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Minutes - January 2003
Meeting minutes from January 28, 2003

Present: B. M. Lewis, S. Craner, J. McCormick, P. Wisbey, M. Goodelle, P. Anderegg,
M. Vanek, S. Marteney, T. Hussey, E. McHugh, J. d’Oronzio, M. Alberici, T. Bridenbecker,
D. Dempsey and J. Kline
Excused: D. Lamb
Absent: C. Carter, W. DeWitt, M. Weitekamp and P. Johnson

Chair M. Alberici called the meeting to order at 3:40PM. S. Marteney read the Commission’s mission statement.

I. Approval of the Minutes
Chair M. Alberici asked for an approval of the November 26th minutes. J. d’Oronzio made a motion to accept the minutes as submitted, seconded by J. McCormick. All were in favor and the motion carried.

Committee Reports
II. Resource & Development Committee
D. Lamb was excused from the meeting. Committee member B. M. Lewis said this Committee had not met.

III. Marketing Committee
As for leads from ads, M. Vanek said during December the Tourism Office responded to 92 inquiries; and 33 inquiries during the month of January. Since the last meeting, the website has had 595 hits, and total visitation is up to 25,374. M. Vanek said year-end inquiry numbers are included in the packet. Brochure requests were down considerably from last year. Particularly, the Yankee Magazine ad that ran in May did not perform nearly as well as the NYS sponsored Yankee ad that ran in April. (The Office of Tourism ran in the April issue, so the Marketing Committee decided to run in May to reduce duplication.) Since this will be the case in ’03 as well, the Marketing Committee decided to drop the Yankee ad altogether, and if there is money left over for fulfillment, the Office of Tourism leads will also receive the Commission brochure.

M. Vanek said, in place of Yankee, the Committee decided to run ads in AAA NYS Magazines and Preservation Magazine. These ads are included in the application for I Love NY Matching Funds. M. Vanek said another reason inquiries were down was Mature Outlook dropped out of the Meredith buy, since it was discontinued. The upcoming Meredith buy through the NYS TPA Council has 7 publications included. These are Better Homes & Gardens, Traditional Home, Country Home, More, Midwest Living, Ladies Home Journal and Country Gardens. 8,000 – 10,000 leads are expected from this buy.

J. Kline is finished working with designer Maggie Johengen on the tent card. Mary Riley from the Willard Chapel is picking them up today, and will be distributing them to local restaurants.
J. Kline circulated a few copies as example. The events listed occur January – June. The next one (July – December) will be much easier to produce, now that the design has been worked out.
M. Vanek said the Committee has had several meeting regarding pedestrian signage to direct visitors to the historic and cultural sites and the City parks. They are now refining what will be on the signs and where they will be located, i.e. Hoopes Park. They will have a large header that can be read from the road, and an overhang for weather protection. Artist Melissa Nesbit is going to produce two designs for the Committee to review at their next meeting on February 12th. She is meeting with City staff tomorrow to discuss the technicalities of having the signs produced.

M. Vanek referred to the revised advertising schedule in the packet. Again, Yankee Magazine has been dropped and in its place are AAA NYS Magazines and Preservation Magazine. M. Vanek said there is a flier in the packet outlining the upcoming Tourism Showcase geared towards the group travel market. Both Seneca and Wayne Counties are involved with the Showcase. Last year was very successful. Joyful Acres, Microtel Inn & Suites, Holiday Inn, Merry-Go-Round Playhouse and King Ferry Winery participated last year. There were 40 plus tour operators and group leaders that attended, and the attractions had plenty of opportunity for one-on-one interactions. It is also very inexpensive to participate ($30 including lunch). The showcase will run from 10AM – Noon, followed by lunch. It will be held at the Sodus Bay Heights Restaurant, located about 45 minutes away. M. Vanek suggested the Commission have a booth there to represent the sites.

M. Vanek referred to an article in the packet detailing the economic impact of historic preservation. Specifically, the jobs it creates, the contributions to state and local taxes, plus heritage tourism local spending figures. St. Augustine, FL was the example community examined in the article.

M. Vanek suggested that the site directors keep this information on file as needed. M. Vanek said 2002 (major) attraction attendance figures are in the packet. A large majority of these sites were up, and only a few were down. Cayuga Museum increased their numbers by 31% over ’01. There is a detailed break out of Cayuga Museum visitation on the reverse of this sheet. 42% of their visitors were from out of the City/County. This means new money is being brought in. M. Vanek encouraged the other site directors to gather the same information for their sites. As money gets harder and harder to obtain from local, state and federal governments, these figures help support our reason for being.

D. Dempsey said a date has been set for the City Council work session. It will happen on Thursday, February 20th at 6PM, in City Council Chambers. The more of a presence from Commission members the better. The Office of Tourism is gathering statistics and paperwork to show the Council the impact of what we do and why we do it. M. Vanek referred to the program summary in the packet. This document summarizes Commission accomplishments and activities for the year. S. Craner thought a listing of Commission members would be helpful. D. Dempsey said as small city aid money becomes increasingly tight, the sooner we get in to make our pitch the better. It is very important to show the value of what we do.

M. Vanek said right now the Office is conducting a visitor conversion study for the County and the Commission. 500 questionnaire-style postcards will be mailed out to people who requested Commission information in ’02. They will be asked what they thought of our information, whether or not they actually came to Auburn, if so, how much they spent and what there expectations/impressions were. The feedback gleaned may change the look of the promotional pieces we produce. The cards are due back on March 31st, and the figures should be available sometime in April. The Office of Tourism conducted this type of survey 5 years ago and had a 59% visitor conversion rate, which is very high.

J. Kline said the Commission has submitted their application for I Love NY Matching Funds. Ads included in the application were History Magazine ($500), The TPA Council Meredith buy ($8,337), AAA NYS Magazines ($5,700) and Preservation Magazine ($1,416). The Commission is requesting approximately $7,600. This will be the fourth year the Commission has applied for these funds, and each year the requested amount (and award) has increased. M. Vanek said the Matching Funds Committee is meeting soon to review pending applications.

J. Kline said she carefully reviewed the entire website for changes and additions, and then submitted them to Coburn Design to be implemented. Updates included changing the Commission name through out, dropping the Save America’s Treasures logo and changing the Tourism Office’s old logo to their web address. New photos were added to the site’s pages, utilizing the stock photographs taken by Jack Kidd. Many of these photos are now click to enlarge. A new National Parks Service page (with web address) has been created and is linked to the Tubman Home page, Commission members are now current, as is the Commission description. The merchandise page has been updated, and the Cayuga Museum’s description now reflects the brochure copy that was changed by E. McHugh. The brochure request form now requires an e-mail address as a necessary field before submission, and the Fort Hill Cemetery web address link has been added. J. Kline encouraged members to check out these updates and let her know if there are other things that need to be changed.

IV. Community Outreach Committee
S. Craner referred Commission members to the information in their packets on National Main Street Institute. She thought it was a perfect fit for a Commission member(s) to attend an upcoming session and bring back information on, “The Business of Tourism.” It is currently being rescheduled, but will take place in Washington, D.C. The workshop focuses on developing a cultural heritage tourism strategy for downtowns businesses so that they can enhance the visitor’s experience with souvenir product lines and tourism-related customer service. The cost of this session for non-members is $625.

J. Kline asked what were the costs and benefits of membership. (The member rate was $100 less.) S. Craner said she would find out, and let us know when a date had been scheduled. M. Alberici asked members if anyone was interested in attending. S. Craner and E. McHugh said they were depending on the date. J. Kline said there was a remaining balance of approximately $3,000 in the ’02 Common Threads program that could be used for this initiative. M. Vanek made a motion that 1-2 Commission representatives attend the National Main Street Institute workshop in D.C., seconded by T. Bridenbecker. All were in favor and the motion carried.

S. Craner said three members of the Community Outreach Committee met today before the meeting. They discussed the Commission’s tabletop display, and the selection of photos to be mounted. S. Craner circulated the photo options that the Committee thought would work. These included one exterior shot and 1-2 interior shots for each site. The photos would be reproduced in an 8 ½” x 11” format, hard mounted with Velcro backing to adhere to the display. A large header “Historic & Cultural Sites Commission” would be created, along with placards identifying each site. S. Craner said weight/bulk is an issue with the display. They wanted something that is light and easy to transport. The color of the display was also a question. J. Kline suggesting using the Auburn maroon or wine color that is used in all the promotional materials. S. Craner said she has done some pricing research on the Internet, and has found a few companies that could work. M. Vanek suggested approaching Mack Studios for a quote, or a company out of Weedsport, whose name she could not recall.

S. Craner said they would probably need $1,000 to do the display properly. J. Kline said the money could be used from the remaining ’02 Common Threads program. P. Wisbey made a motion for the Community Outreach Committee to move forward with the creation of the display, with a budget of $1,000, seconded by E. McHugh. All were in favor and the motion carried.

S. Craner said the display will be perfect for hosting booths at special events such as TomatoFest, the Cayuga County Chamber of Commerce trade show in September, or the Home & Garden Show. S. Craner had talked with M. Alberici about coordinating a historic gardens tour, and promoting it at this show. S. Craner would also like to see the Commission and/or sites do a float in the Holiday Parade. She could make arrangements for a flat bed to tote the Living History Players in costume.

Passport to History
E. McHugh said she has already lined up several appointments to make the presentations to the schools to introduce the program. A decision needs to be made whether or not to include Seymour Library as a stop in the passport, since the passports have already been printed. E. McHugh said a sticker could be made with their information that could be adhered to the inside back cover. There are 400 passports to change. B. M. Lewis made a motion to produce an adhesive description of the Seymour Library so that they can be included in this year’s program, seconded by J. d’Oronzio. All were in favor and the motion carried.

E. McHugh said there is an extra passport stamp from the Auburn Schine Theater that the Library could use. E. McHugh said a description of the program will be included in the Auburn School District Newsletter, and an introductory letter would be sent home with the students when they receive their passports before Spring Break in April. (The schools are willing to copy the letter.) E. McHugh said she is also going to produce posters for the classrooms. E. McHugh asked for assistance making the school presentations, as they will be busy gearing up for the opening of the prison exhibit on April 11th. M. Alberici said she would do Owasco School (April 7th at 2:30PM) and Seward School, and P. Anderegg said she would do Casey Park. J. Kline reminded E. McHugh to submit an invoice to traffic expenses for this year’s program, and E. McHugh said she would.

E. McHugh said as for prizes, last year they secured free taco certificates from Taco Bell, plus free passes to the Skateboard Park and Casey Park pool. The passes were particularly popular. Also, bonds were secured as grand prizes, and season passes for the skateboard park and the pool. E. McHugh said she would be calling a Committee meeting soon.

V. Quality Assurance Committee
Committee Chair W. DeWitt was in Albany, no report.

VI. Prison Museum Study Group
P. Wisbey said six people from the Committee met on December 4th. He distributed questionnaires at the meeting to lead into the discussion. He got some interesting responses. For now, the Committee is waiting for the opening of the prison exhibit, and will use it as an impetus to gather feedback on the feasibility of a prison museum. P. Wisbey thought this would be a good project to involve Leadership Cayuga on. E. McHugh agreed and is exploring the idea. P. Wisbey said the Committee will meet again in February, but a date has not been scheduled yet.

VII. Other Business
Common Threads
M. Vanek said the Common Threads application is in the works for NYSCA Arts & Cultural Funding. J. Kline did a year-end reconciliation of Commission funds and was able to ear mark $12,000 towards the required match. M. Vanek thought the application was being submitted soon, but didn’t know when applicants would hear about the awards. Hopefully D. Lamb can elaborate at the next Commission meeting.

M. Alberici said she has called Ormie King to see if he was interested in filling the open “at large” Commission seat, but had not heard back from him yet. If anyone has other suggestions, please let her know. J. Kline said the person must live, or own property in the City.

J. Kline asked D. Dempsey if he thought the site directors should be present at the City Council work session on Feb. 20th at 6PM. D. Dempsey said yes, the more involvement the better, and the sites should individually make their pitch about the value of the Commission and what they have gained by it. (The extra promotion has increased their attendance figures, etc.) M. Alberici mentioned how some of the Summer History Corps participants now want to go into the field of Museum Studies because of their positive experience last summer, so the Commission played a role in influencing their career choices. J. Kline asked who thought they could make the work session, obviously she, M. Vanek and M. Alberici will be there. M. Alberici said Kathy Walker would be there, and J. McCormick said she would come.

T. Hussey said there would be a Summer Celebration meeting that night at the Willard Chapel at 7:30PM. He said the event has expanded to include a variety of not-for-profits and sports teams. They plan on expanding the food selection to offer more ethnic options. They are currently doing a 50/50 raffle to raise funds. The City will once again fund the cost of the bands, which will perform in the show mobile. The event will again happen on Deauville Island, Emerson Park on Saturday, August 2nd from Noon – 8PM. T. Hussey circulated fliers about two upcoming daytime piano recitals at Westminster Church. He says the concert series has been funding by a private endowment out of California, and the performers are of extremely high quality.

P. Wisbey said this year Steinway Pianos is celebrating their 150th anniversary. They are trying to locate the oldest piano, if anyone has any leads. The one at the Seward House is dated 1872.
P. Wisbey said he is attending a reception for the 140th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation hosted by Congressman Boehlert. It will be held February 5th in honor of Black History Month. M. Alberici said Chef’s Night is happening Feb. 6th at 6:15PM at Sacred Heart. Tickets are going fast and are now only available at the Chapel. S. Craner said a new gift shop is opening downtown in one of the bays of Nolan’s Shoe Store, closest to the bank. They will offer jewelry, clothing and local memorabilia. S. Craner said we are still waiting on the opening date of the new restaurant the Mahogany Table. She thinks it will be sometime in February.

D. Dempsey said City Council is currently considering 2-3 proposals for developing the Kalets property. Renovations should start in the near future, and State Street Mall will be open for one- way vehicular traffic.

M. Alberici said in lieu of a February meeting, Commission members should attend the City Council work session on Thursday, February 20th at 6PM, City Council Chambers. The next Commission meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 25th at 3:30PM. With no other business to discuss M. Alberici made a motion to adjourn, seconded by P. Anderegg. All were in favor and the motion carried. The Commission adjourned at 4:55PM.

The next Commission meeting is Tuesday, March 25th
at 3:30PM, 3rd floor meeting room in City Hall.  

Please call the Office of Tourism (255-1658) if you cannot attend the meeting.

Recorded by Jesse Kline