever-green section was to be used as buffer between a fence along the car wash & the Willard Chapel site.  The owner of K&S now wants the fence to be relocated to lie between the (forever green) buffer site (still residentially zoned) & the Willard Chapel.  This is not a problem with the Chapel – they prefer this alternative. The space between the fence and the start of the commercial buffer area for the car wash is to remain forever green.

John Breanick makes a motion to allow the movement of the fence to be between the forever-green space and the Chapel, seconded by Sam Giangreco. All members vote approval.  Motion carried.

Councilor Hunter – questions how fixed the footprints are for the other 3 buildings on the Walgreen’s site.

Steve Lynch – they are showing all 4 now for a conceptual layout and to inform the board of the intentions but this may change.

Nancy Hussey – Code requirements will be determined by the final uses of the buildings.

Chair – asks for a motion to adjourn.  Motion made by John Breanick, seconded by Sam Giangreco. All members vote approval. Meeting adjourned.