Meeting minutes from December 5, 2006
Present: M. Alberici, S. Craner, B. Anderson, E. McHugh, L. Leary, M. Vanek, P. Wisbey, K. Walker,
D. Stankus, S. Schuster (SMAC), B. Barrett (Cayuga Co. Chamber), D. Carabajal, D. Lamb, J. McCormick, J. Kline,
Mike Long (City Hall guest), Mayor Lattimore (City Hall guest) and Maureen McEvers (Willard Chapel)
Excused/Absent: B. M. Lewis, Rev. Carter, S. Tucker, P. Copes Johnson and D. Dempsey
I. Approval of the Minutes
M. Alberici read the Commission’s mission and vision statements, and then asked for approval of the 10/17/06 minutes. D. Lamb made a motion to accept the minutes as submitted, seconded by J. McCormick. All were in favor and the motion carried.
Committee Reports
II. Planning & Development Committee
K. Walker said she hosted a meeting on “Lessons on Auburn” to discuss the outline and timeline for the project. Another meeting is scheduled there on 12/21/06 at 3:15PM. Individual sites will be hosting on-site appointments to flush out pertinent topics and materials as well. P. Wisbey said they had a meeting at Seward House, and they have a preliminary model whose format could be used for other sites.
For those that didn’t attend the last Commission meeting, M. Alberici explained that this is a curriculum-based educational program aimed at 7-8 grade students. The goal is to incorporate the sites into student lesson plans. Two teachers from East Middle School are heading up the project, but plans can be created and submitted from any teacher.
III. Marketing Committee
J. Kline passed out copies of the monthly report, showing inquiry numbers since the last meeting. M. Vanek said leads have decreased in correspondence with our ad placements. The next focus for the Committee is updating and optimizing the website. We have $4,000 dedicated to this initiative. Anyone with web experience that is not on the Committee is welcome to give their input. S. Schuster, B. Barrett and S. Craner were interested. M. Vanek will e-mail everyone soon to set up a meeting.
M. Vanek said there are fliers in the packets with details about the upcoming I Love NY Matching Funds Workshop at Schweinfurth Art Center, but the sign-up deadline in Friday. It will take about an hour to walk people through the process, and participation is mandatory for those wishing to apply.
IV. Community Outreach Committee
E. McHugh said the committee had not met.
V. Other Business
J. Kline passed out the Treasurer’s Report and reviewed expenses incurred since the last meeting. K. Walker made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report as submitted, seconded by E. McHugh. All were in favor and the motion carried. J. Kline summarized the status for Holiday Traditions ad placements and PR. Copies of articles are in the packets. Site directors reviewed their activities and performances.
J. Kline said in the packets there are copies of the Thruway Authority’s (T.A.) application and guidelines for signage proposals. There is currently billboard space available, for more attraction signage, at Exit 40. (Bass Pro and Seward House have signs there already.) J. Kline discovered it’s not an option for the sites to apply as one (Commission) entity. They must apply individually, so it makes sense that the directors move forward on their own. Things that are considered in the application process are annual attendance figures, where visitors originate from, and an attraction’s location from the Thruway. Once applications are submitted and approved by the T.A., the Department of Transportation sends a scout out to decide on placements for follow-up signage. Next order of business is the permit.
J. Kline said if the City agrees to be responsible for the permit(s), the sites could have their annual fees waived ($450). (Mike Long agreed to the City doing this, after the meeting.)
J. Kline said a representative from WXXI contacted her about arranging a “Historic Auburn” package for their electronic auction in April. They are looking for free admission to the sites, meals, and Inn at the Finger Lakes is providing an overnight. Site Directors present were interested and said they would bring certificates to the February meeting. Information needed include the certificate’s value, expiration and the contact person.
Next, the Site Directors voiced their concerns and feelings to Mayor Lattimore, (and later Mike Long); about the City revoking the Arts & Cultural funding that they relied heavy on for programming.
The Directors agreed that the exhibits and events at the various sites greatly benefit the community, plus the sites need programs to advertise, to give people a reason to come visit. Next, D. Carabajal passed around copies of “Americas for the Arts, Arts & Economic Prosperity.” These stats summarized the importance that the arts play in economic development. The money spent on advertising and programming is an investment, not an expense. When visitors come to the sites, they stay in our hotels, shop, and eat in our restaurants- ensuring that everyone benefits.
The Commission adjourned at 5PM to enjoy the holiday reception. The next meeting will held February 13th at 3:30PM, in the 3rd Floor meeting room, City Hall.
Recorded by Jesse Kline