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City Council Meeting 09/13/2007
Auburn City Council
Meeting #38
September 13, 2007

Business Meeting

Roll Call – Councilors Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, present.  

Staff Members Present – Mark Palesh, City Manager; Michele McNabb, Deputy City Clerk; Lisa Green, Comptroller; John Rossi, Corporation Counsel; Gary Giannotta, Police Chief; Jennifer Haines, Planning Director; Michael Hammon, Fire Chief; Mike Long, CIP Manager.

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Mayor Lattimore asks for a moment of silence.

Mayor Lattimore opened the Public Hearing regarding Local Law #11 of 2007 adopting the terms and provisions of Section 421-k of the Real Property Tax Law providing property owners who invest in reconstruction of improving a multi-family dwelling, to receive a tax incentive.  Mayor Lattimore asked if anyone would like to be heard regarding Local Law #11.  

Jennifer Haines and John Rossi briefly explained that this Local Law is basically an incentive to encourage home owners to convert a multi-family to a single family or a two family owner-occupied home which will in turn improve the housing stock.          

Mayor Lattimore opened the Public Hearing regarding the 2007 Restore NY Grant Application and the Property Assessment List.  Mayor Lattimore asked if anyone would like to be heard on this topic.

Jennifer Haines explained to Council how this grant will help to revitalize downtown.  Money will be spent towards the Schine Theater and the Kalet Building.

Glenn Fletcher told Council that he applied to the City to be considered for this grant and was denied.  He asked that Council reconsider and include him as well as other applicants to be a part of this grant since the City can apply for up to 2.1M but they are only applying for 1.5M.

Ms. Haines told Council that the projects chosen must tie together.  They chose the Schine Theater and the Kalet building because they tie together.

Councilor Smith asked Ms. Haines what other proposals were submitted to the City regarding this grant.  Ms. Haines responded.  Councilor Smith then asked how much money it would take to restore the Schine’s Theater.  Ms. Haines referred to Susan Harris, Executive Director from the Cayuga County Arts Council to respond.  Ms. Harris told Council it will cost $7.7M.  She advised Council as to what repairs need to be done and how restoring this building will help revitalize downtown.

Cherry Love Duncan, Auburn resident, told council that she questions whether or not restoring the Schine’s Theater will benefit the citizens of Auburn.

Mayor Lattimore asked if anyone else would like to be heard on this topic.  Nobody else came forward.

Public to be Heard

Mary Lou Picciano, 32 Cayuga St. – spoke to council regarding issues with the Auburn Police Department and her son.

Mildred Boyce, 76 Orchard St. – spoke to council in regards to a letter she received from Paul Vitale regarding repairing Orchard St.  She would like clarification since she just had new curbs put in.  The City Manager told her he would contact her.

Presentations and Proclamations

The Deputy City Clerk read the following proclamation for the Mayor:

·       Proclaiming September 15th through September 21st Joseph E. Rice Memorial Chapter #103 Disabled Veterans Forget-Me-Not Days.  Bill Sullivan, Treasurer, thanked Mayor, Council and the citizens of Auburn for their support.

Public Announcements – Clerk read.

City Managers Report

Mr. Palesh reported on the following:

·       He attended a meeting hosted by the County regarding the future of economic development in the County.  One of the things discussed is a consolidated effort with the city for economic development.  He has a copy of the presentation for council to review if they would like.

Report of City Officials - none

Committee Reports - none

Presentation of Petition and Communications – Clerk read.

Ordinances - None


Agreement Resolution #189 of 2007 authorizing the Mayor to sign a Memorandum of Agreement with the Auburn School District funding the School Resource Officer Program for the school year 2007-2008. Gary Giannotta, Police Chief, explained to council the benefit of having this program in the schools.  Vote:  Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey, and Mayor Lattimore – aye.  Passed

Land Transfer Resolution #190 of 2007 authorizing the Mayor to execute any and all documents necessary to effect the transfer of 10 Garfield Street, Auburn, New York to Michael J. and Joan Sylvester.  John Rossi recommended that council vote in favor of this resolution because this way the property will go back on the tax rolls.  Vote:  Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey, and Mayor Lattimore – aye.  Passed

Mayor Lattimore closed the public hearing regarding the 2007 Restore NY Grant Application and the Property Assessment List.

Council Resolution #191 of 2007 declaring City of Auburn City Council support for the Restore NY Grant Project and authorizing the Mayor to execute all documents necessary to make application for and accept the Restore NY Grant.  PULLED

Financial Resolution #192 of 2007 authorizing the execution and delivery of a Lease-Purchase Agreement to finance the cost of a Fire Pumper Truck for the City of Auburn in an amount not to exceed $280,000.00.  Chief Hammond advised council as to how the lease agreement will work.  Council asked Lisa Green about the lease agreement.  Ms. Green responded.  Vote:  Councilor McNabb, Dempsey, and Mayor Lattimore – aye. Councilor Graney and Smith – no. Passed

Award Resolution #193 of 2007 authorizing the award of bid for the Fire Pumper Truck for the City of Auburn to American LaFrance, LLC, in the amount of $280,000.00 to be financed by a Lease-Purchase Agreement.  Vote:  Councilor McNabb, Dempsey, and Mayor Lattimore – aye. Councilor Graney and Smith – no. Passed

Local Law

Mayor Lattimore closed the public hearing regarding Local Law #11 of 2007 adopting the terms and provisions of Section 421-k of the Real Property Tax Law.

Local Law #11 of 2007 adopting the terms and provisions of Section 421-k of the Real Property Tax Law providing property owners who invest in reconstruction or improving a multi-family dwelling, to receive a tax incentive.  Vote:  Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey, and Mayor Lattimore – aye.  Passed

Tabled Legislation - None

Other Business -  

Councilor McNabb commented on the debate held at the Holiday Inn on Tuesday night.  He commented that in the Syracuse paper there was an article in regards to an absentee landlord in Syracuse receiving jail time and he would like Auburn to do the same.  Councilor McNabb said he would also like staff to prepare a healthcare indebtedness comparison cost on current fiscal year as opposed to the previous year.

Recap – Clerk Read

Council adjourned at 8:15PM.