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6/8/04 Minutes
The City of Auburn
Historic Resources Review Board
c/o Office of Planning and Economic Development
Memorial City Hall   -  24 South Street
Auburn, New York  13021
(315) 255-4115    Fax 253-0282

Meeting Minutes
June 8, 2004

1.  Meeting was opened at 7:08 p.m. in the 1st floor caucus room of Memorial City Hall
In attendance were members: Mike Deming, Betty Lewis, Jim Hutchinson, Sam Swan and staff members Michael Long and Alicia McKeen.

2. Approval of Minutes:  Jim Hutchinson made a motion to accept the minutes of May 13, 2004, seconded by Sam Swan.  All members vote approval.  Motion carried.  

3. Certificate of Appropriateness:      

1.      6 Fitch Ave – Kevin Hoey – rear yard in-ground pool.  Mike Long shows color photos of area where pool is being installed.
Jim Hutchinson asks about the fence.
Mr. Hoey- it will be a power coated aluminum black 54” fence
Jim Hutchinson – iron fence look? (yes) Asks about the landscaping.
Mr. Hoey – outer boundary is fence and green space will be landscaped with some small bushes.
Motion to accept made by Jim Hutchinson, seconded by Sam Swan.  All members vote approval. Motion carried.
2.      31 Grover St. – Richard Gearhar – porch repairs; 156 South St. – Fleischman – slate roof repairs and copper valley work; 87 South St. – Victorian House – reroof south porch w/gray architectural shingles; CA’s issued by staff.  
Jim Hutchinson asks if blanket approval of all CA’s possible.
Mike Long – states that there had been trouble with 31 Grover St. getting proper approval and permits and still needs to get more.
Jim Hutchinson makes motion to approval all CA’s, seconded by Sam Swan. All members vote approval. Motion carried.
Jim asks if 87 South St. is using dark gray shingles.
Mike Long – suggested they use colors that match house.
Jim – suggested lighting to be used in landscaping.  Design has been put on hold at this time. Board needs to have professional landscape plan done and then approved by HRRB.  Also, submitting member item to Nozzolio for grant money.
Mike Long – as long as they know any state or federal money involves SHPO review.

4. Other matters.  
A. Reconnaissance level and intensive level study – City Council has approved past general operating money to go into a capital account for survey. Contract with David Taylor approved.  Would like to set next HRRB meeting to coincide with Taylor being here so he can attend.  Meeting set for June 29, 2004.

B. Preserve New York grant application submitted – Trying to set up field visit. Vijay Mital’s nephew working on map of Underground RR location. May use these sites as part of study.  Co-applicant with Cayuga County Historian and the Seward House.

C.  City budget request of $7,000.00 – reinstated in Manager’s budget.

D.  Cornell University Graduate student approved  - $1,500.00 approved for Cornell grad student to work for David Taylor with survey.

E.   Seymour St. demolitions – Mark Kubarek demo’d two of his houses on Seymour St. without benefit of the proper permits.  Codes will be handling this issue.

F.  Request for digital camera – David Taylor to do digital photos for cultural resources survey. Would like a motion to approve the purchase of the camera and any spending limits.  Motion for camera of not more than $500.00 made by Jim Hutchinson, seconded by Betty Lewis.  All members vote approval. Motion carried.
        G.  Mike Long will be doing a talk on Auburn in Borodino if anyone cares to attend.

5. Adjournment: Next meeting is scheduled for June 29, 2004 at Memorial City Hall at 7:00 p.m. – 1st floor caucus room. Motion to adjourn made by Jim Hutchinson, seconded by Sam Swan.  All members approved.  Meeting adjourned.

Recorded by: Alicia McKeen