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February 5, 2003 Minutes
Members Present (P); Absent, (A): Excused (E)

K.Sheftic-Burns, Exec. Dir. _P___    F.Richardson,Commissioner __P____
Z. Liebowitz, Sec. ____P___  J.Rodriquez-Sierra __P___ K.Brandstetter __P____
Fr.S.Mack ___E___  L.Snell ___E___ G.Jones___E___  A. DeCaro __P__ V. Bauhofer _E_

February 5, 2003 Meeting WAS called to order at   5:05 p.m.

* Last Months January Board Meeting Canceled Due to Holiday.
  December  minutes  approved  - motion/seconded by :
  Tony DeCaro/Judah Rodriguez-Sierra  


*  January Monthly Intakes (59 total) on various issues including:   housing matters,  Black History Month Program, employment/termination, etc. ...from individuals contacting the office in-person or via the telephone...

*  Native American S.H.A.R.E. group recently responded, apologizing for the delay in information.  They have provided contacts for Native American Programs that HR can use for our educational outreach.  One representative was contacted and confirmed, only to have them cancel after all appropriate contacts were made between HR and the target school.  Two more representative were also contacted, but are not available during Women's History Month.  Search:  ongoing.

* Human Rights Scholarship mailer:  blue-line proof is approved and the professional printing is complete.  Mailer is a professional, clean design for use throughout the year.  (Members see Scholarship mailer.)
Members very pleased with the professional design and overall presentation of the scholarship mailer.  Zoning information sought.  Banks and club organizations to receive mailer as well.

* HR attended the Salvation Army Board Meeting.
Discussion on various topics including budget, programming, outreach, etc.

*  Attended Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. program at the Roosevelt Memorial Baptist Church.  Excellent program featured the Syracuse University Professor of Communications and his perspective on experiencing human and civil rights violations during the time when Dr. King was becoming active as an advocate for equal rights for all races.

·       Auburn Human Rights Black History Month Program & Reception, February 5 from 5:30-6:30 pm:  Planning for the program is accomplished  from concept to completion, including: all contacts,  media releases, site/catering,  program, etc.  This year's participation has grown from 150 last year to 260 student essays this year.  All essays are reviewed and posted for display throughout February in the City Hall Lobby, located on the first floor.  The following students have their essay selected for publication in The Citizen and Syracuse Newspapaers:
Name                             Grade          School                  Person

*  Dashiell Elliot                     7               West Middle             "Madame C.J. Walker"

*  Michaela Granato             8               West Middle             "Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr."
*  Vikki Pysnack                        7               SS. Peter & Paul                "Soujourner Truth"

*  Peter Speck                  6               SS. Peter & Paul                "Dr. Jerome H. Holland"

*  Alli Streeter                        5               Casey                   "Dr. Ben Carson"

*  Ryan Bergerstock             5               Casey                   "Matthew Alexander Henson"

*  Connor Entenmann             5               Owasco                  "Jackie Robinson"

*  Breanna Handley              5               Owasco                  "Elijah McCoy"

*  Mallorie Dygert              5               St. Joseph              "Bessie Coleman"

* Magnolia Brazak               3               Seward                  "Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr."

*  Brittany Thompson            5               Seward                  "Cassie Copes"

*  Alicia Crook                 5               Seward                  "Tameka Whitmore"

*  Meghann Mahar                3               Herman                  "Maya Angelou"

*  Meghan  Guzewicz             4               Herman                  "Harriet Tubman"

*Attended the NAACP Millenium Luncheon honoring various community members for their efforts
in creating a peaceful society.
New Business:  
* Monthly Budget (see attached)
-Auburn High School representative has invited the HR Director to a "brain-storming" session concerning  the districts Character Education program.  AHS is searching for ways of reaching the general public with their program.
Old Business:

Motion to  Adjourn/Seconded by:   Kent Brandstetter/Tony DeCaro at 5:30 pm
-       Members to Black History Program in Council Chambers and Lobby.

Please call 255-4122 if you cannot attend the meeting.  Thank you!
Minutes submitted by:  Zan Liebowitz,  Human Rights Commission Secretary