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City Council Meeting - 09/28/2006
Auburn City Council
Meeting #47
September 28, 2006
6:00PM  - Meeting began at 6:25PM

Roll Call – Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – Present.   

Staff Members Present – Mike Long Interim City Manager, Thomas Leone Corporation Counsel, Debra McCormick City Clerk, Gary Giannotta Police Chief, William Lupien, Engineering Superintendent, Frank DeOrio Municipal Utilities Director, Gerry DelFavero Public Works Supervisor.

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.   

The Mayor asked for a moment of silence.   

Presentations and Proclamations – There were no proclamations.

Mayor Lattimore opened the Public Hearing and invited anyone that wished to speak regarding the City’s Grant Application to the Restore NY Communities Initiative Municipal Grant Program for the proposed redevelopment of the Wegman Piano Factory to come forward.  

Dan Schuster, District 13 Legislator spoke to support the project.  

Larry Liberatore, 27 Fourth Ave. spoke in favor of the project.

Mike Long speaking on behalf of the Historic Resource Review Board spoke in support of the project.

Steve Lynch, Director of Planning and Economic Development discussed the project and his desire to see it move forward.  

Earl Staring, Woodlawn Ave. spoke in favor of the project.

Carey Eidel, downtown business owner (Dadabbo’s Pizza and Auburn Public Theater) spoke in support of the project.

With no other citizens coming forward Mayor Lattimore stated he would keep the Public Hearing open and continue with the agenda.

Mayor Lattimore introduced Maxine Alberici, Chair of the Historic Sites Commission.  She and her son, a teacher, presented a power point presentation to explain a new program they will offer in schools to promote Auburn’s history.

Mayor Lattimore addressed Dan Schuster to congratulate the County on hiring its’ first County Manager.  

Mayor Lattimore announced there would be a tree lighting ceremony to commemorate the RISE Breast Cancer Awareness walk scheduled for October 1st.  

Mayor Lattimore announced that he and Mike Long met with Joe Leo Grande and a Korean professor from the SU Maxwell School to discuss developing a relationship between South Korea and Auburn.

Public Announcements  - The Clerk read.

City Manager’s Report –
Mike Long, Interim City Manager reported on the following:
·       C&S Engineers status update on E. Genesee St. design
·       Traffic signal update
·       The Power Agency met this week.
·       NYPA official Dave Laney will attend Council possibly next week for an update.
·       At the Council’s request Corporation Counsel will discuss amending Council Rules and Procedures at the October 12th council meeting.

Council discussed the rules and procedures issue briefly.

Public to be heard –
Earl Starring, 214 Woodlawn Ave. spoke to Council about various issues.

Mary Lou Picciano 32 Cayuga St. spoke to Council about her issues with the Auburn Police Department.

Larry Liberatore, Auburn – spoke in favor of the Downtown Renovation Project and urged Council to go forward with it.

Sandy Crane, 90 Hamilton Ave., and Executive Director of the Auburn Downtown Bid spoke to urge Council to support the project that has been 5 years in planning.

Carey Eidel, 145 S. Hoopes Ave., and downtown business owner spoke in support of the project moving forward.

Glen Churchill, UPS Store owner, spoke in support of the project.

Mary McGrath, COCAP representative spoke to endorse Mike Long as a permanent City Manager and to support the downtown redevelopment project.

Council Resolution #234 of 2006 authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract with Villager Construction Inc., of Fairport, New York for the Auburn Downtown Improvement Project, in the amount of $1,824,500.00 to be charged to Account #HA 8020.440 DW (HUD 108 Project Funding Account).  Vote: Councilor Graney, no; Councilor McNabb, yes; Councilor Smith, no; Councilor Dempsey, yes and Mayor Lattimore, abstained. NOT CARRIED.  (A tie vote is a defeat)  Prior to the vote Steve Lynch, Planning Director and Council discussed the pros and cons of approving the resolution that would hire a contractor to begin the process of downtown improvements as planned.  

Financial Resolution #235 of 2006 authorizing transfer of funds within the 2006-2007 Fire Department Budget.  Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey, aye and Mayor Lattimore, no.  CARRIED.

Council Resolution #236 of 2006 authorizing the Interim City Manager to prepare and submit a Request for Qualifications to qualified firms specializing in workplace violence procedures, education and training.  Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  CARRIED.

Council Resolution #237 of 2006 authorizing the Interim City Manager to advertise for bids for the sale of surplus logs at the Auburn Landfill. Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  CARRIED.

Council Resolution #238 of 2006 approving the expenditures presented for payment and authorizing the Comptroller to process the payment of same.  Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  CARRIED.

Council Resolution #239 of 2006 declaring City Council’s support for the proposed redevelopment of the Wegman Piano Factory and authorizing the Mayor to execute any and all documents necessary to make application for and accept the Restore NY Communities Initiative Municipal Grant Program. Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  CARRIED.

Appointment Resolution #240 of 2006 authorizing the permanent appointment of Michael H. Long as City Manager and authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract for same.  PULLED

Land Resolution #241 of 2006 authorizing the Mayor to execute any and all documents necessary to affect the transfer of 61 Lake Avenue Auburn NY to Elizabeth Northrup.  Vote: Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  CARRIED.

Second Public to be Heard
Dan Schuster, 123 E. Genesee St. spoke to Council about the Mayor abstaining from the vote on the Downtown Redevelopment Resolution.  He felt it was a dereliction of the Mayor’s duty to not vote yes or no.  

Mayor Lattimore responded.

Other Business
Council discussed the City Manager search.  Councilor Smith proposed a group of employees to sit on the search committee.  He preferred it not be Department Heads with the exception of Lisa Green.  He suggested Mike Talbot, Tony DeCaro, Bruce Ross, and Chris DeProspero and Lisa Green.  Councilor Smith also suggested a proposed time line for the search process.  October 9 for the ad to run.  November 11, as the application deadline, with December 4 as a first cut and December 18th to begin interviews.  Council discussed these ideas and decided they should have a special meeting to discuss the Manager’s search.  They opted to meet on Monday October 2, 2006 at 7:30PM.  Corporation Counsel drafted Resolution #242 to schedule the meeting.  Council voted unanimously to approve it.

Councilor Smith asked for the status of the vacancy in the water filtration plant.  

Mayor Lattimore asked Corporation Counsel about the issue Mr. Schuster raised regarding his vote.  Mr. Leone responded.

Councilor Smith and Dempsey discuss issues regarding the budget, the landfill and police staffing.  Councilors discussed the issues.

Councilor Graney asked the status of the dam.  Mr. Lupien responded.

Council adjourned to executive session at 9:45PM and returned at 10:05PM

Meeting adjourned at 10:05PM