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Minutes - November 2001
Meeting minutes from November 28, 2001.

Present: J. McCormick, M. Goodelle, E. McHugh, B. Lewis, J. Kline, D. Lamb, C. Carter,
P. Wisbey, M. Alberici, T. Hussey, M. Riley, M. Vanek, C. Mason, B. Beer (guest, Syracuse Newspapers)

I. Approval of the Minutes
E. McHugh made a motion to approve the October 23rd minutes, seconded by J. McCormick. All were in favor, and the motion carried.

Committee Reports
II. Planning & Development Committee
C. Mason said the Committee had not met, but the Commission had previously discussed moving forward with a strategic plan over the winter months. After a brief discussion, March
III. Nominating Committee
Nothing new to report.

IV. Marketing Committee
M. Vanek said the Tourism Office responded to 93 brochure inquiries since the October meeting, and the website had 450 new hits since the last report. Total number of hits for the website is 11,823. M. Vanek said, at the last Marketing meeting, updates to the brochure were discussed. The format will stay the same, but the calendar panel will be replaced by Schweinfurth information. The map will also be improved. The Committee also approved a $400 expenditure for an illuminated display for Holiday Lights at Emerson Park. The money will be combined with the Office of Tourism, for a Victorian carolers display. Identification signage will be prominently displayed.

M. Vanek said the final report from the Commission is due for matching funds. M. Vanek encouraged a representative to attend the upcoming matching funds workshop at the Schweinfurth at 3:30PM on Thursday. M. Vanek said, with nothing new pending, the Marketing Committee has not set another meeting at this time.

V. Events Committee
C. Mason said State of the Sites is all set for Wednesday. It will start at 6:30PM with an organ concert, and then C. Mason will introduce the site directors, and M. Weitekamp will introduce guest speaker Carol Kammen. 1,000 copies of the program booklet have been made, and extras will be dispersed to the sites to give away during Holiday Traditions. M. Alberici has made food arrangements with Kendra
J. d
VI. Other Business
M. Alberici and J. Kline have been heading up Holiday Traditions
J. Kline said M. Weitekamp made arrangements for two SUV limos and a horse and wagon team to transport people during Holiday Traditions. The gazebo across from City Hall will be the central location for pick up. There will be two different routes for the limos, and the horse and wagon will only go to the Chapel and the Cayuga Museum/Schweinfurth. J. Kline said T. Hussey did a nice job coordinated downtown window displays of student artwork with Auburn High School and Herman Elementary teachers.

E. McHugh said the “Passport to History” committee met. Through Coburn Design, bids have been gathered to print 1,000 copies of the passport booklet. A mock leather passport, with a gold seal, was quoted at $1,034 for 1,000. This price does not include design fees. A Commission stamp would also be ideal to mark the passports after student visits. Making the last booklet page a tear-out, so teachers could gather and send in all the students who had visited 4 or more sites, would be easier to traffic. The budget for the project needs to be decided.

E. McHugh said there has been a lot of interest in participating in the project. She has received calls from teachers at various Catholic schools, plus the Cayuga Home for Children. The time frame will be April 15th
The passport still needs to be designed, and each participating site needs to provide 5 or 6 interactive questions for the students to decipher during their visit. Each site
C. Mason thought $4,000 - $5,000 would suffice to run the program. This would include money to oversee the program
D. Lamb said that she will be attending the NYSCA Arts & Cultural Funding workshop next week. The SMAC
J. Kline said she is also attending.

The Commission adjourned at 4:45PM.

The next Commission meeting will be held Tuesday, December 18th at 3:30PM, third floor meeting room at City Hall.
(The scheduled meeting date was Christmas, so it was bumped up a week.)

Please call the Office of Tourism at 255-1658 if you are unable to attend the meeting.

Recorded by Jesse Kline