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Minutes - September 2002
Meeting minutes from September 24, 2002

Present: P. Johnson, J. McCormick, M. Goodelle, M. Vanek, D. Lamb, E. McHugh,
B. M. Lewis, J. d
J. Kline, Kathy Walker
Excused: T. Hussey, M. Alberici
Absent: W. DeWitt, P. Wisbey, M. Weitekamp, C. Carter

E. McHugh read a letter that she had sent to M. Alberici (cc: Ward DeWitt) in response to Ward
I. Approval of the Minutes
E. McHugh made a motion to accept the August meeting minutes, seconded by P. Johnson. All were in favor and the motion carried.

Committee Reports
II. Planning & Development Committee
D. Lamb said she has received a few resource forms from organizations and sites. These include the Willard Chapel, the Cayuga Museum and the Cayuga County Office of Tourism. Once all the information is in, she can put a comprehensive list together for everyone. D. Lamb is going to schedule a Committee meeting. There was a question on who serves on this Committee. J. Kline said she would redistribute committee descriptions and member lists with this meeting
III. Marketing Committee
As for leads from ads, M. Vanek said from September 1
J. Kline said Maggie Johengen, an independent graphic designer, is going to be designing restaurant tent cards. J. Kline sent the sites a memo requesting two-three events happening during January 1
J. Kline circulated a copy of the ad that ran in History Magazine and the Skaneateles Festival program. M. Vanek said the Marketing Committee was wondering which organizations were members of the Cayuga County Chamber of Commerce. E. McHugh said the Cayuga Museum was, B. Lewis thought the Seward House still was, and K. Walker said the Chapel is about to join. M. Vanek asked Commission members if they wanted the Commission to join. After a discussion about the pros and cons, S. Marteney made a motion that the Commission join the Cayuga County Chamber to collaboratively promote their events, and have a separate listing on the website. The motion was seconded by J. d
M. Vanek asked the site directors and staff to make sure they had a link on their website to M. Vanek said the Marketing Committee decided to sponsor one site staff member to attend Finger Lakes Tourismat 10AM at the Tourism Office.

IV. Community Outreach Committee
E. McHugh said the Committee had not met, but the Passport to History Committee has. The group reached a consensus on the time frame for the program, which will again start the week before spring break and run through May 25th. Owasco School has already called to set up their orientation meeting. A description of the program will be included in the March/April Auburn School District Newsletter, with photos of last year
E. McHugh said they would be creating a written overview of the program for the teachers, accompanied by a poster-sized graph to chart each student
J. d
V. Quality Assurance Committee
Committee Chair W. DeWitt was absent, no report. D. Dempsey asked if there were other members present from this Committee. There was again confusion on committee duties and members, and J. Kline is going to distribute a listing with this information.

VI. Prison Museum Committee
Committee Chair P. Wisbey was absent, and the Committee has not met. D. Dempsey asked if there was a problem in moving forward with this initiative. Since the Committee was created from Mayor Carnicelli
VII. Other Business
K. Walker of the Willard Memorial Chapel passed out copies of the final tally for Summer History Corps hours. The amount spent ($7992) was under budget. K. Walker thought the payroll system that was managed by the Chapel worked very well.  Now we
Holiday Enhancement Committee
S. Craner, Chair of the Holiday Enhancement Committee, said she met with the City Manager and the Director of Public Works to learn what the City
Things are not final, but she thought the new decorations would be simple and elegant, enhancing the historic light posts with garland and/or lights. Decorations are obviously costly. She has submitted the application for Arts & Cultural funding to further enhance downtown decorations. Award notices will be issued some time in October. Enhancement ideas include hanging additional lights in the trees at Market Street, Exchange Street and State Street Malls. Also, S. Craner is going to purchase battery-operated candles for the second and third floor business windows on Genesee Street. T. Bridenbecker told S. Craner that Ames has some for a good price.

Tomorrow, S. Craner and J. Kline are meeting with Doug Dello Stritto, Events Coordinator for Emerson Park to discuss doing the Festival of Trees downtown, since the Park is not going to host it there this year. Storefronts could be utilized to display trees, wreaths or other holiday decorations. S. Craner has been researching the cost of artificial trees, and thanks to M. Alberici she has a lead on some for half price.

S. Craner said they are also trying to enhance the holiday parade. There will be elf drop off locations downtown, and Santa
Common Threads
E. McHugh said a tour bus from Jefferson County is coming to visit the sites involved with Common Threads. The group will also be doing lunch in Auburn. The program is a great draw for visitors. D. Lamb said with no objections, she will send out the remaining Common Threads brochures to a mailing list of approximately 1,000.

J. d
With no other business to discuss, S. Craner made a motion to adjourn, seconded by P. Johnson. All were in favor and the motion carried. The Commission adjourned at 4:45PM.

The next Commission meeting is Tuesday, October 22nd
at 3:30PM,
3rd floor meeting room at City Hall.  

Recorded by Jesse Kline