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City Council Meeting 06/26/2008
Auburn City Council
Meeting #22
June 26, 2008
Business Meeting

Roll Call – Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill – Present

Staff - Mark Palesh, City Manager, Debra McCormick, City Clerk, John Rossi, Corporation Counsel, Lisa Green, Comptroller, Bill Lupien, Engineering, Karen Green, Human Resources

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag – All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Moment of Silent Prayer or Reflection – Mayor Quill asked everyone to remain standing for a moment of silent prayer.

Public to be Heard
Earl Staring, 56 Chapman Ave. spoke to council about various issues he is concerned about.

Mary and Bud Phillips and Cheryl Barber, 10 Fitch Ave. Owner and operators of a bed and breakfast business at this address spoke to Council about a rental property near 10 Fitch Ave. that has trash that is never taken to the curb, excessive noise, rodents, and feral cats.  She commented on her concern for the impact of this on her business.

Mary Lou Picciano, 32 Cayuga St. Auburn, spoke about her son’s treatment by the Auburn Police Department.

Dale Bush, 116 Schwartz Dr. spoke about the work session held last week where Council voted on a resolution.  He commented that voting is only supposed to be done at business meetings.

Council adjourned to executive session at 4:20PM to discuss contract negotiations.  Council reconvened at 5:20PM.

Presentations and Proclamations  - The Clerk read

Public Announcements – The Clerk read.

City Manager’s Report – None.

Report of City Officials and Committee Reports – None.

Presentation of Petition and Communications    - The Clerk read.

Ordinance #9 of 2008 authorizing amendment to the City Code of the City of Auburn,
87 entitled “New Sidewalks, Curbs and Gutters”.  VOTE: Councilor Graney, McNabb,
Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill, aye. CARRIED


Land Sale Resolution #80 of 2008 authorizing the Mayor to execute any and all documents for the transfer of a portion of City property to Eliminator Automotive.  PULLED.

Agreement Resolution #81 of 2008 authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Ambulance
Service Contract with TLC Emergency Medical Services of Cortland, New York.
VOTE: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill, aye.

Agreement Resolution #82 of 2008 authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement
with MMA Consulting Group, Inc., to update the 2003 Comprehensive Study of the
Auburn Fire Department and authorizing the transfer of funds from Contingency
Account #A1990.455 to Fire Department Account A3410.451 in the amount of $12,000
to pay for said update. VOTE: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Brower, aye.
Councilor Smith and Mayor Quill, no. CARRIED

Agreement Resolution #83 of 2008 directing the Mayor to enter into a one (1) year
independent services agreement with Barbara Deacon. VOTE: Councilor Graney,
McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill, aye. CARRIED

Agreement Resolution #84 of 2008 authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement
with Amawalk Consulting Group to assist the City in preparing an assessment of the
capital investment needs of the water system and sewer system, and the proposed
allocation of costs among the City and the communities served by the City and
authorizing the transfer of $25,000 from Water Contingency Account #F1990.455 to
Water Account #F8130.440 and $25,000 from Sewer Contingency G#1990.445 to Sewer
Account #G8120.440. VOTE: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and
Mayor Quill, aye. CARRIED

Agreement Resolution #85 of 2008 directing the Mayor to enter into a one year
agreement with Dominick DeBenedetto.  VOTE: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith,
Brower and Mayor Quill, aye. CARRIED

Agreement Resolution # 86 of 2008 directing the Mayor to enter into a one year
independent service agreement with Russell Baird. VOTE: Councilor Graney,
McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill, aye. CARRIED

Local Law – None.

Tabled Legislation – None.

Other Business

Agreement Resolution #78 of 2008 authorizing the Mayor to sign and execute an
Agreement with ECO Technology Solutions, LLC, for substation and system Design as
necessary to implement a $492,000 grant that has been secured through the U.S. Department of Energy.  VOTE: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and
Mayor Quill, aye. CARRIED

Council requested that the City Manager look into a way to help the owners of 10 Fitch Ave with the issues raised during the public to be heard.

Adjournment – Council adjourned at 5:55PM