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City Council Meeting 03/27/2008

Auburn City Council
Meeting #12
March 27, 2008
Business Meeting

Roll Call – Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill – Present

Staff – Mark Palesh, City Manager, Debra McCormick, City Clerk, John Rossi, Corporation Counsel, Lisa Green, Comptroller, Bill Lupien, Engineering, Gary Giannotta, Police Chief, Mike Hammon, Fire Chief, Jenny Haines, Planning Director, Crystal Purcell, Planning.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Moment of Silent Prayer or Reflection – Mayor Quill asked for a moment of silence.

Mayor Quill introduced and welcomed town and county officials that were in attendance for the Amawalk Consulting Presentation.  Officials included: John Klink, Town of Owasco, Gary Searing, Town of Fleming, Patrick McIntosh, Dan Schuster, and Roger Mills, County Legislators, and Wayne Allen, County Manager.

Public to be Heard –
Mary Lou Picciano, 32 Cayuga St. Auburn – commented about her concerns regarding the Auburn Police Department.

Presentations and Proclamations   

Water Presentation  - Ed Markus, Amawalk Consulting Group, hired by the City to analyze the City’s water systems and fees.  Mr. Markus reviewed assessment opportunities to optimize cash flow and rates.  He distributed a handout and used a power point presentation.  Council discussed.

Mayor Quill called for a five-minute recess at 7:05PM.   Council was called back to order at 7:15PM.

Public Announcements - None

City Manager’s Report – Mr. Palesh had nothing to report other than to ask that Council adjourn to executive session at the end of the meeting for an item he needed to discuss.

Report of City Officials and Committee Reports - None

Presentation of Petition and Communications   - The Clerk read.


Bond Ordinance #2 of 2008, authorizing the issuance of $1,400,000 serial bonds to finance the cost of the 2008-2009 Road Improvement Program. Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill, aye.  PASSED.

Bond Ordinance #3 of 2008 authorizing issuance of $200,000 serial bonds to finance the cost of engineering services for the rehabilitation of the state dam.   Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill, aye.  PASSED.


Council Resolution #24 of 2008 determining that proposed actions are type II actions for purposes of the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act for the 2008-2009 Road Improvement Program. Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill, aye.  PASSED.

Council Resolution #25 of 2008 authorizing the Mayor to enter into a cooperative bidding agreement with the Auburn Enlarged City School District for janitorial supplies (cleaning products, glass cleaner, etc.) for the 2008-2009 fiscal year. Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill, aye.  PASSED.

Council Resolution #26 of 2008 authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids for the 2008 City Sidewalk Program.     Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill, aye.  PASSED.

Council Resolution #27 of 2008 authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids for the 2008 C.D.G.B. Sidewalk and Curb Replacement Program. Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill, aye.  PASSED.

Council Resolution #28 of 2008 authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids for the 2008 Road Improvement Program. Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill, aye.  PASSED.

Agreement Resolution #29 of 2008 authorizing the Mayor to execute an Authorization to Proceed with Barton & Loguidice, P.C., for Wetland Delineation Services for the City of Auburn, New York, in the amount of $6,500.00 to be charged to Account  #A1440.440. Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill, aye.  PASSED.

Financial Resolution #30 of 2008 authorizing amendment to the 2007-2008 City Budget.  Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill, aye.  PASSED.

Council Resolution #31 of 2008 authorizing the Mayor to execute the required contract and related documents associated with the Safe Routes to School Grant. Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, no, Brower and Mayor Quill, aye.  DEFEATED.  
Later in the meeting during the “other business” portion of the meeting Councilor Graney and Smith discussed why they were not in favor of this resolution. They discussed the need to have a grant fund sidewalks to be installed on Prospect Street. They questioned why it was selected.  Questioning the need, they felt that it might force other homeowners to install sidewalks at their own expense. Bill Lupien, Engineering Director and Planning Director, Jenny Haines explained the reasons that Prospect St. would be the best choice in terms of safety for children and for this grant to be approved. Council discussed alternatives.   After discussion Councilor Graney asked for a motion to reconsider this resolution. It passed. A motion to amend Resolution #31 to approve a grant for the Olympia Avenue area and not Prospect Street was seconded and passed.  A vote on the resolution as amended: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill.  PASSED.

Council Resolution #32 of 2008 authorizing the City Manager to apply for an Assistance to Firefighters Grant. Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill, aye.  PASSED.

Council Resolution #33 of 2008 authorizing appointments to the Historic Resources Review Board.  Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower, aye and because he is related to a member being appointed, Mayor Quill, abstained.  PASSED

Change Order Resolution #34 of 2008 authorizing Change Order#2 with F. Rizzo Construction Inc., for the East Genesee Street Reconstruction Project, in the amount of $122,015.13, to be charged as follows:  $7,164.75 charged to Account #HF8340.440.EW, $25,257.67 charged to Account #HG8120.440.310 and $89,592.71 to be charged to Account #HA5110.440.CJ.  Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill, aye.  PASSED.
There were no Local Laws or Tabled Legislation.

Other Business - None
Recap – None.  

Mayor Quill thanked Mr. Lupien for getting the report on the road program to him this

Council adjourned to executive session at 8:15PM and returned at 8:45PM.

Adjournment – Council adjourned at 8:45PM.