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City Council Minutes Meeting #1 of 2009

Meeting #1 of 2009
Auburn City Council
Thursday - January 8, 2009

Roll – Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill – Present.

Staff in attendance – Mark Palesh, City Manager; John Rossi, Corporation Counsel; Debra McCormick, City Clerk; Gary Giannotta., Police Chief; Lisa Green, Comptroller; Robert Gauthier, Treasurer; Mike Hammon, Fire Chief; William Lupien, Engineering Superintendent; Jenny Haines Planning Director; Gerry DelFavero, Public Works Supervisor; Mike Talbot, Landfill Supervisor; Christine Selvek, Capital Improvements Project Mgr.  

Mayor Quill led the Pledge of Allegiance and asked for a moment of silent prayer of reflection.

On a motion by Councilor Graney, seconded by Councilor Brower, Council adjourned to Executive Session at 6:05PM to discuss “personnel” issues.  All Councilors and the Mayor voted aye on this motion.  

Council returned at 6:30PM and the Mayor called the meeting back to order.

Presentations and Proclamations –

Christine Selvek, CIP Manager introduced representatives of Larsen Engineering.  A power point presentation was given on the Comprehensive Energy and Development Plan.  John Montone, Chair of the Auburn Power Agency commented.  

Lisa Green, Comptroller, introduced Roger Beer, from Green and Seifter the City’s independent audit firm.  Mr. Beer presented a power point presentation and distributed material for Council’s information relating to the audit.  He complimented the Finance Department for receiving its 10th straight award for excellence from the Government Finance Officers Association.  Council discussed.

City Manager’s Report

The City Manager thanked Lisa Green and staff for the excellent work on the City’s finances.  

Mr. Palesh reported in response to a request from Councilor McNabb on activity by APD using the “boot” as a tool to motivate ticket scofflaws.  He reported that the boot was used approximately 20 times and between $8 -12,000.00 in income has been received.  He reported on the auto plate reader activity and results of efforts to clear outstanding warrants.

Chief Giannotta also commented.

Mr. Palesh commented on newspaper reports and rumors regarding the Department of Public Works discovery of stolen property by employees.  He reported that the problem was decades old and no reflection on the Supervisor Jerry DelFavero.  He also reported action taken was appropriate for the circumstances, all known missing items and more were returned. He stated that the City worked with the District Attorney, Police Department and Union.

Ordinances - None

Council Resolution #1 of 2009 accepting the audit for the year ending June 30, 2008 as presented by Green and Seifter, LLP.  VOTE: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower, and Mayor Quill, AYE. CARRIED

Financial Resolution #2 of 2009, adopting the 2009 County Tax Rate in the City of Auburn and authorizing tax bills to be prepared.  VOTE: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower, and Mayor Quill, AYE. CARRIED

There were no Local Laws.

Tabled Legislation

Council Resolution #131 of 2008 authorizing a change order in the amount of $60,000 to be paid to Barton and Loguidice, P.C. for services rendered pursuant to agreement Resolution #153 of 2005.  VOTE: Councilor Graney, no, McNabb, aye, Smith, no Brower, and Mayor Quill, AYE. CARRIED.

Other Business – None.

Council adjourned to executive session at 7:40PM and returned at 8:57, adjourning at 9:00PM.