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City Council Meeting 06/12/2008
Auburn City Council
Meeting # 21
Thursday June 12, 2008  
Business Meeting

Roll Call – Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill – Present

Staff – Mark Palesh, City Manager, Debra McCormick, City Clerk, John Rossi, Corporation Counsel, Lisa Green, Comptroller, Gary Giannotta, Police Chief, Karen Green, Human Resource Director, Bill Lupien, Engineering Superintendent

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag – All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Moment of Silent Prayer or Reflection – Mayor Quill asked everyone to remain standing for a moment of silent prayer or reflection.

Public to be Heard
Mary Lou Picciano 32 Cayuga St. spoke to Council about her issues with the Auburn Police Department.

Mayor Quill asked for a sponsor for a motion to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss contract negotiations. Councilor McNabb sponsored, Councilor Graney seconded.  Council adjourned at 6:10PM and returned at 7:25 PM.  

Mayor Quill called the meeting back to order at 7:25PM.

Presentations and Proclamations    - The Clerk read.

Public Announcements – None                     

City Manager’s Report - None

Report of City Officials - None

Committee Reports - None

Presentation of Petition and Communications  - The Clerk read.


Ordinance #8 of 2008 authorizing amendment to the Code of the City of Auburn Chapter 242, Section 83 Article VII entitled Sewer Service Charges.  VOTE:  Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill. AYE.  CARRIED

Council Resolution #61 of 2008 authorizing the City Treasurer to purchase all outstanding tax liens that remain unpaid at the time of the 2008 City of Auburn tax sale on behalf of the City of Auburn.  VOTE:  Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill. AYE.  CARRIED

Council Resolution #62 of 2008 authorizing the City Manager to execute the required documents to be filed with the Home Rule Counsel of the Senate and with the Home Rule Counsel of the Assembly in connection with Senate Bill #S.5922 and Assembly Bill #A. 7161. VOTE:  Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill. AYE.  CARRIED

Council Resolution #63 of 2008 authorizing the City Council meetings be held at 4:00 p.m. starting on Thursday, June 26, 2008 and ending on Thursday, August 28, 2008 for the summer. VOTE:  Councilor Graney – no, Councilor McNabb – aye, Councilor Smith – no, Councilor Brower and Mayor Quill - aye. CARRIED

Council Resolution #64 of 2008 authorizing the City Council meeting of Thursday, July 3, 2008 be held on Wednesday, July 2, 2008 due to the 4th of July holiday festivities.  VOTE:  Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill. AYE.  CARRIED

Council Resolution #65 of 2008 authorizing property owners to participate in the Revolving Loan Sidewalk Program and the Sewer/Water Repair Program in the total amount of $252,630.38, to be charged as follows:  $176,096.11 charged to Account #HA 5497-440-001 for the Revolving Loan Sidewalk Program, $51,698.50 charged to Account #HG 8120-440-003 for Sewer Repairs and $24,835.77 charged to Account #HF 8340-440-002 for Water Repairs. VOTE:  Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill. AYE.  CARRIED

Financial Resolution #66 of 2008 authorizing a transfer from Contingency Account to pay for feasibility studies for a Fire Station and a Public Works Garage. VOTE:  Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith – no, Councilor Brower and Mayor Quill. aye.  DEFEATED

Agreement Resolution #67 of 2008 authorizing the Mayor to accept the proposal from QPK Design of Syracuse, New York, for professional services to prepare the feasibility studies for the Department of Public Works and the Fire Department, in an amount not to exceed $18,000.00 to be charged to Accounts #A1640.451 and #A3410.451. Motion to TABLE, Councilor Graney, seconded by Councilor Brower.  VOTE:  Councilor Graney – aye, Councilor McNabb and Smith – no, Councilor Brower and Mayor Quill. aye.  TABLED

Council Resolution #68 of 2008 authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids for two (2) refuse packers.  VOTE:  Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill. AYE.  CARRIED

Agreement Resolution #69 of 2008 authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Agreement with Tompkins Trust Company to provide banking services. VOTE:  Councilor Graney, abstained. Councilor McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill. AYE.  CARRIED

Agreement Resolution #70 of 2008 authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Agreement with Green & Seifter to provide auditing services. VOTE:  Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill. AYE.  CARRIED

Agreement Resolution #71 of 2008 authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Agreement with WeCare Holdings, LLC, of Jordan, New York to dispose of solid waste at the City’s landfill in compliance with all City, New York State and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation rules and regulations.  PULLED
Agreement Resolution #72 of 2008 authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Agreement for the administration of the City’s self-insured Police and Fire Workers’ Compensation Plan. . VOTE:  Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill. AYE.  CARRIED

Financial Resolution # 73 of 2008 approving amending the proposed 2008-09 City of Auburn Budget as detailed on the attached list.

Prior to voting Council discussed their recommendations for amendments to the budget. Each suggestion was discussed and a voice vote to determine consensus was taken.  The resolution, with amendments as indicated and formally attached to actual resolution was carried.  VOTE:  Councilor Graney, abstained. Councilor McNabb, Brower and Mayor Quill. aye.  CARRIED

Amendment Recommendations
*       Mayor Quill -
o       Reinstate the funding for the Civil Service secretary – $6143.  In favor – Mayor Quill, Councilors McNabb, Graney and Brower.  Opposed, Councilor Smith.
o       Increase salary for Civil Service Secretary - $2000. In favor – Mayor Quill, Councilors McNabb and Brower.  Opposed, Councilor Graney and Smith.
o       Add a fulltime corporation counsel position and keep the existing one with the addition of a secretary position. – $60,000 - In favor – Mayor Quill, Councilors McNabb and Brower.  Opposed, Councilor Graney and Smith.

*       Councilor McNabb  -
o       Eliminate funding for videotaping Commission meetings - $900. In favor – Mayor Quill, Councilors McNabb and Brower.  Opposed, Councilor Graney and Smith. Councilor Smith requested that all meetings be videotaped.  Council asked that the City Clerk look into the cost of taping Zoning, Planning, Civil Service and the Power Agency meetings.
o       Reinstate Civil Service Clerk to 100% funding in Civil Service Department Budget. - $9491.  In favor, Mayor Quill, Councilors McNabb and Brower.  Opposed, Councilor Graney and Smith.

*       Councilor Smith –
o       Eliminate funding for part time security at City Hall - $35,000.  In favor – Councilors McNabb, Brower, Graney and Smith. Opposed, Mayor Quill.
City Comptroller Lisa Green asked for consensus to ad $29,243 to the budget by reducing the contingency budget.  All but Councilor Smith agreed.

Financial Resolution #74 of 2008 authorizing adoption of the City Manager’s Recommended Budget for 2008-2009.  VOTE:  Councilor Graney, McNabb, Brower and Mayor Quill, aye Councilor Smith, no.  CARRIED

Council Resolution #75 approving the recommended fee schedule for 2008-09.  Prior to this vote Councilor Smith requested that the fees and requirements for a permit be eliminated for the following:
Bath remodeling
Additional rooms
Sheds and garages
Council agreed to eliminate the fees but require the permits be obtained. VOTE:  Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill. AYE.  CARRIED

Other Business – Councilor McNabb commented on the gas tax and the price of gas in towns and the city.  He questioned what benefit city residents were gaining by a gas tax cap. Council discussed.  

Adjournment – Council adjourned at 9:20PM