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9/9/03 Minutes
The City of Auburn
Historic Resources Review Board
c/o Office of Planning and Economic Development
Memorial City Hall   -  24 South Street
Auburn, New York  13021
(315) 255-4115    Fax 253-0282

Meeting Minutes

1.  Meeting was opened at 7:00 p.m. in the 1st floor caucus room of Memorial City Hall
In attendance were members: Sam Swan, Jim Hutchinson, Mike Deming, Ellen Clark and Peter Gabak (late arrival), staff members Mike Long and Alicia McKeen and guests Angela Mack and Steve Gage. Absent: Max Champion and Betty Lewis

2. Approval of Minutes:  Sam Swan made a motion to accept the minutes of August 12, 2003, seconded by Ellen Clark. All members vote approval.  Motion carried.  

3. Certificate of Appropriateness:      
1.      130 South St. – William Merrit owner (not present) – install 6’ x 160’ privacy fence along south
property line.
Jim H. questions the disposition of the existing old iron fence, restoring or removing? Wants photos showing both houses and exact placement of fence.  Too many details need to be addressed.  Make a motion to table until the following made available: photos showing existing fences and placement of new fence, distance between proposed fence and existing fence on neighbors property, set backs, plans for existing iron fence.  Motion seconded by Sam Swan.  All members vote in favor.  Motion tabled.

2.      36 South St. – Verizon Phone Co. – replacement windows.  Note: a previous request was denied due to lack of information and compliance with the Secretary of Interior standards.  At this point the contractor has provided more details.  Current windows are painted metal.  The building had been originally built to match City Hall.  The detail will match existing windows and will be replacement windows with grill – one solid window.  20 windows at the north side of the building only will be done at this time.  Front bay window may be replaced at a future date.  Motion to accept replacement windows as presented on the north side of the building only made by Jim H., seconded by Sam S.  All members vote approval.  Motion passed.

3.      10 Swift St. – Sue Felter – replace three rear windows.  The back room is on a slab and does not maintain heat well even with insulation.  Proposal is to replace existing windows with double hung replacement windows with colonial grills while maintaining the look of the rest of the house.  All wooden frames on the exterior will be kept in place.  Mike Long recommends painting red to match color scheme of house.  Motion to accept plan as presented made by Jim H., seconded by Sam S.  All members vote approval.  Motion carried.

4. Other matters.  
A.      Mike Long supplies copies of the report by Victor Gordon.  The RFP for the CLG grant is ready to go using Sigrid’s and Victor’s reports. Amounts are $12,000, $15,000 and previous funds.  Motion to submit RFP made by Ellen C., seconded by Jim H.  All members vote approval. Motion passed.

B.      Angela Mack discusses the script for the historic video. States that she has cut much of it out but still thinks it is too long and further editing is needed.  Steve Gage thinks there are too many details that will be lost on the audience.  Suggests using a few key dates for reference, no number addresses, edit superfluous info from homes.  Sam S. supplies copies of historical photos for possible use.  General discussion ensues.  Some filming has been done.  When the script is finalized any further filming needed will be done.  The script will be approved by the Board before filming.

C.      Peter Gabak lets everyone know that the 1st United Methodist Church desires to replace their existing sign and is looking for direction from the Board.  The pastor wanted a message board type sign similar to CCC but with internal neon lighting. It was brought up that neon lighting is not allowed.  Jim H. wants to see exterior lighting, not interior and nothing larger than the existing sign.  As far as pre-existing signs at other churches – nothing can be done about that.  Peter Gabak recommends a sign similar to CCC with exterior lighting.  Members will consider this proposal and inspect the existing sign.

4. Adjournment: Next meeting October 14, 2003 at Memorial City Hall at 7:00 p.m. – 1st floor caucus room. Motion to adjourn made by Ellen C., seconded by Jim H.  All members vote approval.  

Meeting adjourned.

Recorded by: Alicia McKeen