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City Council Meeting 11/01/2007
Auburn City Council
Meeting # 44
November 1, 2007

Business Meeting

Roll Call – Councilors Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, present.  

Staff Members Present – Mark Palesh, City Manager, Debra McCormick City Clerk; Lisa Green, Comptroller; John Rossi, Corporation Counsel, Police Chief Gary Giannotta, Mike Long, CIP Manager.

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Mayor Lattimore asks for a moment of silence.  

Presentations and Proclamations   
Mayor Lattimore presented the Key to the City to Mr. Christopher Spagnola. Mr. Spagnola was recently awarded the “Legion of Honor” by the French Republic in gratitude and appreciation for his service as a U.S. Air Force pilot during World War II.  Assemblyman Gary Finch presented Mr. Spagnola with the NYS Meritorious Cross on behalf of the State of New York.  

The City Clerk read a proclamation designating Wednesday November 7, as Disability Mentoring Day in the City of Auburn.  Mayor Lattimore presented it to Mr. Tom McCellop.

Public AnnouncementsNone.

Presentation of Petition and Communications    - None

Ordinances and Local Laws – None

Work Session

Construction Cell #4 of the Auburn Landfill - Presentation by Barton and Loguidice

Paul Dudden, of Barton & Loguidice Engineers, reported to Council on the status of the Landfill Cell #4 construction.   Council discussed.

Police Chief Gary Giannotta updated Council on the installation of parking meters downtown. He also discussed parking kiosks.

Security Cameras for Downtown

Chief Giannotta discussed the use of security cameras for the Exchange St Mall. He reported that it would help prevent vandalism and protect the tremendous investment that has been put into downtown.  

Jenny Haines reported on feedback they obtained from downtown business owners regarding the use of cameras.

Discussion on Comprehensive Plan
The City Manager discussed the comprehensive plan that is in place and reported that it is time to do a new one.  He reported that the Stardust Foundation will fund half of the expense and he thanked them for that.  Planning would like to do RFP for the project as soon as possible. The estimate is about $100,000 for the project.  

Other Business

Mayor Lattimore asked about construction on the State St Mall.  He asked why the road is being torn up.  Mr. Palesh explained that the utility company started work before the City was made aware and that the bank was having work done that required the construction work on the street.

The City Manager reported that crow hazing started today and will continue through Monday.

The City Manager also distributed a form that will be used to track problems regarding property maintenance issues. Property owners will be given this form as a warning to correct violations before further action is taken.  

Mayor Lattimore commented on the water shut off policy. He stated that he didn’t want to hurt senior citizens on fixed incomes. The Manager said the Comptroller is working with people to help resolve issues of payment and to date there have been no shut offs.

Councilor Smith read a statement regarding the Civil Service Commission referendum that will be on the ballot on November 6 this year.  His statement supported elimination of the commission.

City Council, Mayor Lattimore, and the City Manager discussed the issue.

Councilor McNabb commented on the amount of accidents on John Walsh Blvd.

Mayor Lattimore stated the traffic on Standard Ave. is heavy.

Corporation Counsel John Rossi reported that he is in the process of. purchasing lands to complete John Walsh Blvd construction.

Council adjourned at 8:10PM