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January 2004 Minutes
Auburn Human Rights Commission
Members: Present (P) Absent, (A); Excused (E)

Karen Sheftic-Burns, Ex.Dir.   P   Fred Richardson, Comm.;  P   Zan Liebowitz, Sec.; _P_
Judah Rodriguez-Sierra; _P__ Fr. Stephen Mack;  P__  Loretta Snell;  _E  
Gwendolyn M. Jones; _P_Valerie Bauhofer; __A_  Kent Brandstetter; _E_ Anthony DeCaro P__

Members Present: _6_   Members Absent: __1    Members Excused:  2_  

Auburn Human Rights Commission
The meeting was called to order at 5:05 pm.
A motion was made to approve last month’s minutes and seconded by Mack/DeCaro.

Director’s Report – Minutes January 2004 Meeting
Commission Members discuss the following issues from the monthly report:

·       Monthly intakes for December (38) consisting of questions and complaints dealing with housing matters, unjust termination in employment, discrimination due to race, and questions of a general nature.

·       Human Rights Scholarship fundraiser mailer reached area businesses and service organizations prior to Christmas holiday.   Timing was important for those that wish to receive credit for donations on their income taxes. Individuals and various businesses donated to the fund via the fundraiser raffle or monetary donation.  Public Service Announcements will continue to generate awareness and need for donations.

·       Human Rights call for Food Pantry donations netted an appreciative amount for the local St. Alphonsus outreach.

·       Human Rights Commission Member J. Rodriguez-Sierra and HR Director sponsored a “red kettle” in order to assist the Salvation Army in their efforts to raise funds during the holiday season.  Amount raised is unknown, but, the Salvation Army appreciates all efforts.

·       Black History Month 2004:  PSA runs toward the end of January.  General announcements to area service organizations, churches, and council members.  Entry reviews begin after January 14 and followed by press releases, etc.

·       Budget:  Members please see monthly activity report attached.

·       Budget 2004-2005 meetings begin.  The next meeting scheduled for Human Rights is Tuesday, February 3 at 10 am with Commissioner Richardson, HR Director, and City Manager.

·       HR Director used selected vacation days around the holidays during December.

·       Juneteenth Day Presenter Search Update:  Onondaga Historical Society in Syracuse offered new contacts but none were suitable for the venue of the day.  Most of their presenters focused on aspects of the Civil War and not so much on the Juneteenth Day celebration of freedom.  Syracuse University never responded to the request for information.  Also, Peter Wisby, Executive Director of Seward House Museum offered a referral name of David Anderson, Ph.D.  Dr. Anderson has connections to professional storytelling and is chairman of the Rochester-Monroe County Freedom Trail Commission.  They accomplish much through the Black Storytelling League of Rochester.  Their members tell folktales, legends, tall tales, etc. according to the individual teller’s taste.  At this time, Dr. Anderson has quoted a half-day program price at $600 including transportation.  HR clarifies the Juneteenth Day program schedule at 40 minutes and no greater than one hour.  The reception follows with anticipated students returning to their homeward bound buses.  Also, Robert “Jed” Snead, President of the Black Storytelling League of Rochester provided information about his organization.  He advises calling their booking agent for fee information and availability.

·       New Business:  NAACP Millennium Luncheon Program on Jan. 21
·       Old Business:  None
·       Meeting adjourned at 6:00 pm motion/second by DeCaro/Mack


Includes Black History Month Program/Reception

Wed. Feb. 4, 2004 at 5 pm

Please call 255-4122 if you cannot attend the
meeting & Program