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Electric Board Minutes 02/13/2002
February 13, 2002 at 4:00 pm

Attendants:  Dave Klimek, Kenneth Lumb, Jim Moore, Bob Smith, Dorothy Blair and
                Nancy Quill
Absentees:   James Salva

First Item:  Interview
Moore   The guy out here has an Appliance Installer license and didn
Klimek  Is he the only one that didn
Moore   No, there are others.  I think he was away on vacation and came in a day or two late.

Lumb    This isn
Moore   No, he tried to get it, but he was too late.

Lumb    We did this once before.

Moore   Last year.

Lumb    There
Moore   Yeah, he still has to pay the fifty dollar late fee.

Lumb    OK.

(Moore leaves to retrieve applicant from hallway and returns)

Moore   Please introduce yourself.

Beniamino       Steve Beniamino, owner and general manager of Interstate Heating and Cooling
Lumb    This is how I feel.  There is the cost of the license and the penalty fee.  If you are willing to pay those, it is OK with me.

Klimek  That
Moore   I don
Beniamino       As soon as I noticed that it was not taken care of I came over.  Do I go down stairs to take care of this?

Quill   Are you prepared to pay the fees right now?

Beniamino       Yes.  Instead of a check, I have cash.

Quill   Either way is fine.  I
Beniamino       The only other thing I would like to say is that I do work in about eight counties and there are not many municipalities that have licenses.  I would like to see it become statewide with one license and all cities enforcing it.  It would be easier for all of the profession.

Moore   I believe we should plumbing and electric.

Beniamino       I know in Ithaca they have plumbing, electric and heating.

Moore   We are hoping to license heating the same way we do electric.

Beniamino       Can I go down stairs now?

Quill   Yes, she is ready for you.

Beniamino       Thank you ladies and gentlemen. (leaves the room)

Second Item:  Discussion regarding bid on landfill job
Moore   Did everybody get Jim
Lumb    Yes.  Is there anything to talk about on that?

Moore   I just wanted to inform everybody that there has not been a full decision on it yet, but Pompo does not have the job.  The city has backed the board up that we did everything possible to allow him to obtain a license.  The city manager and attorney are comfortable with it.  They feel that since it has been brought up, there may have been some advance information given to Pompo because his bid was $20K difference.  They are going to rebid the project.  They were going to have to run a telephone pole and a transformer and that was the $20K difference.  Since that time, gas and electric is running a telephone pole right up to the building so there is no need for the transformer.

Klimek  Was that in the bid?

Moore   The transformer was in the bid.

Lumb    What I heard was that the original print showed you putting a lot of underground out to a pole a long ways away.  Some people called and said are you sure this is what gas and electric wants and they said don
Moore   Nobody has told me yet.  I know Ron Netti
Third Item:  Revision of “Application Rules of Procedure”

Moore   Do you have a copy for Bob?  Last time we discussed changing the application.  Nancy is working on the application, but these are the revised Rules of Procedures we came up with.  You want to go through this section by section?

Lumb    Section 1 looks alright to me.

Moore   Dave and I were talking, maybe to even this up we need to change this May and June to June and July, that would be six months between exams.

Lumb    I disagree.  I hate to tie up two nights in the summer.  That
Quill   Then Change December and January to November and December or make it November, December, May and June.

Moore   That
Lumb    I don
Quill   Then let
Lumb    That
Moore   Section 3 looks good.  Section 4 looks good too.  Nothing by mail.

Quill   I
Moore   Ok.  Minimum Qualifications, let
Quill   I didn
Lumb    Look at (A).  It should say “permission to take the exam will be granted” not a license will be granted.

Blair   And it doesn
Moore   Right.  It has to be all three.  Maybe we should spell that out like it is in the book, with all the insurances.  I don
Quill   Are we just looking at the minimum qualifications to take the test?

Moore   Yes.

Quill   So the passing grade shouldn
Klimek  Right.

Quill   The title of Section 5 should be “Minimum Qualifications for Exam”?

Moore   Right.  Move #2 and #3 to the second page.  Let
Quill   These are required at the time of the interview, correct?

Klimek  Yes.

Moore   Anything else in here?

Quill   Number 3 is defining a term and I think it should be a footnote.

Klimek  Yeah, probably.

Moore   Section 6 look ok to everyone? (nods of agreement from all)

Smith   yes.

Moore   How about section 7.  We should substitute the word “knowledge” for “fitness”.

Smith   That sounds much better.

Blair           Section 8 should say a certificate and a license.

Klimek          What
Moore           It says that you are competent to carry a license.

Quill           We have never required to see one before a license is issued.

Moore           That
Klimek          Do we actually issue a Certificate of Competency?

Blair           This is it right here.

Klimek          Ok.

Lumb            We better leave that section 8 alone then.

Moore           Yeah, don
Lumb            Unless we require their insurance before we issue the certificate.

Moore   Then put that you will be issued a license when you provide the insurance.  Section 9 looks ok.  Section 10 is ok.

Klimek  Where do we say that the applicant needs to get his license within 45 days?

Moore   It should be spelled out right here.  Also add that we will not issue an inactive license initially after passing the test.  They have to get an active license at least for that first year.

Quill   Ok.

Moore   That wasn
Quill   I
+end of meeting 4:55 p.m.