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Planning Board Minutes 03/05/2002
City of Auburn Planning Board
Tuesday, March 5, 2002, 7:30 p.m. Memorial City Hall

Present: John Breanick, John Rogalski, Mark DiVietro, Joyce Cavanaugh, Sam Giangreco, Laurie Michelman, Donna Bruno

Staff: Vijay Mital, Director of OPED; Steve Lynch, Sr. Planner; Tom Leone, Corporation Counsel; Jim Moore, Code Enforcement Officer

The Chairwoman called the meeting to order, roll was called and the Pledge of Allegiance recited.

Agenda Item 1: Approval of minutes from January 29, 2002 and February 5, 2002 meetings

Chair asks for a motion to accept the minutes from January 29, 2002 and February 5, 2002.
Motion made by Sam Giangreco and seconded by Mark DiVietro.  All members vote approval.  Minutes approved and accepted.

Agenda Item 2: Public Hearing Site Plan Review for 101 Hamilton Ave, Cayuga Home for Children, Staff Parking Areas

The Chairwoman invites the representative to speak.

Gary Snyder from Beardsley Design Associates speaking on behalf of the Cayuga Home for Children.  The site intersects Lake Ave north and south and Hamilton Ave east and west.  Main site is 14 Lake Ave where a home and shed were demolished and filled with crusher run gravel. Has since been taken over for parking though not originally intended to be.  Staff has increased, necessitating the need for more parking. Existing areas are not wide enough for perpendicular parking.  Entry for new parking will be on Hamilton Ave and exit onto Lake Ave. One lane of diagonal parking allows 18 additional spaces located directly behind the home.  Proposed to double load the existing lot off Osborne St. and add ten spaces.  Both lots tie into street sewer for runoff.  Existing catch basin is on Osborne St. side. Utility lines and plantings included on site plan according to code.  Six foot planting strip at each property line with screening shrubs.  Fence twenty-five feet from property line on Lake Ave down to Osborne St.  Remaining corner for snow storage.

Julie Sharik
Alan Sharik
Alan Sharick
Chair closes this part of the public hearing.

Dave Tehan (Attorney for CHC)
Dave Tehan
Steve Lynch
Chair asks for motion to accept SEQR.  Motion made by John Rogalski, seconded by Mark DiVietro.  All members vote approval.  Resolution passed.

Chair asks for a motion for approval of the site plan.  Motion made by John Rogalski, seconded by Sam Giangreco.  All members vote approval.  Resolution passed.

Item #3: Public Hearing for Site Plan Review for 202-204 Genesee St. Bel-Aire Apartments, 2 bldgs with 6 units each

Chair invites owner or representative to speak.

Sam Giacona for Brendan Grillo be done later today.  As I understand, that is the only issue remaining and all other items meet the requirements.

William Walton
Sam Giacona
Carol Kilmer
Tom Leone
John Connors
John reads parts of letter, which is included and made part of these minutes.  States that wooded area off his back yard will be removed which he and his wife greatly enjoy.  Speaking for Mr. Pettigrass, neighbor, feels more lights, cars, people, etc. will be detrimental & that his personal home will become a short-cut thru properties.  From his own back yard, the topography drops from Bel-Aire to his property, which will probably be filled in, making it seem like a cliff from his property.  Looks like a nice plan but too many detrimental items to have to deal with.  It looks like there is a tree line along the property lines & I would recommend an additional fence line there to add as a buffer.  

John Breanick
Sam Giangreco
John Breanick
Donna Bruno
A barrier recommended at end of drive/R.O.W.

Chair asks for motion to adjourn.  Motion made by Mark DiVietro and seconded by Donna Bruno.  All members approve.  

Meeting adjourned.