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City Council Meeting 09/27/2007
Auburn City Council
Meeting #40
September 27, 2007

Business Meeting

Roll Call – Councilors Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, present.  

Staff Members Present – Debby McCormick City Clerk; Lisa Green, Comptroller; John Rossi Corporation Counsel; Michael Hammon, Fire Chief.

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Mayor Lattimore asks for a moment of silence.

Public to be heard

Jerry Morgan, Pulaski St., spoke regarding neighborhood problems he is experiencing.  He mentioned safe streets and loud music at local bars.

Mary Lou Picciano, 32 Cayuga St. spoke to Council regarding her sons experience with the Auburn Police Department.

Walt Aikman, Liberty St., spoke to express his disappointment in the leadership of the City and reported that he would be taking a break from the volunteer work he has done with Grow Auburn’s Trees.  He stated he couldn’t work with a majority of City Council.

Presentations and Proclamations – The City Clerk read the Fire Prevention Week proclamation.  Mayor Lattimore presented it to the Fire Chief.    Chief Hammon thanked the Mayor and there was a brief discussion of the recent fire that destroyed the Highland Golf Country Club building.

Public Announcements – Mayor read various announcements.  He welcomed Crystal Purcell the City’s new CDBG Program Manager to the Planning Department and Debbie Calarco recently appointed to Zoning Board.

City Managers Report - None

Report of City Officials - none

Committee Reports - none

Presentation of Petition and Communications – Clerk read.

Ordinances - None


~Appointment Resolution #195 of 2007 authorizing an appointment to the Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC).  Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  PASSED

Council Resolution #196 of 2007 authorizing the acceptance of a Federal Grant, in the amount of $28,354.00 for the purchase of four Thermal Imaging Cameras for the Auburn Fire Department. Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  PASSED

Council Resolution #197 of 2007 authorizing the Mayor to apply for a Special State Grant through the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation for the Hoopes Park Band Concerts in the amount of $2,500.00, sponsored by Assemblyperson Gary Finch. Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  PASSED

Appointment Resolution #198 of 2007 authorizing appointment to the Board of Assessment Review. Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  PASSED

Land Sale Resolution #199 of 2007 authorizing the Mayor to execute documents for the sale of various properties.  Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  PASSED

Other Business

Councilor McNabb commented on complaints he has received about excessive charges and unfair rules at the Landfill.  

Councilor Dempsey commented on recent issues that have been reported in the local paper that all of Council have not been made aware of.  He discussed the need for better communication and more open discussion of issues at City Council meetings.  Council discussed.

Recap – The Clerk read.

Adjournment –Council adjourned at 7:45PM.