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City Council Meeting 10/18/2007
Auburn City Council
Meeting #43
Thursday October 18, 2007
Work Session


Roll Call – Councilors Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, present.
Staff Members Present – John Rossi, Corporation Counsel, (Acting City Manager) City Clerk Debra McCormick; Michael Hammon, Fire Chief; Bill Lupien, Engineering Superintendent.

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Mayor Lattimore asks for a moment of silence.

Presentations and Proclamations – Mayor Lattimore introduced Steve Land, CEO of Central Hudson Energy Group.  Mr. Land spoke to Council about his company and their selection by the Auburn Power Agency to work with the City and ECO Technologies.  

Public Announcements - The Clerk read

Presentations of Petitions and Communications - None

Ordinances - None
Local Laws ~~- None

Work Session

Bill Cetti, ECO Technologies Update on the Bio-digester and Methane Recovery

Mr. Cetti reported the following:
q       The agreement process with Central Hudson is being worked on and attorneys are working on the language of agreements.  
q       The process after agreements will include finalizing lease agreements, energy services agreements, etc.  
q       Once these are signed then options for processing and construction will be examined.
q       He predicted that by November 2007 final engineering would be completed.
q       In February 2008 construction will begin and in April 2008 weather permitting, construction will begin.  
q       It is expected that the City could start commissioning the plant December 2008.

Black Dot wireless – Lease Agreements

Mr. Rossi, Corporation Counsel explained on behalf of Mr. Fusco that this would be discussed at next weeks Council meeting.  Mr. Fusco was unavailable for this meeting.

Lisa Green – Quarterly Report

Ms. Green reviewed the financial report for the quarter ending September 30, 2007.  Council discussed.

Discussion on Amendment to the Water Ordinance

John Rossi discussed various issues that will arise as shut off notices go out.  

Lisa Green, Comptroller presented suggestions to adjusting the policy.  She distributed an outline to Council and discussed statistics and various scenarios that will occur as a result of shut off letters being mailed and actual shut off activities.

Council directed the Comptroller to hold off on sending the second letter (shut off notice) for one week so that they could talk with the City Manager when he returns.

Other Business
Councilor Dempsey asked about the town of Throop water bill and if it had been paid.  It had not according to the Comptroller.   Mayor Lattimore explained that he wrote a letter to the town asking for payment and has not seen results.

Councilor Graney asked Bill Lupien, City Engineer about the status of repainting light poles on South St.  He stated that paint is pealing off and wanted to know what is being done.  Council discussed.

Mayor Lattimore asked Mr. Lupien for an update on downtown redevelopment and road programs.  Mr. Lupien reported the following:

§       He estimated in three weeks construction could be done for this year.  
§       Trees are being delivered this week.  
§       85-90 % of construction work is done now.  
§       Benches and trees are being installed and planted
§       This week Exchange St Mall will be open to pedestrians.  
§       E. Genesee St going well
§       90% of road program streets are done.
§       Wall St is 55% done.  Senator Nozzolio will be on hand for a ribbon cutting ceremony this Saturday on Wall St.  Work is expected to be done by Thanksgiving.  

Councilor Dempsey suggested that the City hold a reception for the soldiers returning from Iraq to Auburn.  Mayor Lattimore stated that he spoke to representatives from the Armory and they strongly recommend that there be no political speeches or large fanfare at the Armory so that families could be reunited in a calm and private place.  


Adjournment ~- Meeting adjourned at 5:30PM.