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Minutes- September 2001
Meeting Minutes from September 25, 2001

Present: M. Vanek, M. Weitekamp, M. Alberici, B. Lewis, E. McHugh, T. Hussey,
M. Riley, P. Johnson, J. McCormick, D. Lamb, C. Mason, J. d¹Oronzio

I. Approval of the Minutes
E. McHugh made a motion to approve the August 28, 2001 minutes, seconded by M. Weitekamp. All were in favor and the motion carried.

Committee Reports

II. Planning & Development Committee
No report

III. Nominating Committee
No report

IV. Marketing Committee
M. Vanek stated that 680 inquiries were received for the period August 26-September 24. Samples of the ads that generated the inquiries were passed around. She also reported that there were 449 visits to the web site for the period August 26-September 24. The Marketing Committee approved an application from the Schweinfurth for $750 to promote the Contiguglia Concert they are sponsoring in conjunction with the Arts Council. Copies of the application were distributed to be used as a model for future applications. It was reported that the committee is in the process of updating the Historic Sites Commission brochure and that site directors need to review their information and give any edits to J. Kline by November 1. The Schweinfurth will need to provide copy. A copy of the Buffalo News editorial was passed around and
M. Vanek promoted the upcoming Marketing Plan Workshop being sponsored by the CCCVB on November 5.

V. Events Committee
C. Mason suggested that we postpone the State of the Sites night as not all of the sites had provided their reports for the program, invitations had not yet been done, and there were only two weeks left to promote the event. Much discussion followed and it was decided that we would try to reschedule the event for the week after Thanksgiving. M. Alberici will check the availability of the Chapel. All reports or edits will need to be to Maria by September 28. A picture will be put in the booklet if no report is received. Individual sites are expected to promote the event however they see fit. The invitation will be a postcard designed by Coburn Design. M. Weitekamp will try to secure a speaker. The speaker should talk for approximately 20 minutes. An honorarium will be paid if necessary. If a speaker cannot be secured, C. Mason will ask the Mayor to make brief remarks and the site directors will each make short presentations.

J. d¹Oronzio reported that the committee was very disappointed by the lack of site involvement at TomatoFest. The Willard Chapel and the Schweinfurth were the only sites that participated.

J. d¹Oronzio said that the committee had reviewed the Summer History Corps binder and wondered why there were so few evaluations completed. M. Vanek responded that evaluation forms were handed out after every workshop and at the final meeting. Students were asked to complete the evaluations, but it was not mandatory and most did not complete them. J. d¹Oronzio also said that the committee had questions regarding the budget. They wanted to know why the program only ran until mid-August. C. Mason said that it was due to budget. J. d¹Oronzio asked if M. Shosa had been paid. C. Mason said that she had been asked to submit an invoice.

M. Alberici discussed Holiday Traditions, to be held December 9, 2001. She needs a commitment from the sites by October 1. Tom Champion has agreed to oversee the student art displays. M. Alberici said that they need more people to work on the Holiday Traditions committee and that possibly site board members might be interested. The banner promoting Holiday Traditions will be up December 3-10.

The next Events Committee meeting will be held on October 1st.

VI. Other Business
E. McHugh has written to the Superintendent of Schools regarding the ³Passport to History² program. The superintendent has not yet replied.

D. Lamb reported that the Schweinfurth is offering a free Creative Writing/Book Arts workshop on Saturday October 6 & 13, 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. She also mentioned the upcoming Contiguglia and Ruth Laredo Concerts and showed the Quilt Calendar/Poster the museum is selling as a fund raiser.

The Commission adjourned at 5:03 p.m.

The next Historic Sites Commission meeting will be held Tuesday, October 23, 2001 at 3:30 p.m., third floor meeting room at City Hall.

Please call the Office of Tourism at 255-1658 if you are unable to attend this meeting.

Recorded by Meg Vanek