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08/14/01 Minutes
The City of Auburn
Historic Resources Review Board
c/o Office of Planning and Economic Development
Memorial City Hall   -  24 South Street
Auburn, New York  13021
(315) 255-4115    Fax 253-0282

Meeting Minutes

1.  Meeting was opened at 7:08 P.M. in the Training room of Memorial City Hall
In attendance were members: Michael Deming, Sam Swan, Betty Lewis, Ellen Clark, Jim Hutchinson and staff member Michael Long, student intern Cornell University Graduate student Cara Welch with guests Glenn and Donna Fletcher.

2. Approval of Minutes:  Motion by:  Jim Hutchinson, seconded by Michael Cuddy, Sr. to approve the minutes of the July 10th, 2001 meeting as prepared without changes.  Approved unanimously.

3.  Certificate of Appropriateness:
A.      74 South Street brackets are smaller versions of the original ones on the main section of the house. Due to the need to enhance the natural light, the roof will include 3 skylights. Motion:  to approve as submitted, by Betty Lewis, seconded by Ellen Clark.  All in favor except Jim Hutchinson abstained (his property).

B.      149 North Street

4. Other Items:

A.      Cornell University Graduate Student Intern:
Cara Welch from the Cornell Historic Preservation Program is our intern over the summer.  She has been working over the summer on the Cultural Assessment outline that would be completed in the future.  She began by thanking the group for the opportunity to work on this exciting project, which is much better than studying though research books. Cara presentation the board of her work to date began with the base data of the 1871 map.  Mike Cuddy noted that the Cayuga Museum had recently discovered several new historic maps.  The 1871 map identifies the “movers and shakers” of Auburn and where they lived at the time.  The outline is based upon a chronological scheme of the trends that affected the area.  

There are currently 27 pages of outline in the inventory.  A draft was distributed at the last meeting.  Lately Cara has been identifying larger tracts of land that were develop with the use of pattern books (i.e. Sears Roebuck, Greene Lumber Co., etc) that expanded the housing stock during the early 20th century.  After revisions are made, a revised copy will be sent to the members for additional comments. A list was circulated so that the information could be e-mailed to the members.  Cara noted that Scott Anderson
B.      Church of Christ 1891 the new city “historic preservation tax program knows as the Ithaca Bill.

Mike Long gave them a copy of the current Federal Historic Tax credit program (10% for older but not NR designated buildings).  It was discussed to be designating the former church as local landmark.  After a public hearing is held, the project would be brought to the city council for final approval.   Motion: to approve as a “Local Historic Landmark” by Jim Hutchinson, seconded by Michael Cuddy, approved and carried unanimously.

C.      SS Peter and John Church
D.       Received a letter of Interest:  Max Champion has submitted a letter of interest of serving on the HRRB Board. He is a local attorney that is in the process purchasing and restoring 50 South Street.  Mike Deming will review if any openings currently exist on the board.

E.      14 Grover Street
F.      107 South Street
G.      Langham
H.      Verizon Sign
I.      Great Race arrows along South St.   It was noted that the YMCA painted arrows on the new pavement along South Street. The board asked staff to discuss with the City Manager.

5.  Next Board Meeting:
        The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 11, 2001 at 7:00 P.M. at Memorial City Hall
6.   Adjournment:       The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 P.M.  Motion by Mike Cuddy, and seconded by Jim Hutchinson, with all in favor.                    

Minutes Recorded by: Michael Long.