Meeting minutes from May 3, 2005
Present: J. Bryant, M. Alberici, K. Walker, S. Craner, M. Vanek, P. Wisbey, D. Lamb and J. Kline
Excused: E. McHugh, P. Copes Johnson, T. Hussey, D. Dempsey, T. Bridenbecker
Absent: B. M. Lewis, S. Marteney, S. Tucker, P. Anderegg, Rev. Carter and J. McCormick
I. Approval of the Minutes
M. Alberici asked for approval of the 3/9/05 minutes. J. Bryant made a motion to accept the minutes as submitted, seconded by P. Wisbey. All were in favor and the motion carried.
Committee Reports
II. Planning & Development Committee
D. Lamb said the site directors had not met, but they would schedule a meeting soon.
III. Marketing Committee
M. Vanek said, as for leads from ads, in April 5,202 inquiries were fulfilled, with 8,515 inquiries year-to-date. The PrePrint Publishing insert has been a huge producer. J. Kline circulated copies. This ad cost $750 for partners, and the total cost of the ad was $3,000. Other partners, in addition to the Commission, were Merry-Go-Round Playhouse, Bass Pro Shops and the Holiday Inn. Aurora also participated. M. Vanek said next year, we hope to have one big ad.
M. Vanek said we met with D. Dempsey re: city signage. He was going to talk with the City Manager about inquiring with DPW as to why the sign installation has stalled. D. Dempsey also said during the meeting that the Commission budget line would be up for discussion in a work session this week or next, and it would be beneficial for the site directors to have a presence. He was going to let us know what the best date would be. The timeframe would be 5:30-6PM. We could share the most recent economic impact figures of the Commission’s marketing efforts, and each site director could relate what the Commission’s added value is for their site.
IV. Community Outreach Committee
E. McHugh said they have visited all the schools, and everything is order for the “Passport to History” program. M. Alberici showed a copy of an animated power point presentation that was funded by a grant, and created by one of the fourth grade teachers at Casey Park. It gives an overview of the program and the participating sites. It would be nice to show to the Council as well. The program will end on May 22nd. They did bring the bike during the program’s introduction at the schools. Joan is checking with Wal-Mart about additional bike donations. But, we may need to buy the others if they maintain their 60-day processing time line for requests. E. McHugh said we do have enough passports for next year’s program.
S. Craner said the BID is organizing “Music for Murals,” a benefit to raise funds for a building wrap of Peter Mack’s “Field of Hope,” on the upper floor of Nash’s. The date is set for May 22nd from Noon – 7PM. It is happening on the newly renovated section of State Street. We have numerous bands, artist booths, demonstrations and food for everyone’s enjoyment. There will also be information about the Kayak Park. This event has been organized in coordination with “IGNITE” a new young professional’s group sponsored by the Cayuga County Chamber of Commerce. S. Craner said the BID is also painting the flower pots that will be placed along Genesee St. this summer. Anyone interested in painting is welcome, just let her know. There will be a disclaimer
this year, regarding the content or subject matter since last year, this was an issue. S. Craner also said she wanted to meet with site directors to discuss this year’s route for the Downtowner shuttle. It will run Tuesday – Saturday 10AM – 4PM, at no charge to the riders. Their brochures should be done sometime this week. S. Craner could meet with them before the next Commission meeting on June 15th at 3:30PM.
As for the dinner with the site’s staff and their directors, the Schweinfurth is still discussing potential dates. Now it looks like late summer or fall would be the best time. The format would be a reception, with finger foods and not a dinner. Willard Chapel is also interested if SMAC can’t pull something together.
J. Kline said a month ago she drafted a letter to the Mayor requesting an amendment to the Commission By-Laws to allow for a representative from the Auburn Enlarged School District to have an ex-officio spot on the Commission. She has not gotten any response to date from the Mayor’s office, and M. Alberici offered to follow-up. (M. Long has since been in touch, and was finalizing the wording for the amendment to the By-Laws.) J. Kline and M. Alberici will also check with the City Clerk about Commission member’s terms, specifically whose term is up, and also touch base with others that have been slack with attendance.
P. Wisbey said his presentation to City Council went very well. He gave an update on the Commission’s activities, and talked about the Seward House’s anniversary celebration. We should schedule another presentation by one of the other site directors for June.
D. Lamb passed around copies of the Common Threads budget. The total cost is $6,500, which does include a $500 administrative fee. The Schweinfurth did not charge a fee for administering last year’s program. These fees were to be discussed for each program individually. K. Walker said she had a problem with it, but understands how much work is involved. D. Lamb said the Schweinfurth does not benefit that much from the program, she hasn’t notice an increase in their attendance numbers, but it has helped attendance at the other sites to a certain extent. M. Vanek said then maybe the money should be redirected entirely, if it isn’t really making a difference. M. Vanek continued that it is part of a larger trend that attraction attendance is down.
The site directors have discussed changing the topic of the joint program for next year, and how it is hard to have a program that benefits all the sites equally, due to their different missions and collections. Those present agreed that another organization would take the lead with the next program to share the work load among the sites. A lecture series was one of the main ideas discussed by the site directors. It could run during the shoulder seasons and actually make a profit if we get important speakers. There is also money available from other resources to organize this type of series. The site directors will discuss this idea further.
S. Craner thought to make a decision as to whether or not to include the fee for all the programs, and then it would be equal treatment for all the sites. P. Wisbey said it is common to include an admin. fee with program funding. K. Walker said she didn’t want to be the only one that was against it. M. Alberici made a motion to pass the Common Threads 2005 budget, as submitted, seconded by M. Vanek. All were in favor, and the motion carried.
Those present discussed the possibility of college students doing an internship with the Commission to help with the work load of the collaborative program. SU and Cooperstown have Museums Studies programs, which could be an option.
With no other business to discuss, the Commission adjourned at 5:05PM. The Commission’s next meeting will held June 15th at 3:30PM, 3rd Floor City Hall. The site directors should plan to meet prior to the meeting.
Recorded by Jesse Kline