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Planning Board Minutes 1/4/05
City of Auburn Planning Board
Tuesday, January 4, 2005 7:30 PM, MEMORIAL City Hall

Present:  Nicki Wright, Sam Giangreco, John Rogalski, Mark DiVietro, John Breanick, Sandra Craner. Absent: Laurie Michelman (excused)

Staff:  Steve Lynch, OPED Director; Nancy Hussey, Assistant Corporation Counsel; Brian Hicks, Sr. Code Enforcement Officer.

John Breanick is the acting Chair for tonight’s meeting.

The Chair called the meeting to order.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and roll was called.  

Agenda Item 1:  Approval of minutes of December 7, 2004.

Chair asks for a motion to approve the minutes of December 7, 2004. Motion made by Sam Giangreco, seconded by Mark DiVietro.  All members vote approval with Nicki Wright abstaining. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 2:  Public Hearing for Special Use Permit for a bed and breakfast operation at 10 Fitch Ave.

Chair invites owner or agent to speak.

Kathryn Hess – proposes a bed and breakfast at her home on 10 Fitch Ave using 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms for a total space of about 466 square feet.  Most business anticipated to occur during June, July and August. There will be estimated four guests maximum at a time.

Chair asks for comments from the public.

Johanna Smith-Ellis, Fitch Ave – questions the effects on the neighborhood. Concerned about traffic, as it has been a quiet neighborhood. Not clear on the zoning regulations, is the zoning being changed?

John Breanick – it remains a residential zone.

Brian Hicks – she is getting a permit for a home occupation. B & B is an allowed use in this zone as long as it does not exceed 500 sq. ft. and receives a special permit from the Planning Board.

Johanna Smith-Ellis – but once it’s changed is there another level it can go to?  If it’s sold & someone else wants the use can they increase it?

John Breanick – no, they would have to go thru the same process.

Steve Lynch – the special permit is for Ms. Hess only, it does not run with the house.  We will be looking at the property, house and space with regard to impact. If the Board determines that the use won’t create problems with traffic, noise, etc., they may issue a special permit to run the business as a home occupation.  It does not change the actual zoning. Operating a B&B in the residential zone is a permitted use that has to come before the Board to examine any possible impacts on the neighborhood.

Chair closes the Public Hearing. Asks Board for comments.

Sam Giangreco – questions number of guests.

Kathryn Hess – there will be 2 to 4 guests at one time, 2 rooms, 2 couples.

Sam Giangreco – the driveway can handle the additional parking?

Kathryn Hess – yes.

Sam Giangreco – will there be any other changes to the exterior?

Kathryn Hess – no

John Breanick – asks if there will be a sign.

Kathryn Hess – yes

John Breanick – check with Codes for specifications.

John Rogalski – asks if the traffic situation will be much to worry about.

Kathryn Hess – wouldn’t think so.

John Rogalski – asks about winter months.

Kathryn Hess – will be slower during the winter, most business anticipated in the summer. May have some winter use around the holidays.

Chair asks for staff comments.

Steve Lynch – DRC looked at this. The limit is 500 sq ft., which typically limits the B&B business to 2 rooms.  The neighborhood area was reviewed and we determined that the circular drive allows for adequate parking. With only 2 rooms/4 guests there will not be much additional traffic, noise or neighborhood impact. The DRC recommends a negative declaration under SEQR and approval of the permit.

John Breanick – questions a permit for the sign

Brian Hicks – she will need to apply for an additional permit for the sign.  2 sq ft is the allowable size.

Chair – asks for a motion on SEQR.  Motion for negative declaration made by Sandra Craner, seconded by Nicki Wright. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Chair – asks for motion for special permit. Motion for approval made by Sandra Craner, seconded by Mark DiVietro. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 3:  Public Hearing for Site Plan review at 254 North St. 1152 sq ft building addition and parking expansion.

Chair invites owner or agent to speak.

Ed Gallagher, General Manager for Hammond & Irving, Tom Redmond, BDA

Tom Redmond - adding 1152 SF to the existing office building located at the front of the main building.  There was a 900 SF addition about 10 years ago but business has expanded and space is getting crowded.  Adding 5 parking spaces and reconfiguring the existing parking area.  Have worked with the City on landscaping, there is about 100 linear feet of frontage.  Existing utilities will be used. There is no change in the lighting.  Looking at option of changing the exterior of the building.

Chair asks for comments from the public.  (There are none) Closes the Public Hearing and asks the Board for comments.

John Breanick – asks how much run off will be created by additional paving.

Tom Redmond – we are adding only 5 spaces, so there will be about 1000 SF of existing paving, which will be an insignificant amount.

John Breanick – is there adequate space for snow removal?

Ed Gallagher – yes, there is plenty of open land there for storage.  Plowing is contracted out.

Chair – asks for staff comments.

Steve Lynch – this is a straightforward application.  The Fire Department has made their review and determined that the plan does not impact the existing access for fire protection.  Not much else is changing.  We have worked with the applicant to bring the parking in compliance with proper buffer and landscape zones.  There are no substantive drainage issues to address.  SEQR is not required, it is a Type II action, and the recommendation of the DRC is for approval of the site plan as submitted.

John Rogalski – commends Hammond & Irving for the expansion and increased employment. Makes motion to approve the site plan as submitted, seconded by Sam Giangreco. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Chair – recognizes the attendance of Mr. Montrose, Chair of Sennett Planning Board.

Agenda Item 4:  Public Hearing for Preliminary Site Plan Review at 630 N. Seward Ave building addition and parking expansion.

Chair invites owner or agent to speak.

Norman Davies, Architect for Site Plan – Offices in Binghamton NY– states he is only involved with the site plan and not the erection of the actual building.  Proposal is for a 14,000 SF addition to the church to accommodate an additional 500 people and expansion of the parking lot to 241 spaces.  Believes the property is adequate to accommodate the proposal.  Points out actual property lines on map and states future plans will show total property.  Hunter Brook is included within the property.  Also will provide survey map.

Chair asks the public for any comments. (There are none) Closes Public Hearing and asks Board for comments.

Sam Giangreco – concerned with drainage issues, more impervious ground is being created that will create more run off.

Norman Davies – the existing parking lot is crushed stone, this will all be covered with impervious material.  Realizes that addressing the drainage issues will be a major point and is prepared to do so.  Also states they do not want to disturb the rear bank.

John Breanick – asks the size of the current congregation.

Norman Davies – does not have that info.

John Breanick – wants to be sure there is adequate parking and traffic flow.

Nicki Wright – also wants info on traffic, number of people using the establishment, parking, etc.

Mark DiVietro – asks if the proposed work to be done at P & C plaza will have any effect on this development.

Norman Davies – that has not been considered as an impact.  We will not be working at the top of that bank. Our big issue is the storm water management.

John Breanick – are there plans for a retention pond?

Norman Davies – we have met with Steve Lynch and Bill Lupien to discuss how we may address these issues. Our role is to not increase run off.  We are looking at an underground piping system.  We intend to show there is no more water released after construction as there is now.

John Breanick – asks if there is adequate snow storage.

Norman Davies – there is enough space along the rear bank to disperse snow, also along the south line.

John Breanick – questions catch basins.

Norman Davies – hoping the underground piping will take care of this.  In the past there has been better luck controlling water with the underground piping.

Sam Giangreco – questions the building height.

Norman Davies – it is within allowable parameters.

Mark DiVietro – questions access. Suggests keeping lower access (drive closer to Grant Avenue) as an entrance only.

Norman Davies – this will be reviewed in detail also.  The top access (toward Franklin Street) has a good site line.  Vehicles tend to leave en masse and have only one exit could prove problematic.

Mark DiVietro – it is easier to see the back up of cars at the top access.

Norman Davies – it will be reviewed more.

John Rogalski – asks if there are any concerns from APD.

Steve Lynch – although he is not here tonight, Tom Weed was at the DRC meeting and will continue to be part of the review process.

Sam Giangreco – along with a catch basin erosion can be addressed by planting foliage.

Chair – asks for staff comments.

Steve Lynch – all items the Board asked about were also addressed at the DRC meeting and a list is included in the packets.  A 3rd party engineering firm may be brought in to review the drainage issue. We discussed that possibility with Mr. Davies this afternoon. We also spoke of other permits that may be required such as DEC, Army Corps of Engineers.   More info is needed before a preliminary approval can be determined.  At this time staff recommends lead agency determination only.  The project will continue to be worked on between staff and the project architect and will be brought back when all items have been addressed.

John Breanick – the big issues are traffic and water flow.  Due diligence needs to be done before returning.

Norman Davies – we will need time to prepare and will probably not be back before the March meeting.

Chair asks for a motion to declare Auburn Planning Board as lead agency for SEQRA.  Motion made by Sandra Craner, seconded by Mark DiVietro. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 5:  Public Hearing for Preliminary Subdivision Review at 62-86 Prospect St. for single-family residential lots.

Chair invites owner or agent to speak.

Larry Jones – gave introduction of project at last meeting (under other business).  Has option to buy 16.7 acres. Has retained BDA engineers and Watkins Surveying for the project. Will be developing 17 working lots with 4 completely in Sennett and 1 partially in Sennett.  Hickory St. to be extended into the project.  Not trying to move any water, Hunter Brook is on the property.  BDA is working to solve any situation that may come up.

Chair invites the public to speak.

Carol Tripicano, Hickory St. – lives adjacent to the project and has no objections to development & doesn’t believe any neighbors do.  Concerned that Hickory St. is a dead end with only 6 houses there and the development proposes to open this street up to further traffic which would dramatically change the neighborhood. Would like to see project access from another point.  Our area seems to be being encroached upon from all angles.  Glad this parcel will remain residential.  Also expresses concern over water issues and wetlands.

John Breanick – welcomes Mayor Lattimore and closes Public Hearing. Asks the Board for comments.

John Rogalski – remembers previous development plans for area.  Hickory seems to be the only access.

Sam Giangreco – questions the stream.

Larry Jones – understands it originates at the river and flows thru this property.

Sam Giangreco – no larger than 3 – 4 ft across at any point?

Larry Jones – current owner has seen it larger.  We intend to put a culvert on top of the streambed to protect it.  A baffle system is being designed that will help with the storm water flows.

Sam Giangreco – a buried sewer line was mentioned at the last meeting.

Larry Jones – the stub of a storm sewer appears to be at the town line on Hickory Street.  During winter, the end of Hickory becomes a sheet of ice because of the topography and run off from this property. This will be addressed through piping and tapping into the storm water system.

John Rogalski – asks the depth of the stream.

Larry Jones – BDA has the flood plan, it is not that bad. Depth is not an issue, volume is.  The system is being designed above and beyond flood plan limits.  Also, it is in the best interest of the public not to build the road off of Prospect. That would create a horrible situation.

Sandra Craner – not sure where Hickory St. development is.

Larry Jones – right next to the proposed development (pointed out on plans).  The current farm is isolated won’t be operational for much longer; it will be developed at some point.  We are underutilizing the property for development to make it a nice subdivision.  Farming there is being discontinued in the future and will just become over-run – this will make productive and attractive use of the land.

Sam Giangreco – commends Mr. Jones and his people for making this feasible.  All issues are being addressed systematically.

Chair asks for staff comments.

Steve Lynch – Recommendation from DRC is to move forward with designation of Auburn as the lead agency for coordination with Sennett in the SEQRA review.  Although the subdivision is an Unlisted Action, the applicant will be required to do the long form EAF.  Once the Board takes these steps, staff will send a letter to Sennett regarding lead agency determination and to open formal communications. We have had some informal discussions with Town representatives. We will be attempting to set up a meeting very soon to discuss inter-municipal concerns.  We are pleased that BDA is on board as the site engineers – we have a good working relationship with them on storm water concerns.  Overall there is a reasonable roadway layout; and although I understand the concerns of the neighbors on Hickory Street, Prospect St. access does pose more significant problems for traffic and safety and cost. The Board should appreciate that Mr. Jones is not filling in the entire property with development lots – the lots are significantly larger that those permitted by code.  Also, there is the question of whether this proposal could lead to future development in Sennett off of this Hickory Street extension. Right now we need more info before preliminary approval can be issued.

John Breanick – questions if AFD will be able to turn in the cul-de-sac.

Steve Lynch – they reviewed the plan and the fire trucks will fit in the radius.

Larry Jones – it was designed with that in mind and they can fit through there. FYI, as stated in the last meeting, my wife and I will be living in the development. It is planned to be a quiet neighborhood.

Chair asks for a motion to declare Auburn Planning Board as lead agency for SEQRA.  Motion made by Sandra Craner, seconded by Sam Giangreco. All members vote approval. Motion carried

Other Matters


Chair – asks for a motion to adjourn.  Motion made by Sam Giangreco, seconded by Sandra Craner. All members vote approval. Motion carried.