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Electric Board Minutes 01/09/2002
January 9, 2002 at 7:00 pm

Attendants:  Jim Salva, Dave Klimek, Kenneth Lumb, Jim Moore, Dorothy Blair and  
                    Nancy Quill

First Item:  Applicant Interview
Moore   I think we have all pretty much looked at Mr. Pompo
Salva   We looked at this last month.  

Moore   Was that notarized?

Blair   Yes.  

Salva   It is a two hour timed test and we
Moore   No.  Like I say, we
Pompo   Yeah, well my conversations were really, I guess unfortunately to a certain degree, with Frank DeOrio.  I had anticipated communication between you guys and myself and you
Moore   Frank has nothing to do with this board.

Pompo   Yeah, I understand, but every bit of my communication has been through him.  So, I apologize for that.

Salva   Well, that
Pompo   I did have a question.  I see a gentleman out there with the older NEC book…

Salva   This test is not based on the 2002 book.

Pompo   Well, that
Salva   I don
Pompo   OK.

Salva   So, if you want to use the 2002 book that
Pompo   Can you tell me a little bit about what the test is comprised of?

Salva   It
Pompo   OK.

Salva   A passing grade is 75 and it is a two-hour test.

Moore   OK?

Salva   We
Second Item:  Applicant Interview
Moore   This is Tom Brady.  He is from Buffalo and he has a master license in some other cities and he would like to get one here in Auburn.

Salva   OK.

Moore   He wants to do a job down on North St. at Alzeheimer
Lumb    Is that what
Moore   Yeah.  They have one eye doctor in there, now they are going to do the building out in back.  What other cities do you have your license in?

Brady   Lackawanna, Town of Tonawanda and Buffalo.

Salva   I didn
Brady   Lackawanna has had it for quite a while.  Tonawanda adapted that about 3, 4 maybe 5 years ago.

Lumb    Are you the owner of the company?

Brady   Yes, I am.  You can have the handbook in here?
Salva   Yes.  We
Brady   I have the handbook in my vehicle outside.

Salva   You are welcome to get it, we
Brady   OK.

Moore   Is that notarized?

Blair   Yes.

Brady   What is the difference between a Master, Journeyman or a Special…whatever that third one was?

Salva   Special Limited is a residential Appliance Installer.  If you are a plumber installing dishwashers, hot water tanks, you can wire what you install residentially.

Brady   OK.

Salva   Limited is residential up to four units, up to five meters, up to three stories.  Master is equivalent to a Journeyman.  Master is the owner.

Brady   OK.

Moore   Well, we
Brady   Thank you.

End of Interviews

Moore   We
Quill   Is the test fee correct?

Salva   No.  It is now $25.00 for all applicants.

Quill   Can we change the title of Special Limited to Appliance Installer?

Moore   Yes.  That
Quill   Does it have to be called “Special Limited”?

Moore   Isn
Quill   Yes, but the license prints out “Special Limited”.

Salva   It is in the ordinance as Appliance Installer.

Quill   So the title of “Special Limited” will be changed to “Appliance Installer” in all regards.

Salva   Yeah, and actually I should change the heading on the test.  We need to omit this, “any reference material”.  We allow a National Code Book, a National Code Handbook, a standard calculator and scrap paper.

Moore   This is what is handed out with every test.  I would like to go through this also.

Lumb    Look here at section 1, this isn
Moore   We have to correct that.

Lumb    The second Wednesday of each month at 4:00 pm, except the months of December, January, May and June, when the time is 7:00 pm for the purpose of interviews.

Klimek  Why don
Moore   Well, no…this is why we are going through this.  We have to get what
Quill   How do you want that worded?

Lumb    Applications for exams will be accepted only in December and May, right?   With the exams given only in January and June.

Moore   Ok, that
Salva   Look at the one above.  Applications for examinations, that was last month…

Klimek  If this is going to be scrutinized that much, why don
Moore   We don
Salva   We
Moore   We are a legal board and we can make these laws and they have got to follow it.  Now we put it “the interview for the examination shall be made before the board on the month proceeding the test”.  It has to be very explicit.

Lumb    If I was explicit, I would say, not the month before the test, but December and May.  Spell it out right there, so there is no misunderstanding.

Moore   In the code, the city manager can give a test any time he wants.  We almost had a special meeting last month for an interview and the test in one night.  This is why…this is the whole thing.   

Lumb    How did that get in the code?

Moore   I don
Quill   In section 3, it says “during the examination of applicants for certificates”.   Should it say “at the interview of applicants for examinations”?

Moore   Yeah.  Applicant shall be present at the interview for examination for an electric license…

Klimek  It might be easier if you come up with a rough draft and then let us beat it up.  

Moore   I know, but I also wanted your input right now because she is going to type it up, then we will have something to work with.

Salva   Looks like everybody has showed up.

Moore   OK.  What time do you have, 5:54?

Salva   Perfect.

Moore   (Leaves to administer exam and returns to meeting) Back to section 3.

Lumb    I still think it would be easier to say during the months of December and May, in black and white.

Moore   OK.  I
Klimek  It would be easier to say that and at the bottom put a footnote about the interview.

Lumb    You shall be interviewed in person in December and May if you want to take the test.

Moore   Applicant shall be present at the interview for examination for an electric license on the second Wednesday of May and December at 7pm at City Hall.  It needs to be exact.  Section 4.  Applications need to be notarized and presented at time of interview.

Salva   Good.

Moore   Accompanied by an application fee of  $25.00 in check or money order.

Salva   Non-refundable.  That is in the ordinance.

Moore   OK.  The next section 5.  

Quill   Can I take all these “examination” terms and change them to “exam”?

Moore   Yeah.

Lumb    Under qualifications we need to put in there specifically that a passing grade of 75 is required.

Moore   It wouldn
Quill   This is one long sentence.  I
Moore   OK.  I think all the rest of this stuff is OK.

Lumb    How do we prove that, this statement where one year of work equals 2000 hours?

Moore   Well a lot of times, they
Lumb    You could go with people like that, but you won
Moore   Yeah, I know but it
Salva   Let
Moore   OK.  Put that in section 4.

Quill   In section 6, should it read the “application must be signed” and remove “accompanied by a Certificate”?

Salva   The application must be signed.
Moore   OK.  Here is the application.  All this here needs to be changed according to our revisions on these rules of procedures.

Quill   Let me go through and make all the changes and we
Moore   Yeah, we can do that.  

Salva   We have to notify the city manager within 30 days.  It should say something about how long they have to get the license.  Should that be 30 days too?

Moore   Lets give them 90 days.

Klimek  We have to give them some time to shop for insurance and everything else.  

Lumb    Yeah.  Let
Salva   OK.  45 days sounds reasonable?

Moore   All right, I think that
Salva   Nancy on number ten, see where it says, for the period of six months?  Get rid of that and say until the next regularly scheduled exam.

Lumb    Yeah, that
Moore   You know I let them know, that they should be paying this board again.  Like they used to till Malone took it away.  Did you talk to anybody about a reciprocal down in Ithaca?

Lumb    Joe has not gotten back to me.  I have talked to him about.

Moore   How about we send him a letter from this board.  I like to send one to Oswego too.  I know the Code Enforcement Officer there and I gave him a copy our thing and he was going to present it to their electric board, but I haven
Quill   Do you want to draft a standard letter to send out.

Moore   Yes.  Joe Pelligrino, City of Ithaca.  Neil Smith, City of Oswego.  I
Salva   We have been trying to do that for a long time and they never respond, but we can try them again.  I
Moore   I
Salva   No.

+end of meeting