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October 1, 2003 Minutes
Auburn Human Rights Commission
Members: Present (P) Absent, (A); Excused (E)

Karen Sheftic-Burns, Ex.Dir.    P  Fred Richardson, Comm.; P    Zan Liebowitz, Sec.; P_
Judah Rodriguez-Sierra; P Fr. Stephen Mack;  E  Loretta Snell;  A  Gwendolyn M. Jones; P        
Valerie Bauhofer; A Kent Brandstetter; P Anthony DeCaro; A      

Members Present:  5  Members Absent:  2   Members Excused:   1_

Minutes:  October 1, 2003

Meeting was called to order at 5:05 pm
Last months Director’s Report approved/second by Jones/Rodriguez

Due to the Auburn Human Rights Awards/Recognition Program & Reception Commission scheduled for this evening, Members briefly discussed the following items on the agenda.

Director’s Report for October 2003

·       Monthly intakes for September (71) consisting of questions and complaints dealing with eviction/housing matters, HR Awards Program, requests for legal assistance, employment/termination, and general matters.  Discussion on intakes.

·       TomatoFest information booth was very successful. For the third year in a row, HR was fortunate to have an Auburn High School sophomore Crystal Sheftic, a student volunteer, help set up the information booth on Saturday.  Many thanks to Crystal.   HR experienced good exposure and foot traffic on both days, but especially on Sunday.  Various items were sold:
* T-shirts = $10.00
* Wooden globes = $30
* HR Scholarship raffles =  $120.00
* HR Awards tickets = $20.00
* Multicultural puppets =$33.00
     Members discuss a successful awareness booth and are pleased with the amount of money raised from booth items.

·       HR Awards Recognition program UPDATE:  Details are finalized with all media pieces complete and mailed.  All Awardees have been notified by written congratulatory letter.  Adelphia has been running our information for over a month; giving HR good exposure.  Publicity tracking:  area newspapers will publish a feature prior to the program.  Regional newspapers have also received  press release material.  Service Organizations received  announcements with a friendly phone follow-up.  Schools and churches were sent announcements.  Additionally, politicians on a local and state level were addressed.  Caterer Mike Orafino has graciously quoted the same pricing per person this year as he has done in the past years.  HR may have to forego a student piano player as a qualified performer is not available to date – still searching. Engraved plaques have been ordered and will be ready for pick up the day before the program. Members briefly discuss WalMart’s last minutes efforts to secure their rescinded award.

·       Budget:  Members please see monthly activity report attached.
Members review  line appropriations.  Discussion.

·        Fair Housing Forum & HR in-service planning tentatively set for November.  More details to follow.
·       Attended Options for Independence Annual program. – A good program, well attended.
·       Advertising campaign designing and planning underway.  Publishing dates to begin shortly.
Members discuss programs and campaigns.

Old/New Business:  None at this meeting.
Meeting adjourned.  Motion/approved/second by Brandstetter/Liebowitz

All Members please report to the Awards Program at the Schweinfurth Art Center.

Next COMMISSION MEETING Wed. Nov. 5 at 5 pm
Special Guest:  Merrilee Witherall, Dir. of CNY Fair
Housing Fair Housing will provide In-Service
& Public Forum from 5:15 –6:15 pm

Attendance is needed to assure a good inservice/forum. Please call 255-4122 if you cannot attend the meeting.