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May 2004 Minutes
Auburn Human Rights Commission
Members: Present (P) Absent, (A); Excused (E)

Karen Sheftic-Burns, Ex.Dir.   P   Fred Richardson, Comm.;   P  Zan Liebowitz, Sec.; _E_
Judah Rodriguez-Sierra; __P_ Fr. Stephen Mack;  _P_  Lebertus van der Werff (pend.);  P_  
Gwendolyn M. Jones;  E_ Kent Brandstetter; _P_ Anthony DeCaro P_
(Youth Member)  Shawntee Barr _E__

Members Present: __6   Members Absent: __0    Members Excused:  2_  

Auburn Human Rights Commission was called to order at 5:05 pm.   A motion was made to approve last month’s minutes and seconded:  Mack/van der Werff

Members discussed the Monthly Director’s Report,
Including intake, programs, current and upcoming budget as follows:
·       Monthly intakes for April (30) consisting of questions and/or complaints dealing with housing matters, employment, legal needs and general questions concerning issues pertaining to human rights.

·       Monthly Budget:  Members please see monthly activity report attached.

·       2004-2005 Budget
Note Recap:  Retail Advertising costs are now the responsibility of the HR budget, as per City Clerk’s office.  They were responsible in the past for advertising costs but cannot pay our invoices at this time.  Unfortunately, this information arrived too late for our 2004-2005 budget proposal and wasn’t taken into consideration during the current budget. This presents a major strain on our current budget as the advertising expense was unexpected. It’s suggested that HR contact B. O’Hora, City Comptroller, and state need for/request additional funding ($1400 annually) for retail advertising human rights awareness ads.  Comptroller stated that she would forward this information to the City Manager. UPDATE:  AS OF THIS PRINTING HR has not received verification of reinstatement to the previously mentioned funds.  Budget Work Session was planned for April 30th at 6 pm and does not show new funds allocated to the 2004-2005 recommended budget.  Higher costs for advertising and less money in line appropriation  .46 will effect how much advertising space can be purchased with less money available.

Recap:  Budget 2004-2005 Budget Review Session UPDATE:  Attended second budget meeting.  Line appropriation 8040.46 was reduced by $200.  HR noted that the funds from this line are often transferred to other line appropriations in order to meet budgetary needs.  Manager noted our request for reinstatement for these funds. HR followed the meeting with a memo requesting reinstatement – to date:  awaiting response.

Human Rights Scholarship:  On-going.  Deadline for applications is May 1, 2004 with the majority of applications forwarded to the HR office via Auburn High School Guidance Office.  Donation mailer is mailed with anticipation for further donations from the community.  There were nearly one dozen scholarship applications, reviewed by Commission members for the $500 student award.  Members decided to select two students as recipients at $250 per each award.  Chosen recipients are:  Anthony Jupin and Julie Gauthier.  Commission members request that one of the recipients college plans be confirmed before releasing the scholarship.

·       Human Rights Awareness Advertising Campaign:  On-going.  

·       Annual Report – On-going.  Awaiting statistics from Legal Services of CNY. These stats contain information and activity dealing with legal aide usage within City of Auburn and Cayuga County.

·       Juneteenth Day: Ongoing.  Update:  For the seventh year in a row, Wegmans agrees to sponsor the J-Day Program and awaits guest count.  We are very pleased by their continued support.  The J-Day Presenters contract has (finally!) arrived with committal information.  Media pieces and mailings are being compiled.  Checking the sound system (with BTW). More details as we approach the program date.  Parks and Recreation may be helpful in securing a decent sound system for the upcoming program.

·       Attended Homsite monthly Board meeting.  Discussion included budget, programs available, and updates on current projects.

·       New/Old Business:  None at this time.

·       Motion to adjourn/seconded by van der Werff/Brandstetter at 6:05 pm

Wed. June 2, 2004 at 5 pm
Please call 255-4122 if you cannot attend.