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June 2004 Minutes
Auburn Human Rights Commission
Members: Present (P) Absent, (A); Excused (E)

Karen Sheftic-Burns, Ex.Dir.   P   Fred Richardson, Comm.;   P  Zan Liebowitz, Sec.; _P_
Judah Rodriguez-Sierra; __E_ Fr. Stephen Mack;  _E_  Lebertus van der Werff (pend.);  E_  
Gwendolyn M. Jones;  E_ Kent Brandstetter; _E_ Anthony DeCaro P_
(Youth Member)  Shawntee Barr _E__

Members Present: __3   Members Absent: __0    Members Excused:  6_  

Auburn Human Rights Commission June meeting was held in conjunction with the Juneteenth Day Program with opportunity for general discussion of the Monthly Director’s Report,
including intake, programs, current and upcoming budget as follows:
·       Monthly intakes for May (45) consisting of questions and/or complaints dealing with housing matters, employment, legal needs and general questions concerning issues pertaining to human rights.

·       Monthly Budget:  Members please see monthly activity report attached.

·       Human Rights Scholarship:  On-going.  Confirmation of college plans of one recipient are finalized.   Scholarships awarded.

·       Human Rights Awareness Advertising Campaign:  On-going.  

·       Annual Report – On-going.  Blueline proof and printing to follow.

·       Juneteenth Day: Ongoing. Publicity efforts are complete.  Details are finalized.  Over 300 attendees are expected.

·       Attended Homsite monthly Board meeting.  Discussion included budget, programs available, and updates on current projects.

·       New/Old Business:  None at this time.

Next COMMISSION MEETING – (No meeting during July)
Wed. August 4, 2004 at 5 pm
Please call 255-4122 if you cannot attend.