City of Auburn
Parks & Recreation Commission
William Sherman, Chairperson
Monday, September 10, 2001 Meeting Minutes
Commissioners Present: William Sherman; Joe Leogrande; Barb Spicer; Kiki Impaglia;
Mike Speck; Diane Adams; Mary Ellen Perry; William Jacobs and Chris Bennett-Collins.
Commissioners Excused: Charles Savage
Ex-Officio Members Present: L. Leary and M. Talbot.
The City of Auburn Parks and Recreation Commission is herein called: Commission
The City of Auburn Department of Public Works is herein called: DPW
The City of Auburn is herein called: City
Meeting Called to Order by Chairperson Sherman at 4:35pm.
Minutes of last meeting reviewed by commissioners present. Mr. Leogrande asked that an addition be made to cover a conversation he had with Mr. DelFavero regarding the replacement of two of the backstops at Herman Field. Mr. Talbot stated that all three would be replaced for next summer season. Motion made and the commissioners present accepted the minutes.
Mr. Talbot informed the commission that two bids had been received for the equipment at the new Skateboard Park with no further decision at this time.
Discussion regarding the continuing improvements at Hoopes Park occurred. During July the bridge was repaired. The major pathways' paving was completed. Sign construction had begun- stone pillars were in place. Mr. Sherman stated that he had been at the DPW Garage and had seen the sample sign and it looked great. The final product would be a sandblasted cedar or mahogany.
Discussion occurred regarding the donation by the Auburn Enlarged City School District to the City of the slate and limestone platform currently located at East Middle School. It will be moved by the DPW and placed at Hoopes Park in the great lawn south of the Clubhouse. Its use in place of The Showmobile for summer music events was discussed.
Vice Chair Adams then asked about the completion of the smaller 2' pathways to be placed through the flower bed area. It was explained that was all handwork and Mr. DelFavero proposed to complete that next summer.
Chairperson Sherman passed out a draft recommendation for the Commission to review. The recommendation was for a lifting of the moratorium and asked for a review of any and all requests for donation by the Commission.
Lengthy discussion occurred regarding the recommendation. As a result the recommendation was revised.
A second recommendation would also be written to implore the city council to hire a landscape architect or solicit the area colleges for a graduate student that could work with the Commission to complete the planting aspect of a functional plan for the park.
Discussion occurred on the extent of the planning completed by the sub-committee with regard to the choice of benches, memorials, landscape materials etc.
John Breancik of S. Seward Ave addressed commission regarding the moratorium. Mr. Breanick discussed moratorium, his desire to made a donation, and the commission desire to have expert assistance in completing the functional plan.
Discussion continued regarding Mr. Sherman's recommendation and the second recombination. First recommendation was agreed upon as revised and accepted by commissioners present. Second recommendation was agreed upon as well. Mr. Sherman would have the recommendations typed and Vice Chair Adams would present to council, as Mr. Sherman would be unavailable for Council meeting.
Mr. Jacobs talked of the present condition of Soule Cemetery and stated he would like the Commission to have a meeting at Soule. He states the city has 17 parks and 2 cemeteries that fall under the jurisdiction of this Commission and that the Commission should take a closer look at the condition of the cemetery.
Discussion occurred on the Fall & Winter Programs offered by the City. Mr. Talbot informed Commission what programs are in place for the winter season. Discussion occurred regarding the ice skating at Hoopes Park. Ms. Impaglia expressed her concerns of the planning of the skating at Hoopes Park. She took issue with the inconsistency in the way decisions were made regarding skating last winter at Hoopes Park. Discussion then occurred regarding skating at Casey Park. Commissioners would like to revisit this at a later date.
Discussion regarding the announcement by Mr. DelFavero, at the last meeting, that a citywide audit of the parks would be done. Mr. Talbot informed the Commission that this would be a comprehensive plan for all City parks.
Discussion occurred regarding that fact the City has two landscape architects on staff. Aforementioned recommendation would be revised to include city staff.
Ms. Spicer asked for an updated list of members and telephone numbers. Mr. Sherman stated he would ask Ms. Corcoran to include it with the next minutes mailing.
Discussion regarding date and place of next meeting occurred. Mr. Sherman stated he would talk with Mr. DelFavero regarding Soule Cemetery and if next meeting could be held there.
Adjournment: Next meeting Monday, October 1, 2001 at 4:30pm.