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May 2006 Minutes
Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Call to Order

Presentation by Judith Gallagher, Communications Director
Girls Scouts Seven Lake Council

Approval of Minutes

A.  Director’s Monthly Report Includes:
-Monthly Intake
-Monthly Budget
        - 2006-2007 Budget
- Juneteenth Day
- Annual Report
- HR Scholarship review/selection

B.  New Business
        - Appreciation plaque for HR Volunteer
        - July and August Commission meetings

C.  Old Business
Auburn Human Rights Commission

Members: Present (P) Absent, (A); Excused (E)
Karen Sheftic-Burns, Ex.Director   _P_  Fred Richardson, Commissioner __P_ __
Judah Rodriguez-Sierra _ E__  Fr. Stephen Mack  _ P__  Lebertus van der Werff   _A _  
Gwendolyn M. Jones __P _Kent Brandstetter__ E___ Anthony DeCaro _ E___
Yolanda Rivera  __E __

Members Present:  ___3_  Members Absent: __1___ Members Excused:  __4__  

Call to order:___5:00_pm  General Meeting-no quorum

Minutes approved/seconded by:   _______________
General Discussion took place over the following items on the agenda:

Director’s Report:

Monthly Intake for April (35).  Complainants consisted of concerns for housing, sexual harassment, employment, legal requests, and program information.  

Monthly Budget:  Members please see monthly activity report attached.

2006-2007 Budget:  Members please see Proposed Budget.  Also to discuss Budget Work Session from April 25.

Juneteenth Day 2006:    Press releases and all promotional materials are in the processes of mailing. The program is scheduled for Thursday, June 15 from 1-3 pm at the Booker T. Washington Community Center.  Confirmations also sent to BTW.  Awaiting confirmation from Wegmans as reception sponsor.  Representative from Congressman Boehlert’s office plans on attending.  Auburn City Mayor will attend.

HR Scholarship Fundraiser:  Mailer – ongoing all year.  Student applications arriving
daily via Auburn High School.  Scholarship total = $400.  Funds generated from our Awards Program Fundraiser, donations, Tomatofest awareness booth.  To date, nearly a dozen applicants arrived at the HR office, ready for review according to HR guidelines.

Advertising Campaign/Public Awareness (includes program booklets supporting various service organizations):  ongoing.

Annual Report:  Ongoing.  Publication scheduled for end of May.  Following blue-line proof, printing will take place.  Distribution will begin in late Spring.

Motion to accept Director’s Report/Second:  

New Business:  Members discuss HR Volunteer Appreciation.  This will be presented at the Juneteenth Day Program and will consist of an engraved plaque for volunteer years of service to the Commission.

July and August Commission Meeting times will be discussed  at the Commission  Meeting in June.

Old Business:   

Motion to adjourn/second:   
Time __6:00_  pm

Minutes respectfully submitted by Anthony DeCaro, Commission Secretary

Next Commission Meeting:

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 at 5:00 pm.
Members please call 255-4122 if you cannot attend.

Juneteenth Day  program is scheduled for Thursday, June 15
from 1-3 pm at the Booker T. Washington Community Center.