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City Council Meeting 10/24/2007
Auburn City Council
Meeting # 43
October 24, 2007
Business Meeting

* This meeting is held on a Wednesday to accommodate Council attending a Chamber of Commerce event on Thursday.

Staff Members Present – Mark Palesh, City Manager, Debra McCormick City Clerk; John Rossi, Corporation Counsel; Bill Lupien, Engineering Superintendent.

Roll Call – Councilors Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, present.  

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Mayor Lattimore asks for a moment of silence.  

Public to be Heard  
Bob Hunter Gaylord St. spoke to Council regarding his issue with the City’s handling of the transfer of a paper street (McGarr St.) to an individual that was delinquent in paying property taxes.

Anthony De Caro, N. Herman Ave. representing the CSEA, spoke to Council regarding the City’s CanRX prescription plan for employees.  

Presentations and Proclamations   - None

Mayor Lattimore thanked the community, City staff, Wegmans, The Auburn Civic Band, Steve Gage, Jerry Delfavero and staff for their help welcoming home from the Auburn based National Guard's 222nd Military Police Company.

Mayor Lattimore congratulated the AHS vanguard band for winning first place.

Public Announcements - The City Clerk announced that Saturday October 27, 2007 is Passport Day from 9AM until 12 Noon.  The Clerk’s office will accept passport applications for citizens.

City Manager’s Report – Mr. Palesh asked John Rossi to respond to Mr. Hunter’s comments regarding McGarr St.  Mr. Rossi commented and stated Mr. Hunter’s information was in error.

Mr. Palesh reported the following:
*       He went to Washington, DC to investigate opportunities for CDBG grant funds.

*       The Stardust Foundation announced funding support for the City of Auburn to create a new master plan.  They will match half the expense of such an undertaking.  

*       Construction on the city hall basement vestibule began this week.

Report of City Officials
Matt Smith commented on and endorsed the referendum that will be on the November ballot eliminating the Civil Service Commission.  He stated his reasons in a prepared statement that he read.  

Committee Reports - None

Presentation of Petition and Communications    - The Clerk read.

Ordinances - None

Council Resolution #205 of 2007 approving an agreement for consulting services with Amawalk Consulting Group LLC.  (*See note) VOTE:  Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  PASSED.

*       Prior to the vote Mayor Lattimore asked Mr. Edward Marcus, Representative of Amawalk to review his proposal and experience. Council discussed.  

Council Resolution # 206 of 2007 authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids for the construction of Cell No 4 to provide additional lined disposal capacity at the City Landfill.  VOTE:  Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  PASSED.
Local Law – None

Tabled Legislation - None

Other Business

Councilor Graney commented on water billing and the issues of shutting off service to those that don’t pay.  He reported that of the 8700 water bills that go out, 7450 (85%) are paid on time and 1250 (14%) are not.  

Recap – None.

Adjournment Council adjourned at 7:20PM.