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12/11/01 Minutes
The City of Auburn
Historic Resources Review Board
c/o Office of Planning and Economic Development
Memorial City Hall   -  24 South Street
Auburn, New York  13021
(315) 255-4115    Fax 253-0282

Meeting Minutes

1.  Meeting was opened at 7:05 P.M. in the Training room of Memorial City Hall
In attendance were members: Ellen Clark, Peter Gabek, Michael Deming, Sam Swan, Betty Lewis, and staff members Michael Long and Alicia McKeen.

2. Approval of Minutes:  Motion by:  Peter Gabek, seconded by Betty Lewis to approve the minutes of the October 9, 2001 meeting as prepared without changes.  Approved unanimously.

3. Certificate of Appropriateness:      No applications presented.

4. Other Items:

A.      Certified Local Government Application.  The City Council voted to approve the CLG application.  A history of the Historical Resources Review Board is being worked on; a synopsis of each member is needed.  Federal Regulation contains criteria that members must comply with.  Applications for funding are due 1/11/02.  A decision is needed as to how much money is desired.  There is $4,500.00 available from the current budget and using $3,500.00 from next years budget would make our share $8,000.00.  Cultural resource inventory of the entire City has been done.  From a “shopping list” of people, resources and themes are to be included.  The Cornell University intern Cara Welch has accomplished majority of work. Estimate for cultural resource assessment by Rochester firm is about $20,000.00 so we can ask $12,000.00 from the state and provide the rest.  It was suggested that Sam Swan donate his time as part of the match.  Since the state will probably not concede to the entire amount at one time the funding may have to be done in stages.  There was also concern that some of the addresses are confusing due to the 911 change.  This may be alleviated by showing the actual property (auto cad graphic presentation); also, the intern had written info directly onto maps.  

Motion to apply for maximum permitted grant amount: by Peter Gabak.  Seconded by Sam Swan.  Approved unanimously.

Mike Long will prepare the application and submit to Council for resolution if needed.

B.      South Street Video project:  Lydia Rozelle will complete the script background information for Steve Gage to use.  It was noted that each address will have a limited amount of time.  The objective is as a promotional tool and for City pride.  It will explain why historical regulations are in place.  A brochure was also suggested possibly, by Laura Coburn, as an inexpensive way to send out info on a monthly basis.   Mike also wants a copy sent to HGTV for a Main St. USA type theme.

The idea of expanding the historical district was touched upon.  The areas to be included would be Westlake area, Auburn Police Department / Fire Department, Phoenix Bldg., Swaby
A prison museum was suggested.  A possible location would be the Willard Chapel basement or the Osborne Library.

5.  Next Board Meeting:
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 8, 2002 at 7:00 P.M. at Memorial City Hall
6.   Adjournment:       The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 P.M.  Motion by Ellen Clark, and seconded by Mike Deming, with all in favor.                    

Recorded by: Alicia McKeen