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2/10/04 Minutes
The City of Auburn
Historic Resources Review Board
c/o Office of Planning and Economic Development
Memorial City Hall   -  24 South Street
Auburn, New York  13021
(315) 255-4115    Fax 253-0282

Meeting Minutes
February 10, 2004

1.  Meeting was opened at 7:08 p.m. in the 1st floor caucus room of Memorial City Hall
In attendance were members: Mike Deming, Ellen Clark, Jim Hutchinson, Sam Swan and staff member Michael Long.

2. Approval of Minutes:  Jim Hutchinson made a motion to accept the minutes of November 18, 2003, seconded by Sam Swan.  Minute’s amendment, Jim Hutchinson was not at the last meeting and should strike the comment at 62 South St.  All members vote approval.  Motion carried.  

3. Certificate of Appropriateness:      
1.      36 South St. – Version Telephone Building  
Previously the board had granted approval to change the windows on Grover Street dependent upon the final grill to be applied to the exterior.  Scott of Diamond & Theil returned for the approval to continue the effort along the South and west elevations.  This would exclude the large first floor picture windows and one of the South Street windows would remain double hung and operable for access to the flag.  

Mike Deming questioned the sample size of the grill.  The new one is too small in comparison to the original window dividers.  Scott said that he could get a larger one (1 ¼ “) and would install those throughout the building.
Motion: to approve with the following changes: larger mutton dividers installed over the outside of the new windows to match the original profile by Sam Swan, seconded by Jim Hutchinson. All voted in favor.
Motion: to accept made by Max Champion, seconded by Ellen Clark.  Max C. questions the material of the fence.  It will be ornamental aluminum to match the existing fence. All members vote approval with Jim Hutchinson abstaining.  Motion carried.

2.      46 South Street – Bill Clark
Mr. William Clark, restoration contractor is seeking approval for minor repairs at the property owned by Gary Baldwin. Motion: by Jim Hutchinson, seconded by Sam Swan to approve as submitted.  Motion carried, with Ellen Clark, abstaining.

4. Other matters.  
A. The city budget process: The city manager has begun the process earlier this year.  Discussion is to submit a City of Auburn, General Fund budget request equal to the previous years.  This would include the continued efforts of a summer intern from Cornell University and the required match for the Ne2w York State Certified Local Government Grant (CLG). Motion: Jim Hutchinson, seconded by Ellen allowing the chairman to submit a request for $7,000.  Approved unanimously.

B. Summer Internship:  Mike Deming discussed soliciting another Cornell University graduate student from the Historic Preservation program.  This person would assist with the research for the consultant hired to complete the study.  Mike D. hoped that we could get someone of the caliber of Sigrid for this summer.  Motion: by Ellen, second by Sam to solicit and intern for the 2004 summer.  All voted in favor.

C.  Logan Street neighborhood:  Mike Deming requested that the board support using HUD funds for sidewalks and curbing in the Logan Street neighborhood to support the efforts that have been completed in the general area.  Mike D. offered to speak with Jennifer Haines (CD Program Manger) and Steve Lynch regarding this issue.  Motion: by Jim Hutchinson, seconded by Sam, authorizing the chair to send a letter to the planning office to support CD funds spent in the Logan Street neighborhood for public improvements.  Approved unanimously.

D.  Annual CLG reports – NPS / SHPO:  Mike Long has prepared the annual reports required by both the National Park Service and the New York State Historic Preservation Office that are required for continuation in the Certified Local Government (CLG) Program.  This is the first report that we have had to complete since becoming a full member.  The board authorized Mr. Long to submit the reports as final.

E. Historic Homes Tour – July 10, 2004:  Mike Deming opened the discussion that Dr. Richard Stankus is the chairperson this year for the Community Preservation Committee. Inc. (CPC) Historic Homes Tour.  This year’s program is featuring the homes of South Street.  To date, there are nine (9) homes that have indicated willingness to participate.  The date coincides with the Victorian Garden Party of the Seward House.  The Dulles Family home will also be included.  Mike asked for volunteers to assist with historic district walking tours for this date.  Ellen, Sam, Jim, Mike Deming and Mike Long all said they would assist.

F. “Breakfast for Tiffany”:  Mike Deming has been planning a benefit to assist the stain glass restoration project.  This will be on Saturday, March 27th, 7:30 am till noon.  All volunteers and friends are welcome.  CPC is also raffling off a Honda 2000 sports car as a fundraiser, tickets cost $100 each.

5. Adjournment: Next meeting is scheduled for March 9, 2004 at Memorial City Hall at 7:00 p.m. – 1st floor caucus room. Motion to adjourn made by Jim Hutchinson, seconded by Sam Swan.  All members approved.  Meeting adjourned.
Recorded by: Michael Long