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City Council Meeting 11/15/2007
Auburn City Council
Work Session
Meeting #46
Thursday, November 15, 2007

Roll Call – Councilors Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, present.  

Staff Members Present – Mark Palesh, City Manager, Debra McCormick City Clerk,  John Rossi, Corporation Counsel,  Bill Lupien, Engineering Superintendent, Marie Didio, Secretary to the Mayor, Mike Long, CIP Manager, Mike Hammon, Fire Chief.

Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Lattimore asked for a Moment of Silent Prayer or Reflection

Presentations and Proclamations  - None

Public Announcements - Mayor Lattimore made several announcements.

Presentations of Petitions and Communications – None

Ordinances  - None

Local Laws   - None

Work Session

1.      Business Improvement District – Reporting Committee - Dan Schuster Executive Director of the BID stated that he plans to report to City Council at least once per month.  He discussed BID plans to focus on four key areas:

§       Government relations – interaction between business owners and city departments.
§       Downtown Beautification – working on programs and plans to obtain grants to keep area attractive.
§       Business recruitment challenges - Discussed clearinghouse to help property owners to fill vacancies.
§       Events - Plan promote, and organize events.  This year’s holiday parade is scheduled for 11/21 at 6 pm and a family fun day is planned for Saturday.

2.      John Walsh Boulevard Phase II Update - Seth Kaeuper of Om Popli Engineers updated Council on the John Walsh Boulevard Phase II - North Street phase of the project. Mr. Kaeuper distributed a handout illustrating his power point presentation. He reviewed the alternative plans to address completion of the project. City Manager Mark Palesh asks several questions regarding the roundabout intersection option and its ability to work. Council discussed. Councilor Graney expressed concern about truck traffic.  

a.      McFarland Johnson – Update on York Street. Mike Long, CIP Manager gave a brief summary of the progress on the York St. project and identified the issues that need to be decided by Council to move the project forward.  The project is expected to go out to bid next year.
Other Business – Mayor Lattimore announced that next week’s Council meeting time and date change for the Thanksgiving Holiday.

The City Manager reported on the status of parking kiosks installation, which he said would be soon.  He also reported that a traffic sign survey is being done with the intention of eliminating signs that are not needed, to clean up streets and promote citywide beautification.

Mr. Palesh announced that Auburn Police would be checking for driver seat belt and cell phone use in the City. They are working with funds provided by New York State to pay for extra police hours. He concluded by reporting that the crow dispersal program which done by City Public Works employees is continuing.

Mayor Lattimore asked Chief Hammon for update on the Fire Department overtime situation.  Chief Hammon responded that one third of the budget is spent.  Two firefighters are out of work at this time.  Several grievances are also being dealt with.  

Mayor Lattimore commented on the new fire truck that is due over for being delivered by 3 months. He questioned if there would be penalty imposed.   

Mayor Lattimore thanked his family for attending this meeting. (meeting was on the evening of the day the Mayoral election was determined)  Mayor Lattimore called it a tough week and wished Mayor Elect Quill good luck

Recap - None

Adjournment  - Council adjourned at 7:30PM.