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11/30/04 Meeting
The City of Auburn
Historic Resources Review Board
c/o Office of Planning and Economic Development
Memorial City Hall   -  24 South Street
Auburn, New York  13021
(315) 255-4115    Fax 253-0282

Meeting Minutes
November 30, 2004

1.  Meeting was opened at 7:04 p.m. in the 1st floor caucus room of Memorial City Hall
In attendance were members: Mike Deming, Ellen Clark, Jim Hutchinson, Sam Swan and staff member Michael Long.  Guests included Eileen McHugh of the Cayuga Museum.  A meeting agenda amendment was made to add additional items for discussion.  

2. Approval of Minutes:  Ellen made a motion to accept the minutes of August 10, 2004, seconded by Sam.  All members vote approval.  Motion carried.  

3. Peter Gabak’s resignation. Peter stating that he has taken a position in Rochester and must resign from the Board has received a letter. Motion: by all, to approve the resignation with regrets and to thank Peter for his years of service to the Board (since 1990). All voted in favor.

4. Other matters.  
A.      5 Grover Street - Mike Deming asked about the recent Zoning Board of Appeals request by the new property to increase the number of dwelling units from 9 to 11.  The neighbors complained at the meeting and the request was denied.
B.      Former Buttarrazzi House Fitch Avenue – New owners are considering to use the home as a bed and breakfast.  HRRB will be notified if any exterior changes are required.  The board was generally supportive of this new use within the historic district.
C.      David Taylor – Cultural Resource Survey.  We have invited David to the February meeting to give a status report to the board. Gail Ingles (Cornell Grad student intern) will also be invited to attend.
D.      New York State Prison – National Register Nomination.   As we are the Certified Local Government (CLG) representatives, the board is required to hold a public meeting and solicit local comments and forward to the State Register staff. Eileen McHugh, Director of the Cayuga Museum attended for this purpose.  The museum has developed an extensive exhibit on the prison and spoke very favorably about the nomination.  She will also send a direct letter to SHPO supporting the nomination.  Eileen also distributed a copy of a program booklet “Both Sides of the Wall” that the museum produced about the prison’s history.  Motion:  by Jim, seconded by Ellen, that the staff be directed to write a letter noting the HRRB support for the nomination, all voted in favor.

5. Adjournment: Next meeting depending upon action required is scheduled for December 14, 2004 at Memorial City Hall at 7:45 P.M. – 1st floor caucus room. Motion to adjourn made by Jim, seconded by Sam, unanimous consent.  Meeting adjourned.

Recorded by: Michael Long