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Planning Board Minutes 4/5/05
City of Auburn Planning Board
Tuesday, April 5, 2005 6:30 PM, MEMORIAL City Hall

Present:  Sam Giangreco, John Rogalski, Mark DiVietro, John Breanick. Absent: Laurie Michelman, Sandra Craner, Nicki Wright  

Staff:  Steve Lynch, OPED Director; Nancy Hussey, Assistant Corporation Counsel; Stephen Selvek, Planner; Tom Weed, APD

John Breanick is the acting chair for tonight’s meeting.

The Chair called the meeting to order.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and roll was called.  
Agenda Item 1:  Approval of minutes of March 1, 2005.

Chair asks for a motion to approve the minutes of March 1, 2005. Motion made by Mark DiVietro, seconded by Sam Giangreco.  All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 2:  Public Hearing for Site Plan Review for 292 North St. addition to existing building.

Chair invites owner or agent to speak.

Blair Longo, Braeridge Rd., owner – proposed is a 16’ x 18’ addition to the existing building with no other changes.  There will be three additional employees. The structure will be of the same type as the existing. New equipment will be added.

Chair asks for comments from the public.  No comments. Public Hearing is closed.  Chair asks for comments from the Board.  No comments.  Moves on to staff comments.

Steve Lynch – located in an Industrial zone and is a permitted use.  Expanding for manufacturing purposes.  The wooded buffer will be kept between the building and North St.  This is a straightforward plan. Recommendation is for a negative declaration on SEQR and approval of the site plan as presented.

Chair asks for a motion for a negative declaration on SEQR.  Motion made by John Rogalski, seconded by Sam Giangreco. All members vote approval.  Motion carried.

Chair asks for a motion to approve the site plan as submitted.  Motion made by Mark DiVietro, seconded by Sam Giangreco. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Steve Lynch introduces Stephen Selvek to the Board.

Agenda Item 3:  Public Hearing for preliminary subdivision review at 2-14 Worden Ave for 6 building lots.

Chair invites owner or agent to speak.

Donald Ragan, S. Salina St. Syracuse – has been in development entire life dealing in land and selling land to people who will build on it.  At this time subdivision is for two lots only, revised application has been submitted.  The last parcel was at one time two lots that were merged and he now wants them as two lots again.  All utilities are available.  Had looked into mobile homes but they are not allowed.  Modular homes are not cost effective.  Will sell to people who will build there.
Chair asks public for comments.

Deirdre Stafford, Worden Ave – has lived in area for thirty years and is the only house currently on the street.  Came to meeting to find out what is going on there.  Wants to know what type of buildings will be erected.

Donald Ragan – construction will be done according to code.  It will probably be single-family dwellings of about 1000 sq ft.

Steve Lynch – points out on map area to be subdivided.

Donald Ragan – will not be building homes.  Buyers will be building own homes.

Chair closes the Public Hearing and asks the Board for comments.

Mark DiVietro – this is already zoned R1?

Steve Lynch – yes

Chair asks for staff comments.

Steve Lynch – this is a minor subdivision.  It was originally submitted for 6 lots and then revised to 2 lots at the end on the street.  It does not require any new roads.  Preliminary approval can be waived and move on to final as desired.  The applicant will install sidewalks and gutter swales that must be in place within three years.

Donald Ragan – we intend to get the sidewalks installed as soon as possible.

Steve Lynch – draft resolution is for a negative declaration on SEQR and approval of the subdivision as presented subject to some security to ensure sidewalks.  Recommendation is for a negative declaration on SEQR and approval of the subdivision.

Chair asks for a motion for a negative declaration on SEQR. Motion made by John Rogalski, seconded by Mark DiVietro. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

John Breanick – points out Exhibit A of the subdivision resolution for any discussion.

Sam Giangreco – a wooded area is show in the aerial photo.  Questions drainage issues if these trees are removed.

Steve Lynch – whoever gets a permit to build there will have to show a soil erosion control plan.

John Breanick – is Oak Creek zoned R4?

Steve Lynch – yes.

Sam Giangreco – asks Ms. Stafford if there are any problems she can think of.

Deirdre Stafford – doesn’t foresee any problems.  Just curious as to what was being done.

Chair asks for a motion to approve the subdivision resolution with security clause.  Motion made by Mark DiVietro, seconded by Sam Giangreco.  All members vote approval.  Motion carried.

Agenda Item 4:  Public Hearing for final subdivision at 62-68 Prospect St. for 7 residential lots on Prospect St. and 10 lots off Hickory St.

Chair invites owner or agent to speak.

Larry Jones, Mary St. - this is 16.8 acres broken into 17 building lots extending Hickory St. into the project.  7 lots will be along Prospect St. The other 10 will be around the new extension of Hickory St.

Chair asks the public for comments.  No comments. Closes the Public Hearing and asks the Board for comments.

Steve Lynch – 1st recaps what has been happening.  The project was 1st presented to the Board under Other Matters 12/7/04.  The first public hearing was 2/1/05 at which time the Board was declared lead agency for SEQR.  On 3/1/05 preliminary subdivision was approved.  Sennett has given approval pending an engineering review.  Storm water management plan has been submitted.  Beardsley Design has developed a storm water pollution plans also submitted to Sennett for review. SEQR and a full EAF has been done.

Nancy Hussey – annexation has been a problem with the plan. According to Code a developed lot has to face a street.  Properties behind the Prospect St. lots do not face a street so would be in violation of Code.  We have jurisdiction over City lots only.  It would exceed our authority to OK the plan.  Proposes to allow to be done in 2 phases.  Develop the parcels on Prospect St and the west parcels would be conditional on annexation from Sennett.  Subsequent to drafting the resolution discussion ensued how to have the subdivision legal and accepted within the pervue of the Auburn Planning Board and a Municipal Cooperation agreement for City Council to act on.

Steve Lynch – consequently the applicant may elect to table and require a special meeting to meet commitments on purchase offer.

Bob Barry, atty for applicant, to clarify – the city has expressed a desire to annex.  Larry Jones, the applicant, is neutral on this matter; he just wants to get the development done.  He does not know is he can move forward with only the parcels on Prospect St.  We cannot proceed without the annexation.  Suggested to move the road ½ in the City so the proposed lots will front a City road though this solution is not desirable. The second choice is the cooperative agreement.  The proposed lots will not front a City street but they will front a street with utilities being provided by Sennett.  If neither of these is possible the plan will fail.  The option expires April 25, 2005.  

John Breanick – if there is a special meeting will everything be taken care of by the 25th?

Bob Barry – we will try our best.  We would try to seek an extension but we are not optimistic it will be granted.

John Breanick – asks Larry Jones his feelings on the matter.

Larry Jones – not great.  I have a lot of time and money invested in the project.  Does not understand how the lots can’t be legal if a road is there.  Annexation is a legal matter between Auburn and Sennet and nothing to do with him.

Steve Lynch – the issues have been reviewed. Does the Board have nay feedback for the applicant?  Asks to poll the Board for a special meeting on the 18th.

Ken Kemp, BDA – we could have plans ready within a couple days prior to the meeting.

John Breanick – should all else be reviewed tonight?

Steve Lynch – doesn’t think SEQR should be reviewed at this time.  Any other questions can be addressed.  All other departments have reviewed the plans and found them acceptable.  

Ken Kemp – regarding the ordinance about lots fronting a City street – this was made so that lots front a decent street.  The proposed road is being designed to Auburn’s standards which are above those of Sennett.

John Breanick – recognizes and welcomes Mayor Lattimore and Councilor Hunter.  Polls Board members for special meeting on the 18th.

All members except Mark DiVietro would be available.  A poll of absent members will be done before a decision is made.

Steve Lynch – recommends choice of an alternate date but before the Sennett Board meeting.  The 19th at 5:30 p.m. would be the only other option at this time.

All members state availability. Absent members will be polled before a decision made.

John Breanick – asks for any other questions on this project.

John Rogalski – who would be responsible for taxes for lots along Hickory?

John Breanick – the issue will be discusses further. Current owner is responsible at this time until the properties are transferred.

Chair asks for a motion to table until the special meeting.  Motion made by Sam Giangreco, seconded by Mark DiVietro. All members vote approval.  Motion carried.

Other Matters

John Breanick – we had discussed at the last meeting a resolution in support of the CDBG program to be sent on to our representatives.  Asks for a motion in favor of the resolution.  Motion made by Sam Giangreco, seconded by John Rogalski.  Al members vote approval. Motion carried.

Steve Lynch – a conceptual plan for Walgreen’s store at the corner of N. Seward Ave and Grant Ave will be presented.

Mike O’Neil, American Group I assisting Guy Hart Jr. and Sr. of HDL properties, Brad Strommel, Engineer, Dave Colgrove, architect and Brian Donovan, Atty. The proposed project is at the currently vacant P&C/Real Deals property.  Reviews the proposed building of Walgreen’s, a coffee house, a band and a restaurant.  A snow storage area has been provided. A storm water drainage plan will be done.  The plan tries to emphasize the green space around the area.  Will be eliminating one curb cut on Grant Ave.  Will be completing a traffic study to comply with DOT and alleviate any concerns by APD.  Traffic demographics and marketing study have shown it will be a successful project.  Plans are to move along to go forward by fall.

Greg Sgromo – we are in the final stages of putting together more detailed plans for drainage, landscaping, amenities, etc.  It will be more like a neighborhood shopping center than a strip mall.  Sidewalks will be pedestrian friendly.

John Breanick – does Mr. Hart own the property or is there an agreement?

Guy Hart Sr. – we have a signed agreement with the current owner.

Greg Sgromo – there is a storm water management pond at the rear of the site and storm water quality management.

John Breanick – will there be trees along Grant Ave

Greg Sgromo – yes – they are not shown yet – we do have to be cognizant of the visibility from the roads.  We will have a detailed landscaping plan.

John Breanick – will the Seward Ave access be expanded?

Greg Sgromo – it may but the access there is pretty wide now.  DOT is favorable with the removal of one access on Grant Ave.  All plans should be ready by Friday.

John Breanick – Mike O’Neil says building A (Walgreen’s) is a go. What about the rest?

Mike O’Neil – to make it economically viable building A is a go but the others are needed to support the project.  We have not proposed less than the current use.  Traffic will flow better & the site is broken up more.

Dave Colgrove, Harmony Design – Bldg A is 114 x 130 sq ft with a corner entrance.  The façade is cast limestone, tan material and red brick split face block.  It will be 8-inch reinforced concrete block with a durable finish.  It will be a high quality building.  Walgreen’s prototype uses all four sides of the building.

John Breanick – with the other buildings be of the same material?

Mike O’Neil – we will keep the same color scheme but the client will determine the materials used.  Thanks the Board for the opportunity to present.  

Bob Hunter – asks if the access to Taco Bell remains.

Mike O’Neil – yes – it’s in the Taco Bell lease.  We have a meeting Monday with DOT to discuss further.

Tim Lattimore – thanks the developers for further investment in the City.

John Breanick – asks is there are any other prospective tenants.

Mike O’Neil – we are in negotiations at this time but not at liberty to discuss.

Sam Giangreco – asks if P&C will be demo’d (yes).  Asks if the retainer wall behind the building will be disturbed.

Mike O’Neil – no, landscaping will be used to reduce its appearance.

Sam Giangreco – expresses concern with drainage issues especially with the church project proposed with above it.

Mike O’Neil – would like to review those plans – trying to keep development on the environmentally friendly side.

Steve Lynch – thanks the developers for their presentation.  Will need to coordinated SEQR with DOT and do lead agency resolution.  What would be the impact on the site if the other buildings do not go thru?

Brian Donovan – the proposed buildings are not being built on speculation.

Steve Lynch – do you anticipate these issues firmed by the final review?

Greg Sgromo – would like approval of conceptual project.  Walgreen’s is time sensitive, once built the rest will become more appealing.

John Breanick – are the sizes of the buildings variable.

Greg Sgromo – limited by what can fit in there, will have to fin within the areas denoted, there is not much room for change.

John Breanick – asks Codes and APD for any comments.  (none at this time from either)

Tim Lattimore – asks about church project.

John Breanick – the church is expanding with an addition

Steve Lynch – we need to look at these projects separately and take each one on its own merits.  There is no impact on this project from the church project.

John Breanick – any changes recommended?

Steve Lynch – we will have a DRC review meeting to follow up with that.

John Breanick – can a preliminary review be ready?

Greg Sgromo – we can be done by Friday then as soon as we can get to the meeting.

Chair – asks for a motion to adjourn.  Motion made by Sam Giangreco, seconded by Mark DiVietro. All members vote approval. Meeting adjourned.