Auburn Economic Development Zone Board
October 5, 2004
Present: Arlene Ryan, Ann Kubarek, Walter Dungey, Jeff Delbel, Sally Jo Widmer, Judy Wright. Guest: John Salomone.
Excused: Michael Trapani, Tom McNabb, Tom Ganey.
Staff: Cynthia Aikman, Alicia McKeen
Ann Kubarek called the meeting to order. Motion to accept May 13, 2004 meeting minutes made by Arlene Ryan, seconded by Walt Dungey. All members voted to approve. Motion carried.
Zone Administrative Funds Allocation
Cynthia explained that the base is $15,000.00 with the remaining $25,000.00 based on performance. The application for matching funds is for the entire $40,000.00. Motion for application made by Sally Jo Widmer, seconded by Walt Dungey. All members vote approval. Motion carried.
Developmental Policy
Cynthia explained that the State wanted the developmental policy previously submitted organized differently. This has been done without changing the wording; it is the same policy but now in compliance with the state. It does need to be approved again. Motion to approve as final made by Arlene Ryan, seconded by Walt Dungey. All members vote approval. Motion carried.
Other business
Sally asked if when FTE’s are approved, if records are kept of the jobs that have been filled. Cynthia stated that jobs must be reported and she checks annually when doing the BAR’s.
Arlene asked about the future of the program. Cynthia stated that it is viable until 3/31/05. It is on the top 10 list of things the Governor will be addressing. Super zones are on the agenda. Auburn will keep its configuration. There are 3 parcel in Sennett that are not in with one being zone certified. The others will be reallocated.
Arlene asked about the proposed hotel at the FL Mall. Cynthia has met with the developer. Paperwork has been begun. It will be about 200 rooms with a restaurant and conference rooms are proposed.
Arlene – for people living in the zone, is the Zone Program a resource that can be tapped into? Cynthia stated that at the beginning of the program this was an option but the City did not choose it.
Cynthia – at the last meeting we approved a loan application for Dr. Gush. He never came into apply having found other sources of funding.
We anticipate seeing more in the news as the legislature reconvenes. Debate on RE property tax has been to change to retroactive thought this is not the case in Auburn. Some haven’t created jobs but they have invested enough back into the properties.
Ann asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion made by Jeff Delbel, seconded by Arlene Ryan. All members vote approval. Meeting adjourned.