Auburn Economic Development Zone Board
May 21, 2002
Present: Tom Ganey, Marcia Wiley, Arlene Ryan, Steve Vincent, Sally Jo Widmer.
Excused: Ann Kubarek , Michael Trapani, Jeff Delbel, Tom McNabb.
Staff: Cynthia Aikman, Vijay Mital, Jeremy Caza (Summer intern).
Tom Ganey called the meeting to order at 4:15 PM.
Steve Vincent made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 11, 2001 meeting. Arlene Ryan Second. Motion was approved by unanimous consent.
Cindy Aikman reviewed a summary of changes to the Zone’s Program due to the passage of the New York State Budget. (Summary attached).
Cindy Aikman presented the draft work plan.
Steve Vincent made a motion to approve the plan, authorize the chairman to sign and submit it to the Albany Empire Zone Office. Second by Marcia Wiley. Motion passed unanimously.
Cindy Aikman presented the 2001 Annual Report.
Arlene Ryan made a motion to accept the 2001 Annual Report, authorize the chairmen to sign and submit it to the Albany Zones office. Second by Steve Vincent. Motion passed unanimously.
Steve Vincent made a motion to adjourn the meeting and second by Arlene Ryan. Motion passed unanimously.