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4/13/04 Minutes
The City of Auburn
Historic Resources Review Board
c/o Office of Planning and Economic Development
Memorial City Hall   -  24 South Street
Auburn, New York  13021
(315) 255-4115    Fax 253-0282

Meeting Minutes
April 13, 2004

1.  Meeting was opened at 7:00 p.m. in the 1st floor caucus room of Memorial City Hall
In attendance were members: Sam Swan, Jim Hutchinson, Mike Deming, Betty Lewis and Peter Gabak with staff members Mike Long and Alicia McKeen. Absent: Max Champion and Ellen Clark

2. Approval of Minutes:  Sam Swan made a motion to accept the minutes of February 10, 2004, seconded by Peter Gabak. All members vote approval.  Motion carried.  

Mike Long welcomes the Mayor and introduces the Board.

3. Certificate of Appropriateness:      

1.      36 South St. – Verizon Phone Co. – fence.  Request is to install a chain link fence at the rear of the parking lot and remove bollards to increase area for truck access.  
Peter – picky regarding fencing in a residential area, any chance of using wood?
Sam – may need air circulation for fans.
Peter – what are SHPO requirements?
Mike L. – it is pre-existing and they are modifying what is there.  Suggests painting dark green
Sam – there is very minimal visibility from the street – it is mostly hidden.
Mike D. asks for motion to approve.  Motion made by Jim Hutchinson, seconded by Betty Lewis. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

2.      85 South St. Westminster - sign.  Agents Dave Lansford and Wayne Snyder present. Sign will be identical to sign at Manor House but colored maroon.  Existing sign has been removed.
Jim – questions why the residential portion of the property would require a sign, there is one at the commercial establishment.
Wayne – they are two separate entities.
Jim – but the same owners/corporation
Dave – yes but the manor is for the elderly while the other is for the able bodied, we want to show them as separate entities.  Currently struggling to rent out, wants to make it more appealing.
Wayne – it will be Westminster Manor and Victoria House of W.M.
Jim – not withstanding the amount of work but what about curb appeal.  Much landscaping would be required.
Dave – would like Victorian gardens in front.
Mike D. – agreed, front of properties look the same.
Dave – will bring back comments to the Board.  Also thinks the front needs to be “spruced” up to entice renters.
Mike D. – agrees, needs something to draw people in.  Needs a focal point to emphasize.
Dave – wants to get plan together and get donations to get started.
Peter – suggest using planting as memorials also using small plaques.
Jim – still want to keep residential looking – not commercial looking.
Dave – sign will not be as close to sidewalk also
Mike D. – suggests something that will blend more as garden sign vs. ad sign.
Dave – has several ideas to make more appealing but thinks landscaping will make biggest difference.  Wants sign seen as small piece of whole.
Jim – can colors be toned down some – doesn’t have to match other sign
Betty – suggests using dark green posts vs. white.
Jim – and shorter posts.
Peter – also suggests an arc over the top.
Mike D. – explains that one function of HRRB is to give suggestions.
Wayne – older photos also show awnings that soften the buildings.
Peter – awnings and planting will need to be brought back before HRRB.
Jim – also thinks plantings should be projected to move with property next door. Many possibilities.
Mike D. – asks if there is a motion to accept the proposal with the Board’s suggestions. Motion by Peter Gabak, seconded by Jim Hutchinson.  All members vote approval. Motion carried.

3.      4 Hamilton Ave – parsonage repair in kind – CA issued by Mike Long.
Motion to accept CA made by Jim Hutchinson, seconded by Peter Gabak

4.      81 South St. – Westminster Manor – reset steps.  Had considered replacing with concrete steps but decided to reset steps. Also applying to Sacred Sites for a grant.  Will remove limestone, mortar as needed, stabilize and reinstall.  Motion to accept proposal made by Jim Hutchinson, seconded by Peter Gabak.  All members vote approval.  Motion carried.

4. Other matters.  
A.      Mike D. – Walt Aikman is here and he has questions concerning the rezoning in the Seminary St. area.  Would like this to wait for the historic survey to be done to assess the values of the property.
        Walt – live on Liberty St. & can see peak of Chapel from home. Was involved when Dialysis Center built and DPW moved.  Much discussion on design of building. Green space donated to chapel.  Tot lot installed.  In future would like to see some type of overlay district considered to emphasize the historical presence of the neighborhood.  Will all discussion of neighborhoods – think of block more broadly as lot by lot.  Build upon medical institutions on block.  Should be ecological development that enhances the values and maintains residential feeling and attracts type of businesses.  Worried about things being done now concerning one lot.
Mike D. – it was never anyone’s intent to keep the dialysis center out of the neighborhood – they were part of the discussion – a large medical establishment was suggested but decided it wasn’t conducive with the neighborhood.
Mike L – the area was originally zoned commercial but was rezoned residential in the ’91 Comprehensive Plan.
Jim – what is the concern?
Mike D. – talk of rezoning to commercial area which leaves out properties on the north side of Seymour.  Shouldn’t just rezone little parcel and not lots across street.  Unless the entire area is addressed and looked at as a whole the rest of the neighborhood is abandoned.
Sam – who is pushing for the change?
Tim – the car wash.
Jim – commercial space is limited within the City. What’s the alternative to a commercial zone on the other side of the street?  Can the car wash be made to blend in?
Mike D. – problem is it will be a 24-hour self serve establishment.
Peter – neon lights will dramatically change the flavor of the neighborhood.
Mike D. – looking to address the entire neighborhood to make plan.  Building can be made to look any way desirable with property guidelines.  These are only in effect, at this time, on Grover and South St’s. I think it needs to be part of a neighborhood plan, not just for the car wash.  A comprehensive plan for the entire neighborhood with specific guidelines is needed.
Jim – don’t have a problem with it but again should be part of a comprehensive review of the entire City.
Sam – what are the guidelines concerning spot zoning.
Jim – technically illegal.
Mike D – if is had not been opposed (ZBA decision) it would’ve gone thru.
Sam – we recommend design guidelines or an overlay to be put in place to give the Planning Board guidance.
Jim – should have design guidelines for all area.
Mike L – speaking of design guidelines, isn’t that what the Planning Board does?
Jim – we should ask to have it added to the Comprehensive Plan.
Walt – the entire City should be looked at but now it is happening in a haphazard way.  What is being proposed now will change the effect of the neighborhood, not just the immediate area. Advise no zoning changes till value of resources are known and guidelines looked into.
Tim – wants to know of any effect State St. Kinney’s has had.
Mike D. – believes it would be bankrupt if not part of a chain.  Has not stimulated growth. Again, one corner was changed without benefit to the rest of the neighborhood.
Mike L. – previous guidelines were to have a building at street level with parking behind, Kinney’s is the opposite.
Jim – should there be a general statement from this board?  Perhaps a new comprehensive plan is in order since it’s been 13 – 14 years since the last.
Mike L – the Chair should attend the next Planning Board meeting to ask general questions.  
Jim – thinks a complete rezoning of the City is required, residential neighborhoods need to be better protected.
Motion for Chair to present letter to Planning Board with recommendations for Comprehensive Plan and for City to address rezoning issues with more comprehensive plan to address significance of the area and to institute design guidelines for properties contiguous to historical districts made by Sam Swan, seconded by Betty Lewis. All members vote approval. Motion carried.

B.      Mike L – would like to make a grant application for Cayuga County to preserve NY. Previously denied due to lack of County support, has asked County Historian and Museum for support.  Motion made by Jim Hutchinson, seconded by Peter Gabak.  All members vote approval. Motion carried.

C.      Motion for Sacred Sites letter of support from HRRB made by Peter Gabak, seconded by Sam Swan.  All members vote approval.  Motion carried.

D.      Mike L – asks for CA for 149 North St. to replace valleys of roof.  Motion made by Jim Hutchinson, seconded by Peter Gabak.  All members vote approval.  Motion carried.

E.      Tim – asks for thoughts on the river being opened up in the Owasco St. area.

Jim – thinks river is too far down to be seen by road & cutting of trees would lead to erosion.  Pathways prohibited by APD.

Motion to adjourn made by Jim Hutchinson, seconded by Peter Gabak. All members vote approval.  Motion carried.