Meeting minutes from May 28, 2002
Present: Mayor Melina Carnicelli (guest), Robert Colster (guest), M. Goodelle, T. Bridenbecker,
S. Craner, E. McHugh, D. Lamb, P. Anderegg, M. Alberici, J. Kline, P. Wisbey, J. dM. Vanek, J. McCormick, T. Hussey, Beth Beer (Syracuse Newspapers)
I. Approval of the Minutes
E. McHugh made a motion to accept the April meeting minutes, seconded by P. Anderegg. All were in favor and the motion carried.
Committee Reports
II. Resource & Development Committee
D. Lamb requested $300 for the next Resource & Development workshop that will focus on disaster preparedness for museums. The Commission will co-sponsor the workshop with the Upstate History Alliance. The date of the workshop is June 24 from 9AM
III. Marketing Committee
M. Vanek distributed copies of the new Marketing Plan for the Commission.
IV. Events Committee
Nothing new to report.
V. Other Business
M. Alberici reviewed the names of those interested in being members of the prison museum committee. P. Wisbey has agreed to be chair. Both Commission members and members of the community will participate, for example prison historian John Miskell.
E. McHugh said the Passport to History program is winding down. She is now gathering the prizes for the schools. These include savings bonds, Taco Bell coupons, Skateboard Park passes, and Casey Park pool season passes. E. McHugh said she only had five season passes, and there were six schools that participated in the program. M. Vanek suggested purchasing one more pass (a $40 value), so all the schools received the same larger-scaled prize. Everyone agreed. E. McHugh asked if any Commission members would like to help distribute prizes at the schools, June 10th. P. Anderegg volunteered to help at Casey Park. P. Wisbey said one of his Board memberfor the program was too long. These points should be examined before next year
Mayor Carnicelli thanked the Commission for including her in our vision session, and she commended the work the Commission has done with the strategic planning process, with Barry Warren as facilitator.
Mayor Carnicelli continued, she thought it was wise to change the name of the Commission to now embrace cultural and historic sites, as well as fine tuning the mission. Moving forward with a current mission, the Commission can more readily identify appropriate scopes of work and programs to focus their energies on. Mayor Carnicelli recommended revisiting the mission/vision statement each year to make sure it stays currently aligned with the Commission
To get the group thinking about the vision statement process, Mayor Carnicelli said that the vision speaks to the grander, wider concept of the organization, or what the organization continually aspires to be or become. This process should generate a statement that is collective and agreed upon.
Mayor Carnicelli asked Commission members to break into pairs and compare answers to the worksheet that she distributed prior to the meeting. (What is the Commission
Next, Mayor Carnicelli asked Commission members to envision that they were about to accept a prestigious state award for their accomplishments on the Commission. What you would say during your acceptance speech was to include how and why you were able to achieve such successes. Common themes were dedication, seizing opportunities, collaboration and teamwork, individual site growth and development, improved quality of life, remaining flexible, resource sharing, gleaning visitor needs and continuous financial support from the City.
Commission members were then asked to draft a rough vision statement, utilizing the concepts that have been discussed. As a sideline to this discussion, Commission members agreed that Auburn
There were various vision statements shared, but they all contained three common themes: promoting the City
The next Commission meeting is Tuesday, June 25th at 3:30PM,
3rd floor meeting room at City Hall.
Recorded by Jesse Kline
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