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City Council Meeting 06/07/2007
Auburn City Council
Meeting #23
June 7, 2007

Work Session Meeting – Budget Public Hearing

Roll Call – Councilors Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, present.

Staff Members Present – Mark Palesh, City Manager; Debra McCormick, City Clerk; Bill Lupien, Engineering Superintendent, Lisa Green Comptroller, Mike Long CIP Manager, John Rossi, Corporation Counsel, Mike Talbot, Landfill Supervisor, Jerry DelFavero, Public Works Director, Gary Giannotta, Police Chief, Mike Hammon, Fire Chief, Maria DelloStritto, RSVP Director, Angie McLeod, Secretary.

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Mayor Lattimore opened the Public Hearing on the City Manager’s recommended Budget for 2007-2008.  He invited anyone present wishing to comment on the budget to come forward to speak.

Karen Burns, Executive Director of the Auburn Human Rights Commission spoke to discuss the benefits of the Human Rights Office and asked that the budget be amended and the position kept.

Barb Bowen, 25 Grover St. and member of the Human Services Coalition, spoke to ask Council to keep the Human Rights position and the Planning position that is now vacant, but being cut.  

Earl Starring 214 Woodlawn Ave. spoke about the Human Rights position and various other topics.

Gloria Griffin, Executive Director, Seneca Cayuga Action Agency, resident of 107 Chapman Ave., spoke against cutting positions in the City Budget.  She commented on the elimination of City Manager Secretary Angie McLeod’s position and the impact on the number of African American employees working for the City.

Sally Piazza Mailer 6 North Fulton St. – spoke about the water sewer deficit, and was not in favor of an increase in rates. She was in support of non-profit property owners paying for trash pick up.

Dave Connelly, Owasco 327 Cliffside Dr. (former editor of The Citizen), shared a story about race and the pain of discrimination.

Imam Mohammed Abdul Rahem, Genesee St. Auburn, spoke as a supporter of the Human Rights Commission and asked Council to reconsider plans to eliminating it.

Tom Gabak, 146 Washington St. and President of the CSEA stated he hoped that the Council would reconsider and keep all positions scheduled to be cut.

Mayor Lattimore and the City Manager commented.

Karen Burns, Human Rights Director spoke in disagreement with the Manager and Mayor.

Public Announcements – None.

The City Clerk read Communications.

Ordinances – First Readings
The Clerk read for the record Ordinance #10 of 2007authorizing amendment to Auburn City Code, Chapter 254, Article VII, Section 254-36 entitled Solid Waste – Auburn Landfill.

The Clerk read for the record Ordinance # 11 of 2007 authorizing amendment to Auburn City Code, Chapter 297 entitled Water Service.

The Clerk read for the record Ordinance #12 of 2007 authorizing amendment to Auburn City Code Chapter 254 entitled Solid Waste.

Local Law – First Reading
The Clerk read a summary of Local Law #5 of 2007 (due to the 20 page length of law) authorizing amendment to Auburn City Code, Chapter 254 entitled Solid Waste.

Work Session

Budget – The Mayor and Manager discussed and clarified the proposal to charge tax-exempt properties for trash collection.

Other Business

By consensus Council agreed to amend the agenda and include Council Resolution #125 of 2007 authorizing the City Clerk to execute the required documents to be filed with the Home Rule Counsel of the Assembly.

Council Resolution #125 of 2007 authorizing the City Clerk to execute the required documents to be filed with the Home Rule Counsel of the Assembly in connection with the Bill stated herein above. Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey, Mayor Lattimore, aye.  PASSED.

Councilor McNabb requested a resolution be brought for a vote requesting State and Federal officials work to stop the closing of the local Social Security Office.
Councilor Dempsey asked that the intersection of Pulaski and State St. be looked at by the Chief for pedestrian crossing safety.

Councilor Smith reviewed items on the proposed Fee Schedule that he would like changed.

Councilor Dempsey asked for a work session to exam the Codes Department.

Mayor Lattimore reported that he gets many complaints from citizens regarding code regulations.

Jenny Haines, Planning Director reported that the Housing, Zoning and Building Code would be subject to a complete review. She has sent out a Request for Qualifications and expects to ask for Councils approval by June 28th.

City Manager Mark Palesh explained that making the code more user friendly will address issues such as the city’s aging community and lack of new development.

Councilor Smith asked what the status of T & K Lumbers paving project is.  Ms. Haines promised to report back.

Council adjourned to executive session at 7:35PM and returned at 8:00PM.

Council adjourned at 8:00PM.